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Everything posted by Cr1028

  1. Thank you RV for everything you do for us.
  2. Hawaii is #1 in passing yards, scoring, and total offense in the nation. Of course they are going to give up yardage, all the passing lengthens the game and the quick scoring gives the other team more possessions. They have given up less than half the number of points they have scored. I think they are doing rather well. The only losses were to Boise State and Alabama. They lost those 2 games to quality opponents by a combined 15pts. Edit: I looked into the stats and you're right. They give up 391.8 yds/game, a full 50 per game more than UNT. They give up roughtly the same # off rushing yards with about 1450 a piece for the season. The difference is the passing offenses out there, they have given up 2456yds passing to NTs 1969. The only problem is that yards don't win the game, points do. UNT gives up 26.4 pts/gm to the 22.6pts/gm for UH. Add in 11 ints compared to NTs 6 and I think Hawaii stacks up pretty well.
  3. I agree, I mean, the Mavs didn't even start their season til we had what, 1, maybe 2 home games left for the season. I seriously doubt very many of the 15-20k at Fouts would have been at the AA center if UNT weren't playing. We don't pose the slightest threat to the Mavs, period. You can buy Mavs gear EVERYWHERE. Where can you buy UNT stuff??? Only at the UNT bookstores.
  4. Either way, they are my top two choices. I just think that if Jerry brought in a good OC with him, his experience would give him the upper hand.
  5. Look at this 2 ways. Hire Todd Dodge. A good deal of local media attention. The recruits are excited to play for the one of the best HS coaches around. Hire Jerry Glanville. A great deal of national media attention. The recruits' parents are excited when the Houston Oilers former head coach wants their kid to play for them. Besides, one of my favorite football quotes ever is from JG on the NFL rocks video. "This isn't college, this is the NFL which stand for Not For Long when you make those (bleep) calls, I'll be sellin groceries"
  6. drop, shut 'em down, open up shop, oh, oh, as our rough riders roll
  7. His name is in the newspaper, he wins. How many sources outside of this board have said he has no chance. It is unlikely that the media would use this board as a reference. If anything, they only discount us. Point is, Butler's rep is intact and there is no bad press out there in regard to RV not giving him a chance.
  8. He came on here to silence all the speculation. His buddy wants his name out there. His buddy is under contract and can't contact UNT. UNT has to request permission to speak with him regarding the job. Be in Butler's shoes. "Hey Rick, I was wondering if you could put my name in the mix for the HC job so it may help me with future offers." Would you rather....? A. No man, you don't have a shot, sorry. B. Sure man, we're looking for someone with HC experience but I'll throw you in there to get your name public.
  9. Growing up in Houston, I loved this guy. I think he might create a recruiting buzz in Oiler country. Besides, can any of you honestly say that Darrell Dickey is a better coach than Jerry Glanville? If so, I'm sorry.
  10. Boohoo, crybaby! If you produce the worst offense in college football, I don't care if you're my family, your ass is gettin canned.
  11. had you joined before today, you would actually know this
  12. Jerry Glanville rocks! I'd gladly take him as HC.
  13. I have heard from a very unreliable source that Billy Bob Thorton will be our next head coach under the pseudonym Gary Gaines.
  14. The point was that it is hard to fire a buddy so if he is hired and sucks, RV will have to be let go before this guy will be.
  15. Yep, if I were AD I would have fired somebody after the bang your head against the wall Tulsa game. That was the worst playcalling I have ever heard about. Fry was right, we should have just punted on 1st down.
  16. If that happens, it will be as bad if not worse than the DD/Bobby Ray deal.
  17. Dang, I voted for Friday Night Lights because VB wasn't up there. FNL is my 2nd favorite.
  18. I don't know, it was released the day I played my last HS game. Quite of few of my teammates went with me and that night we took on the SLC Dragons who were 2 years prior to TD. The year was 1998. It seemed pretty realistic to me except for stealing cars. I guess we'll just have to disagree on this one. I guess it was realistic to me because it is the only of the football movies where the coach will throw you around if you play like crap.
  19. I like "America's funniest shots in the nuts" and Tweeder stealing the cop car.
  20. Where is the love for the new longest yard and my personal favorite, Varsity Blues.
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