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Everything posted by Cr1028

  1. I am completely against socialized medicine, I think our current system is way better than that of Canada and others because there is incentive for doctors to excel here. In fairness, only the income above the 250k mark is taxed at the higher percentage, their first 250k is taxed the same. I guess I just look at ability to pay when looking at taxes. As much as everyone of us would like to pay for the stadium, we simply don't have the ability to pay. Those in the extreme income brackets have that ability to pay unless they somehow live paycheck to paycheck which is foolish when you make that kind of money.Extravagant spending can be a killer for the wealthy who are irresponsible. We disagree but I too repect your opinion. I just think there is a bigger chance of the wealthy who get tax breaks sitting on that money than the middle class which would be more likely to use it. In my opinion that would be a greater stimulus to the economy.
  2. I live in Austin and work with a girl, who is also a NT alum. She has the typical "Coffeehouse University" view. I debated her for 30 minutes on the stadium issue and she wouldn't budge from the no side. I gave examples of Economic and Social Science research studies, I gave the example of Rice having their highest amount of donations post-NO Bowl, and I even gave the "you never heard of George Mason U and Boise State U til a few years ago". She said she still hasn't heard of Boise and that people don't go to UNT for the football, they go because it is artsy and they shouldn't put the money to the staduim, they should put it to research. I told her there wasn't a vote for increased funding to arts programs, it was for athletics and that very few go to UNT because it is artsy and probably over fifty percent go because they either couldn't get into or got kicked out of UT, OU, or ATM, she disagreed. It was like banging my head against the wall. She refuses to want to increase the quality of her university because she thinks it would change the culture, I got mad but I had to bottle it because I was at work.
  3. We won't have Bushisms anymore so maybe Biden and Palin could pick up the slack. Obama and McCain just don't trip over their words like Bush has at times.
  4. Who makes up the majority of the comsuming public that drives demand and in turn creates jobs? Joe the plumber is SOL if Mr. $45K can't afford his services any longer because there won't be nearly enough Mr. $250Ks to compensate for the lack o Mr $45Ks consuming his services.
  5. I guess you're right, I contradicted myself. I guess I am for it in a way but against it at the extreme.I don't think business taxes should be raised but if individuals will be getting a tax cut I think it will better served with the general public as opposed to the wealthy. I am for a progressive system.
  6. You need demand for your products/services in order to create jobs. Companies won't hire people if there is already a minimal demand for their product. Above all, you need consumers willing and able to consume that product. A barrell of oil has lost almost half of its value in less than a year. Do you think a tax cut to ExxonMobil will urge them to create jobs? No, they are looking to cut back production as it is. Supply is useless without demand.
  7. What I don't understand is why some of you who probably make under 250k would be against this? I'm no socialist but if someone tells me that they are going to tax Warren Buffett an extra $1 and it saves me $1, I'm going to say "ok, gimme my $1". I completely understand why those making above the 250k mark would be against it. I don't think "redistributing the wealth" is the best policy, but I cannot get behind giving an executive a several hundred thousand dollar tax cut when it would take me nearly 20 years to even sniff that amount in cumulative gross income. He gets a tax break, he gets a new Italian sports car, I get a tax break, I can pay a little extra on my student loans one month. I can't believe I went to college and wasted all my money on a degree when I could've been a plumber making $250k a year.
  8. To the top for election week. Why is homecoming held during football season? Is there any other university event that can draw 100k people like at UM? Is there any event besides class that can get 20K+ people to show up to the North Texas campus? Does the University of Texas upgrading their football stadium every year hurt the funding of their business school? No, it HELPS funding because their team instills a sense of PRIDE in their UNIVERSITY and alumni actually care to follow their alma mater and become DONORS. Why don't we try and break away from the 4yr community college/commuter school stereotype for a change?!!
  9. Look at the bright side, Washington didn't play this week so we still aren't the only team with zero wins.
  10. I posted the following in January and I think it is even more important to note today. I urge you guys to bring these articles and studies to the attention of the opponents because whether they like it or not, they are really hurting themselves. It is simple economics and social science for crying out loud!
  11. Unfortunately, this is not possibe. If a new stadium brings more notariety or an improved image of our university, it will increase the value of ever UNT graduate's degree whether we want it to or not. The ones against it want to hold the rest of us down.
  12. While I am grateful for this, I think the level of competition had a bit to do with it. Here is a list of above .500 records within our conference for each year: '98: 9-3, 6-5, 6-5 '99:10-3, 7-4, 6-5 '00:10-2 '01: 8-3 '02: 8-5(us), 7-5 '03: 9-4(us) '04: 7-5, 7-5(us) '05: 6-6, 6-5 '06: 8-5, 7-6, 6-6, 6-6 '07: 8-4, 8-5, 6-6 If the Big West had kept playing football we wouldn't have sniffed 26 straight. As for the dropoff in recent years, look at the improvement in the records.
  13. The only player committed to Dickey when Dodge came in was some O-lineman from Midland/Odessa.
  14. I thought the model A was like 2 shades of green or something
  15. Funny, I was at the game and don't remember seeing a track around the field or 13 generators providing power to it. I also remember something about "if you meet a North Texas alum, be sure to tip your waiter". But you're right, Todd Graham left the program in ruins before bolting to Tulsa. Also, do you find it funny that we were so excited about a rotation receiver at Rice coming here to be one of our stars? I guess that doesn't indicate we were in sad shape.
  16. Baliff took over a team coming off a bowl season(school/alumni have money and has a decent stadium), Dodge took over a team coming off back-to-back 9 loss seasons(school/alumni have less money/interest in university and a decent track&field stadium that is sometimes used for football). They didn't exactly step into the same shoes.
  17. If you actually watch Deloach on the sideline, there is constantly another coach standing beside him with the headphones on. Before and after each play they are communicating. Do't give me this ego bs. He probably doesn't wear headphones because he would rip them off and stomp on them in the course of his butt-chewings. I saw him in Craig Robertson's ear all the way down the sideline after one poor play. This guy is intense, my only wish is that it becomes a trait of our players as well.
  18. At least it is presented up front as something the players want and not a sneaky backhanded slap at the school on the way out the door. It is easy to use the "players wanted it" excuse after the fact. A convenient excuse.
  19. It stings a bit that a FCS team played them 10 points closer than we did even if they are App. State.
  20. Maybe most schools have wealthy donor and corporate support. Maybe most athletic depts treat alumni and donors with equal respect. Maybe FCS is our destiny. What if Riley goes through and gets his degree in four years and goes on to life after football? Can you imagine the belly-aching on this board if we only received 3 years of his service instead of 4? You'd hear "I can't believe he would leave" and more derogatory comments. This is not a professional sports program, their duty first and foremost is to educate young men and send them on their way.
  21. Has anyone figued out how U.S. gasoline supplies are at an 8 year low despite American drivers consuming less?
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