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Everything posted by Cr1028

  1. I felt bad for both Meager and Woody, they both did there best and took tremendous shots. Meager took one right on the chin and it was the hit of the game. If we don't spend the next year recruiting the best offensive line class that has ever come through here then the offfseason will have been a failure.
  2. You're right, next time, while you're trying to enjoy and get into the game why don't you have your neighbor blast kazoo music into you freakin ear and see how your demeanor turns out.
  3. I like your ideas. You're a smart man.
  4. HAHA, now thats funny, I don't care who ya are.
  5. haha, I was telling my buddy how nice it would be if they allowed beer in the stadium, it sure would've calmed my nerves
  6. I'll be watching for that because they're only up 14-0 so far.
  7. Just a note, Etheridge is the O-line coach and the O-line is what I see as the key to our stalled offense. Lineberry was All-conference and used to be a stud, seems like he's lost it. Etheridge's first year was the year Jamario won the rushing title. I could attribute that to his predecessor whose line block for a rushing champ as well. Etheridge's second year led for a 1000 yard rusher but only because Cobbs was one hard-nosed son of a gun. Looking back I don't think I can blame last year all on Meager anymore. I think the O-line coach wittled our line away. Just my opinion.
  8. I'm busy watching the game again. I recorded it so I could rewatch it for fun but now I'm just doing it for analysis. I'm up to just about halftime and can see some definite adjustments that need to be made. First off, defensively, our 'backers have no business in pass coverage, they are ineffective at best and would be better off just blitzing and pressuring the quarterback. Also, Sky Pruitt is playing like a beast so far. Second, offensively, the O-line has no explosiveness off the ball. You cannot run block without firing out of the hole. They stand up as if the are going to pass block and then meet them at the line of scrimmage. If you are going to be a power running team you have to ATTACK the defense. So ATTENTION O-LINE: DO NOT STAND UP STRAIGHT AND PASS BLOCK ON RUNNING PLAYS. Also, Lineberry is WAY too slow to pull and lead Jamario, that just ain't happenin.
  9. "In 2001 Etheridge authored the book "Coaching Front Liners"......" And look for the sequel in 2006, "Coaching Front Liners Into Mediocrity"
  10. First off, before the game really got bad, I was already in a bad mood because the cheerleaders decided it would be a good idea to put some terrible speakers right in front of the fans. Well have you ever heard someone talk through a kazoo? Well this was it through and megaphone and amplified 1000 times. I asked the security guy if they could turn it off and he got the job done but a few minutes later the cheerleaders turned it back on again. It was like the most annoying bumble bee ever on already a bad night. The Talons seemed to not really care about the game but did seem to care that they were in there assigned seats. I saw them make some true fans move down a ways. In my opinion, a "spirit" squad should at least give a damn about the sports they are cheering for.
  11. I'm going to have to back Dickey on this one. Games are won and lost at the line of scrimmage and both O and D lines looked like they had no intensity at all. Pass blocking is stuff you learn in Junior High and High School. If these guys decide they don't feel like playing one night, I don't think you can blame the coach. And to reflect, the only way we beat SMU was because Woody was running for his life. Even Woody can't dodge 4 defenders at a time. Somebody needs to take the boys by the facemask and get their intensity up. BIG TIME.
  12. It doesn't matter if Parcells is the coach, Peyton is the quarterback and LT is trhe running back. Nobody can win without a good front 5. They really let us down and no one man can lead a football team to victory on his own. Ask Barry Sanders.
  13. It seems that the past couple of days the posts have gone from displaying the whole thread to only the original post with clickable dropdowns at the bottom to read the responses. Did I mess something up or is the whole board this way now?
  14. What would you guys do different if you were in his shoes and wanted to turn things around? It is no secret that we had poor quarterback play last year but if you look in the bios, we have a ton of former HS QBs in the roster. We've got what could be one the the best QB's UNT has ever seen in Woody Wilson. The tools are all in place, we just need the team to grow together like the Scott Hall/Patrick Cobbs teams did. I believe once this team meshes we'll set the conference on fire again.
  15. This kind of stuff gives me hope that we have a bright future. (meaning the coach realizes changes need to be made and someone needs an asswhooping)
  16. I know right, I'm just glad he came upon this revelation after Tulsa.
  17. You have to get back to where you were before you can move forward. I think replacing the coach would be a step backwards. He's done what we've asked this year. The way I see it, the two biggest gripes this season(before this week) were to make Woody the qb and to pass the ball more. Well we did that in Akron so we are making progress and I bet MTSU won't have the same kickoff success that Akron did.
  18. Going off coaching, I disagree. I have to say that 2 important things happened at Akron. We opened the second page of the playbook and got Johnny Quinn his first touchdown reception. We let Woody do his thing without pulling him. This allowed Jamario to show some signs of life. Kickoff coverage got a hurtin put on them yes, but don't forget that we also blocked a punt and recovered an onside kick. Special teams is not a total loss. I'm sure someone on the kickoff team will get chewed this week over blown coverage. The positives I see are that the playbook is expanding, Woody is starting to mesh with his teammates and has 3 years left. Jamario has another year left and Evan seems to have great speed to back him up too. I think as the team grows together, we are in for greener pastures during Woody's tenure. After that? I guess we'll see.
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