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Everything posted by Cr1028

  1. Exactly. We won't have to hear about how this is the toughest job in America anymore because TD will know how it used to be and see how much it has improved in the last decade.
  2. Cr1028


    Haha, you guys are something else.
  3. You make some good points but could Florida have won the Big 10 this year? Oh, and Michigan had the 3rd toughest strength of schedule.
  4. I still don't see how the #2 team loses to the #1 team on #1's field by 3 points(home field advantage spread) and drops to 3rd. If USC had won, Florida would not have jumped Michigan for the 3rd spot. It's all politics. #1 should play #2 regardless of conference.
  5. If Berry got hired, would he keep his pal Etheridge even though the offensive line was a rather big problem this year?
  6. I would be ecstatic if we could actually land this caliber of coach. If we can get an Offensive Coordinator from a top school then the I-AA and HS coaches should just be considered as assistants. But that is IF we could get someone thie high up to come here. I would would be so optimistic people would slap me. Look out OU, we're coming for you in September.
  7. We would have had to fire DD in October for them to have hired someone by now. Wait a week. The job has to be on the market 30 days.
  8. I think the recruiting question is a big one. The thing is, at this point, we don't know if ANY of the candidates can recruit to North Texas. Recruiting to Texas and South Carolina would in theory be worlds easier. In my view, they are all equal on a recruiting basis until somebody comes in here and either succeeds or bombs. There will always be "what if"s.
  9. I am NOT saying there isn't a better coach out there, I just don't think there is a better fit out there.
  10. He has worked here before and coached a UNT hall of fame QB. He has recruited, it has just been awhile. He can pull in some D-1AA assistants for extra recruiting help, or heck, even Kenny Evans. His cred will be above what DD and RFs ever had. This could be the steal of the century because mark my words, if he becomes an OC at a bigger school, you will be talking about how we should have taken him for the next 20 years.
  11. Yep, I wonder how TWU gets around this or does Title IX even apply to them? I guess for everything to be equal we need to add some guy baton twirlers and NT dancers. Why can't they just add womens golf or soccer, why both? They have an even number of sports as it is.
  12. How can you expect national recognition when don't even have substantial local recognition yet? How would this SEC coordinator recruit nationally when we can't even do it locally? You have to start somewhere, HS players don't dream of playing for NT. We need someone that knows the area and its inhabitants well. Someone who knows what it is like to coach at NT and not have an SEC budget or fan base. Remember DD? Do you want SEC coordinator to take the job and then later realized the limited budget and fanbase he has to work with? Start local, work your way up, then go national. No well-known recruit will come here just because someone used to work for Spurrier, he would go play directly for Spurrier. UH is a lot farther from Stephenville than Southlake is from NT. Plus, SL is a higher income area which would be likely be more inclined to travel then a less well off community like Stephenville. I agree I want the best for the job but at this point Dodge has the upper hand if for nothing more than he knows what he is up against.
  13. Sorry about that. Chad Morris was Andrew's coach at Bay City. Morris now coaches at Stephenville and was Jevan Snead's head coach.
  14. UNT might have a chance because Andrew Smith was a Stephenville QB. Although it'd be great to have such a top recruit in Dention, I'll put my money on him going to U of Houston to be with the Stephenville connectino.
  15. This is my biggest gripe with hiring someone that you have a friendship with.
  16. I disagree with the marginally well-known part. He has been on Nationally televised games quite a few times in the past few years and it would be extremely difficult to find a 5A player in the metroplex that hasn't heard of him. It would be next to impossible to find a 5A coach that hasn't heard of him.
  17. You guys don't have to worry about it anymore because the sign on the parking spot* at the AC next to RV's no longer says DD, they put a new generic sign that just says Head Football Coach.
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