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Everything posted by Cr1028

  1. I've been screaming this as long as I can remember. We need a coach that takes losing personally and doesn't just shrug it off. We need a coach that truly bleeds green.
  2. 1: Teach the team the importance of each conference game. Understand that you don't get to go to New Orleans with 2 losses if MTSU and Arky St are 3-0 in conference play. 2: Stop being "paycheck" players. Seems like some of them are out there because it pays for their school or they have to. You can see that quite a few players lack any intensity.
  3. I heard on ESPN that he was fired today.
  4. From what I read on the FIU board, it seems that star wideout Lance Leggett hit one of the FIU players that was swinging his crutches but it was away from the larger group so there is no video. Swinging crutches or not, I don't see how you can go hit someone unprotected with a leg injury while you're wearing full pads and a helmet.
  5. The second announcer is an idiot. "I was gonna jump in the elevator and go down there" Great Example!
  6. I don't even think Peyton Manning could have much success throwing while on his back.
  7. I don't care if he weighs 160lbs and runs a 6.0 as long as he can freakin block somebody.
  8. It depends. If the coaches let Woody improvise. I say throw in Woody. If they try to make him play the "system", put in Meager. Woody is a do what it takes, just make it happen quarterback. Phillips is a system quarterback with Meager being a system quarterback with sparks of spontaneity.
  9. I'm with you on this one man....seriously. SMU has their stuff together now. Won again against Marshall today.
  10. Just playing the "what if" game here but what if we could swap RF for perhaps a Tommie Frazier? Same style QB but Frazier was at a much higher level. I think he'd be at least as good in the playcalling dept. plus he has the "name" that could help in recruiting. He's the head coach of a no name school in Nebraska. What are your thoughts? PS. I know he was at Baylor. I was at Casey Stadium when they beat us in '99.
  11. Wow! This guy predicted our fall from grace last year. Also it seems to be the same old song and dance in the commentary. Change the play calling and coaching staff.
  12. I think his success was holdover from the previous coach who also paved the way for Cobbs' rushing title.
  13. This is the key! Lack of depth means a poor practice squad. That leads to an unprepared football team. Is there a rule out there that you can't hire coaches to put pads on and really show the guys to play. The O-line is soft because our scout D-line is soft.
  14. He was very accurate the first few games until the O-line was introduced to Ole' blocking.
  15. I honestly think that allowing or selling beer inside the stadium would increase attendance by at least 1K.
  16. I'm in the same boat. I left after Woody threw the INT returned for a TD. I wish I would have stayed. Happy Bday my friend.
  17. me too! ...........but they have to be a "name" coach
  18. I agree. I'd get happy feet in that "pocket" too. I think is that they are trying to convert him into a "Dickey" quarterback instead of letting him just do it like he did in Austin and against SMU.
  19. I came and stayed until Woody's interception was returned for a TD. I couldn't stand sitting through another game last week. I had given up on us scoring a touchdown. I stood corrected. I'm glad we won.
  20. I feel bad for our players. They worked hard and came out with a victory. I'm sure they're all excited. I just hope that reading the board doesn't bring them down again. We need any kind of turnaround we can get. As far as the game itself. Defense played great. Offense, same old story but J-Mo broke a couple good runs, he was on the brink of going the distance on at least 2. Johnny Quinn and Zach Muzzy impressed the hell out of me. I admire Meager's coming off the bench and taking some shots and putting us in the position to go to OT. BUT O-line is still terrible. They don't block worth a dang on most plays and the ones that they are blocking on, they get called for holding. Go figure.
  21. Wow, you guys impress the heck out of me with your knowledge and how long you've followed the team. I'm honored to read about it.
  22. Rick you're my hero. You know everything and you are at everything. A real fan that a team can be proud of.
  23. But what about the 2nd half when you really need it?
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