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Everything posted by Cr1028

  1. Without Boise State going to the WAC and Waters bringing football to the SBC, I don't see one season where we beat Boise State and win a conference championship. '02 would have been our best chance but the it still looks iffy even that year.
  2. Exactamundo. Can ANYONE honestly say that there was one season we could've beaten Boise State from '01-'04?
  3. I think Wright Waters has more to do with us winning conference titles than DD does.
  4. That freshman running back that went for a score look like he could be something too.
  5. Exactly. How many college teams in Texas will be looking for new coaches next season? Not many, especially if Fran gets the axe after this weekend.
  6. Still in the paperwork process from what I hear.
  7. That was the O-line coach's first season, he hadn't had a chance to screw them up enought yet. Ask Patrick Cobbs if there was a difference between the '03 and '05 lines he ran behind.
  8. Although the Tulsa loss was a tough one, the MTSU loss this year was the worst in my eyes.
  9. I'd be willing to bet that 4 out of every 5 runs he broke this year were called back because of the O-line.
  10. Call me crazy but my guess is that the majority of his recruits early will be guys that either he coached or his buddies coached. Thus, the discipline shouldn't be a problem unless it is with upper classmen. If this is the case? Hello green team.
  11. Exactamundo. I understand HS is not D-1A but D-II isn't either.
  12. That wouldn't bother me a bit as long as we had a new stadium before my lifetime expires.
  13. The thing about Dodge is he would would have a direct pipeline to the players at SLC, Grapevine, Coppell, etc. He will have the hotbed of the metroplex from the get-go. With one of the other hires, you have to go through the meet and greet process with all the HS coaches.
  14. Exactly. Evan is better right now but I doubt he could break some of the tackles that J-Mo did against UT.
  15. I think if they were going to do that at the last home game they could have at least had enough respect to put the senior's names on the back of their jerseys. There is a five letter word that I have loved seeing on the back of a certain jersey for quite a few years now. The five letter word? Quinn.
  16. From the Penn State website: Blue and White "Penn State's student-athletes are instantly identified by their blue and white uniforms - but those weren't the original school colors. A three-member committee representing the sophomore, junior and senior classes was appointed in October of 1887 to develop color options from which the student body would select the school's official colors. Dark pink and black was the unanimous choice of the student body after considering the color combinations presented by the committee. Soon many students and the baseball team were sporting pink and black striped blazers and caps. However, problems arose when the pink faded to white after several weeks of exposure to the sun. The students then opted for blue, rather than black, and white. The official announcement of the new choice was made on March 18, 1890" Penn State doesn't need a logo to be recognized because they don't change colors.
  17. I'd wouldn't be shocked if Princeton had quite a few more millionaire alumni than us.
  18. The ESPN website showed 17-17. The scroll on ESPN television showed us up 17-10 or 16-10 I can't remember exactly.
  19. You're right, I guess I just have Varsity Blues on the brain, lol. I'm losing it.
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