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Everything posted by Cr1028

  1. 1. Insert this chart from Meangreensports.com for a better understanding of the TOP battle: NT 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd Qtr Qtr Qtr Qtr Half Half Total --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time of possession 06:13 07:17 07:58 07:49 13:30 15:47 29:17 3rd Down Conversions 1/3 1/4 1/4 1/3 2/7 2/7 4/14 Avg Field Position N29 N13 N20 N17 N22 N19 N20 4th Down Conversions 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/1 0/0 0/1 0/1 UA 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd Qtr Qtr Qtr Qtr Half Half Total --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time of possession 08:47 07:43 07:02 07:11 16:30 14:13 30:43 3rd Down Conversions 4/4 2/3 2/3 2/4 6/7 4/7 10/14 Avg Field Position A28 A31 N41 A45 A29 N46 A42 4th Down Conversions 0/0 0/0 0/0 1/1 0/0 1/1 1/1 2. Penalty still brought it back 3. Many are upset that we didn't call the plays that would've led to an interception 4. Thankfully. I'm glad we were not shutout. 5. Amen. 6. Time will tell but I hope you're right. 7. Don't forget transfer William Cole either. 8. That's what happens when you play superconservative football, you trade big play potential for less turnover potential. 9. I can't believe Craig missed an open field tackle and on one score on a screen they chased the Bama back to the corner and let him waltz in without even a dive or an attempt to push him out of bounds. They did not play up to their ability, I was hoping the two of them would put in 2 full quarters as this is the game film from this year that will weigh most in the NFL scouts minds. 10. Atterberry is the best true freshman punter I have seen in quite some time. Truman was good but he wasn't as good as Atterberry at getting the ball to die inside the 10. Maybe he just didn't have as many chances, who knows. "Bodybag" games are necessary until our program can fund itself on home attendance alone, we are quite a ways from that still.
  2. Atterberry was the only positivie I could consistently see. Tune is not starter quality for this offense but he would be for Dickey's.
  3. NO Tune's lack of speed hurt the play-calling which hurt the team's chances. Bama knew he wasn't a threat to run and that is a HUGE key to this offense, Vizza was faster than Tune I don't think he was fast enough to run it either.
  4. Nice to see you hanging around Coach Dickey. Good idea. More of the same. We are just lucky to be on the same field as these guys. Let's get pounded and win the conference that the rest of tha nation laughs at. You guys drive me nuts with your "we don't get respect" crap and then aren't willing to play the caliber teams you can get respect by beating. Would you have rather played Boise State or Oregon? BYU or Oklahoma? Houston or Oklahoma State? Point blank any of these teams would have pounded us today because we played scared plain and simple. Tobe tried to lay some wood in the first half but just went through the motions in the second half; the only player I saw trying to hit someone in the second half was Darrien Williams. We were missing tackles because we were afraid to hit anyone straight up and were too busy picking their players of the ground and whispering pretty things in their ear. I don't care if you're the biggest guy in the NCAA or the smallest, you have to have intensity as has been said "this ain't intermurals". You guys were ready to crown this team for barely getting by a piss poor MAC team that lost their #1 weapon and has been beating by an FCS team since. We lost to another sorry MAC team at home. It is a good thing we didn't schedule a money game with that powerhouse Buffalo. Turner Gill would take our team to the woodshed. I'm sick of the "Green KoolAid". Until this team can win consecutive games while creating turnovers and sacks without leaving points on the board, they are no better than last year's team. You can say our defense is so much better but until we can stand up to some decent competition and prove it, I'm saying we're just as bad. Thank the Lord for Atterberry is all I can say positive at this point. Be weary of the MUTS, they may just take us to school. I'm thinking like 42-10. Mark it down. I hope someone involved with the team reads this and gets pissed off enough to hit someone in the mouth, otherwise it will be another painfully long season.
  5. which is why I maintain "First and ten do it again" is by far the stupidest cheer you can have for a team with a no-huddle offense.
  6. You mean UT. cough..Jordan Shipley..cough
  7. besides, how cool is it to be a qb named Cannon
  8. I will go Lance Dunbar if he isn't take already.
  9. It sucks because if it was reversed and he was transferring to OU from us insead of to us from OU he would've gotten the waiver. I guess iyou gotta keep the cash cow happy. I think we should have a thread for the BCS acronym. I'll go. BCS=Bull$h!t Championship Series
  10. From a non AQ conference? If he had transfered TO Oklahoma then I could see your point but I don't think the NCAA will give us an inch. Zach Muzzy anybody? They need us in the body bag so they can keep their dough rolling in.
  11. Again, the net increase is $210/yr not $300, the student services fee is going to be reduced $3/hr to offset some of the cost.
  12. Make sure your send an a email or whatever to your local senator/rep too. While it is important to express our appreciation to the sponsor of the bills, we must also remember they still only have one vote each. This guy is grasping for straws. He gets on my nerves with his manipulation of facts. While it is a "$10" fee, the net increase is only $7, which would only be $105 a semester for a 15hr course load. The sad part is, he is so concerned about this small increase when the reality is, many students will spend more than this on alcohol per semester. It also bothers me that he insists that we are trying to make football the focus of our university. This is not the case. This is supposed to be an entertainment venue available for our music programs and others to use on top of its football use. The stadium is supposed to be LEED-certified which will not only help our "green" image and our environmental science/engineering programs, but at the same time remove an eyesore that is not accomodating to our disabled community. Noisy, fuel guzzling generators is not the way of the future. The new stadium and convention center will be our window to the world sitting alongside I-35. What kind of image do we want to portray? A bargain basement university willing to accept a decaying relic as its most visible structure or a University on the rise exhibiting a committment to innovation. How many I-A LEED-certified stadiums are there again? Oh yea, none.
  13. That was awesome! I watched the whole UNT part and they made that financial planner guy out to be kind of on his own island.
  14. Excuse my ignorance, but what goes on in a public hearing? Do regular people come in and say why they think it is good or bad?
  15. Give it up sir. Giovanni is no longer at North Texas so you might as well go over to the Aggie boards with your haterade because you're wasting our time.
  16. Although I agree with Hannity on some things, he's got a little too much of a man-crush on Reagan for my liking. Reagan did not reduce inflation. His name was Paul Volcker and he did it by tightening the money supply with high (very unpopular) interest rates.
  17. He was my high school economics teacher, my jv head coach and my varsity offensive coordinator when I played at Coppell. Ironically, Colleyville Heritage got their first win or first district win against us that year. We played like crap that game. We beat state champion Grapevine that year and came within a few points of beating SLC and making the playoffs. Ahh memories.
  18. Ahhh, what do they teach in this place!!!
  19. Hey, Vizza will be something we have in common with ATM besides losing to Arky State.
  20. Oops, I misread the title and thought this thread was about my favorite ABC show.
  21. Yes they will be better. Tobe and Craig are stud linebackers and with the JUCO coming in we should have a marked improvement. I was excited about Penson early but he hasn't markedly improved his size, strength, or speed in his time here. He is still a very intense player which makes him exciting to watch on special teams but he just doesn't look like a division 1 linebacker at this point.
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