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Everything posted by Cr1028

  1. I don't know how many of you signed up but I was looking at it today and we are in the top 20 as a group(fans vs. fans). I think that's great!
  2. The moment you enroll as a fulltime student the clock starts, you cannot stop the clock whether you are in school or not.
  3. I didn't realize it was so bad. All I've ever heard is the "American Dream" and how everyone wants to come here for a better life. I've never heard of someone wanting to leave the U.S. to go to one of the NHS countries for a better life.
  4. Arkansas played Mizzou without a head coach. Iff Houston's Nutts was still there it may have been at least competitive. I challenge you all to look at the bowl teams who lost coaches before season's end and look at their records. This is the reason I'm cleaning up in Bowl pick 'em. Edit: Here is what I found: Bowl losers who've lost coaches: Arkansas-Nutt Georgia Tech-Gailey Texas A&M-Fran Houston-Briles Southern Miss-Bower Navy-Johnson UCLA-Dorrell
  5. Wouldn't National Health Care be a disincentive to doctors? They would no longer have the desire to excel. Why should I strive to be the best heart surgeon in the nation when all the nation's heart surgeons are paid the same rates? Also, why would doctors who currently work for themselves want to now have an employer to answer to? These are just some thoughts that came into my head. They may be wrong as I don't have a great understanding of NHC, just some outside theories of my own.
  6. Exactly. If he could not care less he wouldn't have given the effort to post.
  7. Was the coach that touched the ball that cost Texas a turnover the former Arky State qb?
  8. It sure sounded to me that the reason he was on the 911 call so long was to get permission from the 911 operator. "You want me to stop them?" "Wanna bet? I'm gonna go kill them." "You hear the shotgun clickin and I'm goin" It sounds like, you dare me to go out there? This isn't the wild west. If I was in his situation, I would've stayed in my house and helped the 911 operator as well as I could, if I had a gun and was frightened enough, I may have shot them if they were standing at my front door or window. They were not though, they were fleeing. I'm just wondering how long it will take for one of you pro-Horns to take the law into your hands and gun down O.J.
  9. I'm with Rick on this one 100%.
  10. The full 911 call Just listen to the demeanor of the dispatcher. He is calm telling Horn stay inside, when Horn shoots someone he gets pissed. Alos, listen in real time, the amount of time between him walking out the door, saying "move, you're dead", and firing two shots. Also, pay very close attention to the time lapse between the first two shots and the last. One of two things must've happened: A) a 60-some year old overweight white man chased down a thin 30-40something black man. or he was trying to make sure someone was dead.
  11. Could someone please tell me who in the history of mankind has had the reflexes and speed to turn their body 180 degrees in the time between the hammer falling on a shotgun and the pellets traveling 7-10 feet? He raised his shotgun to his shoulder and they still ran at him, he fires the gun and they have time to turn their body? It couldn't have been they were scared by the cocking of the gun because he cocked to show the 911 operator that he was going to go shoot someone. So the only explanation is that the guy turned his back in the time it takes a shotgun pellet to leave a shotgun and travel 7 feet. Wow. Also, it didn't seem like there was much downtime in the phone call, he cocks the gun and says he's going, you hear him walk out the door, say "move, you're dead", then he immediately shoots 3 times. He comes back in and the 911 operator commands him to put the gun down so he doesn't shoot an undercover officer.
  12. Any chance we can get Chuck Neiderman in the booth with Georgio?
  13. I most certainly would. If they had killed someone, they deserved to die and would have been prosecuted as such. I understand your side of it where burglaries turn dangerous if the criminals are spooked. My only point is that they were not in his house for him to spook. He exited his house to shoot these men. I'm not defending the criminals, all I am saying is that they didn't deserve a death sentence for the crimes they had committed to that point. Something to add, what if Horn in all of his fear had gunned down the street clothed detective that saw the whole thing thinking he was a getaway driver? Or, what if he'd missed and stray buckshot had hit a child outside playing or an elderly person working in their garden? Police are paid and trained to do this work. It is my firm belief that if these guys are not in his house, he should leave the crimefighting to the police.
  14. The last sentence was rude but I won't hold it against you. I just don't see how you can say he was in danger or would've surprised the burglars if he had stayed in his house looking through the window and talking to the 911 operator. They didn't attempt to enter his house. He wanted to kill 2 guys for breaking into a neighbor's house that he barely knew. Please listen to the 911 call, he is begging the 911 operator to dare him or give him permission to shoot these guys. He wanted to kill these guys plain and simple, if you are chasing someone, it is not protecting yourself.
  15. Also, here is the abstract from an article in the Dec. 2006 issue of Social Science Quarterly:
  16. I guess this is because BSU is becoming one of the Harvard's of the world:
  17. If this is the way you think then the next time you or anyone you know attempts to drive anywhere under the influence of alcohol, you make sure they have a shotgun barrell in there back. A drunk driver is a FAR more dangerous criminal than a burglar, these were not armed robbers, they were burglars, Horn was the only one armed. Also, you want to talk about feeling violated? While using the toilet in a GAB restroom on the UNT campus, some (expletive) decided to stare at me through a peep hole and beat off. You think I didn't feel violated or pissed? I wanted to smash the guy's head on the concrete but I wasn't willing to get kicked out of school over it. I thought of the consequences first. I went the educated route and informed the UNT PD, there are now steel plates on the bathroom stall partitions. If I had taken the law in my own hands I could've been kicked out of school and been given a criminal record. Would failing to achieve me degree and having a criminal record make me a hero because I pummeled some punk? I sure don't think so.
  18. True, because if you put a shotgun in the back of the common criminal, you need to do it to the Enron boys and Martha Stewart too.
  19. I agree with you on many things Rick but this is not one of them. Had these guys had a gun in their possession, Joe Horn would be dead. He should have stayed in his home as he was directed to. If all burglars were murderers, the Texas prison system would run out of Jack Kevorkian's special cocktails pretty damn fast.
  20. There have been studies on this sort of thing. The better the athletic programs are(especially football and men's basketball), the more inclined better quality students are to enroll in your institution. It isn't speculation, look at Boise State's enrollment figures post-Fiesta Bowl. As much as people want to debate it, the athletic programs are the national face of your universtiy. Take away UT's football and men's basketball program for 5 years and watch their enrollment plummet. I'm interested to see how admission application trends changed at SMU post-glory days. If your program is on the news for being successful, your future employer may hear the university name and it shows him that the university puts out a quality product. Besides, if for no other reason, it could help keep us from being call Northern Texas.
  21. He would've said the same thing about us, Boise, Hawaii, or any other school in a non-BCS conference.
  22. Precisely, he didn't say, I'm scared they are going to come over here and kill me, he said, "I can't let them get away with this". What robbery? Isn't that what insurance is for? The only time he sounded fearful on the phone is when he would confront them that they might kill him, then DON'T CONFRONT THEM!! Leave that to the people that are trained and have the authority to handle this. I can't believe this man will get away with this over a legal loophole. If he had heard gunshots next door or seen his neighbor killed by these people I would have a different opinion but last I checked we don't give lethal injections to burglars.
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