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Everything posted by Cr1028

  1. Wow, you guys impress the heck out of me with your knowledge and how long you've followed the team. I'm honored to read about it.
  2. Rick you're my hero. You know everything and you are at everything. A real fan that a team can be proud of.
  3. But what about the 2nd half when you really need it?
  4. It seems like we were quite the team in 1988, beating Tech and getting screwed out of a win by Texas. Anyone around for this season? Oh yea, something else I was wondering, was Stone Cold any good when he played for us?
  5. Excerpt from UNT recruiting visit: Well, you'll get to play but I can't guarantee you'll gain a yard son. We really just don't have the budget here to make a winning season. Also, the offense we run is rather limited so I don't know if we'd be able to showcase your skills here. And besides, if you get the chance at a school with a bigger budget, then jump all over it boy. But if nobody else wants you and you need a free 4 years of school, then this may be the place for you.
  6. If anybody could find out for me for sure I'd be grateful. I was looking at the meangreensports website and clicked onto the MGC link and it made it seem that you had to be a season ticket holder to get those incentives.
  7. I wish him the best and a speedy recovery.
  8. Truthfully it is because I am a student. I don't need season tix because I get in for free with my ID. I would join to get the parking pass and hospitality deck but you can only get those with season tickets. I guess after I graduate when it is time to buy season tickets is when I'll join MGC.
  9. You know I've always taken up for the coach because I think he is a good man but I realized something today. Texas won the National Championship last year. In the offseason Mack Brown lost by far the best offensive weapon he has had since at least Ricky Williams. He also lost two bigtime playmakers in the secondary. They have to start a quaterback who never saw a gametime college snap til this year. They have faired well. The only loss was to #1 Ohio State and that game wasn't out of reach has some things gone the other way for them. They are still ranked #7 in the nation. We are on the waiting list for the bottom 10. Ranked LAST in total offense out of 119 schools. We are not trying to win National Championships. We are talking about the SUN BELT. If Mack Brown can rework his team to fit a new quarterback why can't rework our team to fit A quarterback? Something needs to happen. Fire the O-line coach, grab the team by the helmet and MAKE them want to win again. It doesn't matter, just get the job done! If you are a car salesman and you can't sell cars, guess what? Coaches are paid to WIN, not just occupy a position, so my advice here is to SELL SOME DAMN CARS ALREADY!
  10. If this is true I'm going to hide under a rock for the next 4 years. I can't take 4 more years of the garbage we've seen the last few weeks.
  11. I TOTALLY agree with this. A laid back football player ends up a laid-out football player. A pissed off football player uses it on the field and does the laying out. Where is "Bobby Boucher" when you need him?
  12. I think I will dream of that for the rest of the season. Thanks Rick.
  13. What time is this deal going on? Where will the tent be? And what kind of challenges are these?
  14. I think it's cool that in 1948 we were in the salad bowl. Haha.
  15. I'd take RC strictly because of the name recognition in the Texas recruiting area.
  16. Gotcha, by the way, is the MGC limited to alumni or can diehard students join?
  17. Yea, it was pretty bad. I just didn't realize how bad the O-line really is until I rewatched it. I also saw that they have zero respect for any eligible receiver(including tight ends) we have outside of Quinn and Nwigwe. You see the other guys open time and again but we never throw it their way so the D doubles up Quinn and Joel and then stack the line for J-Mo.
  18. Yes but if none of the eggs look like a football you're still screwed.
  19. I'll be there like I am for every home game. Rain or Shine. Win or Lose. Blocking or No Blocking.
  20. If this is the case then why join the MGC if it doesn't have any effect on your main concerns? Edit: I don't mean to disrespect the other sports, just concerned with the specifics of money and where it goes.
  21. I sure wish it had those answers. I just had to rewatch it to give myself some answers.
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