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Everything posted by Cr1028

  1. It seems to me the last time we had a winning record before 2002 was 1994. How on earth did the program survive with the sky falling like that?
  2. Where are you going to find that kind of money? Want in one hand and you know the rest. You guys can play the "we can do anything the other guys do" playing field if you want but the facts just don't add up. We don't have the revenue. For every Turner Gill you will find a hundred Brent Guys.
  3. I understand that but sometimes you have to take a step back before you step forward. You cannot set goals too lofty too soon. You don't want to set a goal of losing 100lbs because you will fail. If you set a goal of running or walking 5 miles a week, you may very well hit that 100lb goal eventually as you create more goals on your path. The program, the systems, the coaches, everything is completely different from when Coach Dickey left. It will take time for this to all come together. I won't lie, I was disappointed as heck this season. I even gave my season tickets away for one game because I was sick of the way we were getting blasted. The thing that changed my mind about this team was the heart and fire they showed against Arkansas State. The defense had a spark I hadn't seen all season. For this reason and the fact that we will have a new Special Teams coach, I have hope. A dedicated strength coach won't hurt either. If I am wrong and we get blown out every game again next year, I will eat crow. Figuratively speaking of course, but I will own up to all of the I told you so that will be fired my way.
  4. I think Deloach needed a year to get everything squared away and his personnel in. I think special teams will not be a cluster-f as usual this coming year either. Dodge is using a tight end at times. We are getting better. From the beginning of the year to the end, I could see a difference. Who would we have gotten instead of Dodge? Not June Jones, not Jim Harbaugh, maybe an offensive coordinator from a .500 team in CUSA? If the Sun Belt wasn't weak, then why couldn't we compete in the Big West? To compare SEC freshmen to our freshmen is like comparing Josh White to Kevin Durant and Greg Oden.
  5. Search for "Eric Ramsey" and "Larry Blakeney" and you may find your answer.
  6. To quote Vito: Isn't that the point? Why would this matter? Well, your backups and scout teamers bring your totals to about average? So what. Bingo. Best in the belt. Those players will be sophomores next year and our top recruit in recent memory will have had a year of weight training to bulk up and have 4 years of eligibility remaining, that is unless you guys run off his father. It takes time to get your ducks in a row. Dickey constantly complained about how tough it is to coach here and you guys act like there are grade A candidates beating down RV's door. Wake up gentleman, and ladies. Harbaugh would have never taken this job, it was a "for show" interview to spark interest from higher paying programs with better facilities like Stanford. You talk about division 2 and 1AA coaches who would come here and be great, why would they leave? This is a place where coaches come to commit career suicide. If a weak Sun Belt hadn't formed in 2001, Dickey would've been gone back then. We are fortunate that Todd Dodge took a chance on us. We took a chance on him as well and in time I believe we will see great dividends. This time next year after he has been named Belt Coach of the Year and Riley has been named freshman of the year I will revist this post.
  7. I think the only way that would happen is if our fan base had patience enough to get behind a guy in his down years, I think a good man(like our current coach) would have a good spot in his heart and feel at home here. That will never happen here at good ol U of NT because we have a steak appetite and a hamburger helper wallet. My hope that is if/when the current coaching staff turns things around that the bulk of you will retract your negative comments. In my mind, there was no better hire for our program in terms of recruiting, fanbase excitement, and building a stadium than Todd Dodge.
  8. Just a name. Wow. This dude is off his rocker. I hope he realizes that Hitler wasn't german and the hell he will be putting his children through. If he wants to name it after someone from that era, how about Rommel or Einstein? At least those guys were decent human beings.
  9. I don't seem to remember which Longhorns were paid by Big Orange car dealership to go to practice instead of come to work. I do remember something about Big Red though......Rhett "oops I claimed my dirty money on my tax return" Bomar anybody? Oh, almost forgot, make OU play Tech in Lubbock and give UT Tech in Austin. UT beat OU on a NEUTRAL FIELD. Tech beat UT on their home field. OU had Tech on their home field. I just don't quite see it as the same thing. There is a reason they call it "Home Field Advantage".
  10. Loser State is coached by Les Miles. O-who by Bob Stoops.
  11. I don't see a problem keeping our coaching staff as is until next year. Anyone who saw the last home game this year would know that our defense is playing much better than last year. Special teams is still a problem, but has improved. Our return men our better as well as our coverage team. We need Jeremy Knott to either get the ball up or shorten his extra point form from 3 steps to 1 or 2. Another problem we had on special teams was Christian Davidson's injury, Kokjohn and Gilmore filled in fairly well but there were still some issues. I say leave things alone for a year, give the team and coaches another year to gel. Stability is a good thing, especially now that we have a stadium to sell, and our highest rated recruit in some time ready to play a full redshirt freshman season.
  12. Seems the same thing is going on with Christian Davidson.
  13. Yea right, they play that song when they call a time out, when they kick off, when they get a first down, when they have to punt, when the wind blows and so on.
  14. I think the sheer annoyance of the damn boomer sooner fight song should keep OU out of the title game.
  15. Screw that, I cannot stand the Sooners. They always get a bs ticket to a bowl game they will lose or a ride to the national title game despite losing their conference. I am sick of the USC, Florida, LSU, OU, UT, and Ohio State filled bowl games, it's garbage. I hope Alabama beats Florida and OU loses to Okie Lite. It is my hope that 2 fresh teams can get in for a change, Alabama v. Texas Tech would be a nice change. It will never happen though, Tech and schools like it don't have the "tradition" to get the extra boost in the bcs standings. Did I mention I hate the BCS?
  16. I like Randy but I don't think he has the jiu-jitsu of Frank Mir which is what is needed to beat this beast, Lensnar and Couture are both experienced wrestlers. I will take Lesnar just because he is a freak of nature. Seriously, seeing him stand toe-to-toe with 6'4" 250lb Heath Herring and just making him look small has jaded my opinion. I think this guy is going to just flat overpower Randy. I pick Ken-Flo in his match, he isn't very strong, but he is flexible and smart. I'll take the Rock Quarry in the last fight you mentioned.
  17. You can only shoot them in the back when you feel threatened while they run away from you.
  19. Cr1028


    I tried this with the MGC and all it did was get her promoted.
  20. I had a lady trying to electioneer me today while standing in line with my fiance. It's irritating that people think you can't make an informed vote if you're young. The biggest thing is that if she wants to help get a certain candidate elected, she should travel to a state that it actually matters(FL. PA, anybody?) Texas hasn't voted for a democrat for president since Jimmy Carter in '76 and it doesn't look like that will change anytime soon. I hate to break it to everyone electioneering in Texas but, IT DOESN"T MATTER. For president, a Texan's vote does not count and it hasn't been close in quite some time. That is just the way of the electoral college and we must accept that. My advice to all is check out your local/state candidates and you actually have a chance of that vote making a difference.
  21. It seems to me that this guy is SO pissed that Hillary didn't get the nomination that he is trying to take down the entire democratic party. If he was born in Kenya was one thing but in my mind the Indonesia thing should have no bearing as a child has no say in that matter.
  22. Wow, I thought the people against the fee said "people come to UNT because it's artsy and not for football" and now he is saying it is an inferior institution. If that isn't a call to change the status quo, I don't know what is.
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