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Everything posted by Cr1028

  1. I guess I overreacted but I still don't think it is right to choose a coach over an alma mater. Coaches will come and go but North Texas will always be.
  2. I completely agree. It was the first time I've ever left a home game in the 1st quarter or when we were ahead.
  3. Edit: I'm an idiot and that was an impolite comment to make.
  4. The only way I can go along with the black uniforms is if we were to change the school colors and the nckname. We would have to strictly become the Eagles and lose what little tradition we had.
  5. Just a quick question for the guys that don't care about uniforms. Who do you cheer for? Do you say lets go mean green, lets go eagles, or do you just give a little golf clap now and then?
  6. Do you know how ridiculous it is to be saying.... "Let's go, Mean Green" "Thats good for another mean green first down" "Go green, go white" "Lets give a cheer for U of NT, cheer for the green and white" ...white wearing black junior high practice jerseys? None of the other coaches fired before season's end have stooped to this level, it is just childish. It is insulting to the fans, the university, and anyone who bleeds green. Also, if you just cared about the game, then it wouldn't matter who is playing, just watch USC/Cal or something.
  7. A bright spot on a dark night. JQ was another lonely bright spot.
  8. You're a real genius, ya know? Have a little pride for your school. Imagine the chaos in Austin if Mack Brown dressed the 'Horns in maroon or red.
  9. Another I just realized he looks like Billy Bob Thorton in Slingblade here. "You got any of dem french fried potaters?"
  10. I was told the jerseys were bought by DD because of his buyout money.
  11. That would make me happy as can be. I'd like to get a custom t-shirt and wear it to class in defiance with Dickey. I have class with 2 senior players, very nice guys and gracious, but I think a senior should go out in no jersey at all before putting a jersey his coach decides to make a statement with. Darrell Dickey did not pay any one of their tuitions. The University of North Texas did and our colors are Green and White.
  12. I agree. I was cheering and screaming as always until they walked out in those uniforms. I cheered for JQ during the senior presentation. I watched half the first quarter but didn't stand or ever cheer. I left after that because I felt the university and its fans had been disrespected in such heartless fashion.
  13. I was at the game and from what I understand, DD bought the uniforms with part of his buyout money. Apparently he and the players have always wanted to wear all black uniforms but RV wouldn't let them. The uniforms are just plain black with white numbers, no names, no logos. I left because I felt it was disrespectful to my university. I think it was a classless choice on senior night.
  14. We would be ahead of where we are now which will draw even better candidates for his replacement. We can only go up from here.
  15. Oh my gosh, this is the greatst thing I've heard all day.
  16. Yep, its a good thing all the way around. After the HC hire, look for us in New Orleans, and we won't come to lose this time.
  17. You'd have to pinch me for that one Rick, becaue it would be a dream come true.
  18. I'll guess 19,500. The winner gets the Miss Cleo award.
  19. That would be wonderful. We really appreciate it because we want to keep RV around as long as possible. He does a GREAT job!
  20. If they did, it was recent because I talked with him earlier in the year and it looked like he was just gonna finish out this season with his buddy JQ. I have class with him Monday but by then everyone here will already know so I'll just learn from you guys instead of asking him on Monday, haha.
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