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Everything posted by Cr1028

  1. Hey Cajun, I've asked before but I want to know from a true La native. Which is the true University of Louisiana? or are there two?
  2. Unless you're not a donor and then you aren't good enough to sit under the tent.
  3. Isn't that what Nurudeen is as one of our top corners? Those Big 12 and SEC walkons are way ahead of the garbage SMU put on the field. If you dispute that, you haven't attended the games. He hasn't been given the opportunity from the start of the game, otherwise you might have no argument at all. Give Vizza a chance against the Sunbelt or subpar CUSA teams a la SMU. If Meager played like he practices we wouldn't even be having this discussion. Meager can't perform when he gets pressure, he has shown this time and time again. The freshman at least steps up in the pocket to make a play and isn't afraid to take a hit.
  4. I was impressed with what he did against OU and UA. Especially when compared to a 4th yr junior.
  5. I can understand wanting to protect GV from the ridicule that Dodge experienced as a freshman qb BUT it has got to be eating a way at a young man who has rarely lost a game in his life watch his team lose week in and week out without being able to help.
  6. I thought the Arkansas fans were fantastic. They seemed to be the most hospitable and friendly group of fans that I have met yet. I have been to every game this year so far. I will say this, I will not be at another away game this year, maybe ever. I may even choose to go the general admission instead of the season ticket/mean green club route after the way my friend and I were treated by one athletic department employee. Here is the story: My friend and I arrived early (about 10:30) and decided to go ahead and find a good parking spot and find where the Mean Green were. After having several nice chats with very kind Hog fans, we were directed to the 3 green tents. One of the tents was falling down so we made our way over and helped the two nice young women there fix it up a bit. We had a nice conversation with these two about the Mean Green, MGC, the Razorbacks(one grad. from UA) and so on. Then, another group of Mean Greeners showed up, including their boss. She seemed to be the least hospitable person I met. She asked why we didn't bring anything to the tailgate as if it was a requirement to sit with the Mean Green faithful. Something about we weren't going to eat her food, sit in her chairs, or drink "her beer". She said "Are you season ticket holders?" My friend said we are student so we kind of are. She said, so you're not season ticket holders, not MGC members, and you didn't bring anything, you're nothing. This is where I lost it and we went and walked around. I do not like being looked at as a mooch. Our only intention was to sit in a chair under the mean green tent socializing with other mean green faithful. Is there a problem with that? Why would you alienate future donors like that? Don't donations come from MGC members, who are season ticketholders, which mostly come from the alumni base, which come from former students? I've been to every Mean Green game this year. I have Mean Green license plates, car emblem, stickers and flag on my car. I fly a full size mean green flag in front of my house for the entire football season. Anytime I see Mean Green merchandise at Academy, the grocery store, etc. I buy it in the hopes that the vendor will notice and keep the items on the shelf. I make it a point to wear green everyday to class and in public as I feel it will encourage closet fans to come out and show their colors. I'm about as avid a supporter as you can find from our student base and the way one woman treated my friend and I almost had me say f' the mean green. Fortunately, my love for the green is stronger than her bitterness. I just thought I would share my little story and hope that she doesn't treat others like that in the future.
  7. Oh you mean like our starting corners?
  8. Well put. I can agree because I was at both games. There is just more confidence in the air, on the sidelines, and on the field when GV is in there.
  9. To make everything equal, lets compare only the games they both played in for a fair and unbiased comparison. DM: 11/21, 90 yards, 0 TD 1 INT per game GV: 6/19, 121 yards, 1 TD 2 INT per game Those were to match your numbers. Now for some extra. DM: 9 car. -5 yards, 0 rush TD, 4 sacks per game, 8.14 yds per completion, 52.3 completion % GV: 7 car. 11 yards, 1 rush TD, 1 sack per game, 20.17 yds per completion, 32.4 completion % It would appear that the only thing Meager has shown he is better at than GV is keeping his completion percentage up by throwing short, high percentage passes. FAU and SMU numbers are invalid as it is entirely possible that GV could've torched those teams just as bad as DM did. Note: .5s have been rounded up to whole #s
  10. Only if the offense can score more points than this defense undoubtedly will allow.
  11. Why is it that people were all over Evyn Roman for not being able to cover all-world wr Malcolm Kelly but when Dom Green gets torched twice in 2wks nobody says anything?
  12. What kills me is that we force Arkansas 3 and out on their first possession and we get called for 12 men on the field on a PUNT return, yes a PUNT RETURN, so they get the ball back and score a few plays later they score. I knew it was going to be a long game as soon as that happened.
  13. Maybe Dodge is letting GV take baby steps but anyone that was actually in Fayetteville last night knows that GV played with more poise, heart, determination and just plain has a better arm than our starting qb. When Vizza is in the game, people in the stand and the players on the field seemed to have their spirits lifted a bit. It makes everyone feel like they have a chance. You have to realize that our incoming freshman have lost very few games in their life and hate to lose. After the last couple years, it almost seems that some of the upperclassmen have accepted losing and simply go through the motions.
  14. What bugs me is that in the 50yd line section of the student side, only 1 in 20 students sing the fit=ght song. It's depressing.
  15. We were right next to you guys! You came over and checked out our baby black and white tv.
  16. The bad part is even with the 2006 defense we still haven't scored as many points in 2007. While I"m not defending our current defense, how much of a difference do you think the longer games (now that we pass the ball) would have on Bleil's defensive numbers? While Dodge deserves some blame for neglecting the run later in the game(as he said himself), I still think there are bigger factors than him. If our quarterback (whoever it is) puts the ball where it needs to be, INTs turn to TDs and we are 2-1 right now. We need some aggression on our pass rush (Gilmore should help more as the season progresses). This will lead the other teams to start making bad throws and taking sacks. This would make Mendoza's defense workable.
  17. That game made me want to throw up.
  18. That was the straw that broke Dickey's back.
  19. He can thank Casey and B-Jax for his good numbers. He tries to force throws, you cannot do that at this level. Both interceptions in the endzone this game were jump balls that turned our receivers into dbs. Both of those balls should have been thrown away or at tucked and run. We could have at least had 2 field goals out of the deal instead of 2 turnovers.
  20. I did, he seems like he comes of the corner like a man on fire. With a little more technique and strength, this guy can be a force.
  21. Didn't he say we could criticize them for what they do on the field but not for doing the right things off the field?
  22. Also in the 9-20 issue there was a thank you letter from Dodge and RV to all those who attended the SMU game. Stay classy San Diego.
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