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Everything posted by Cr1028

  1. People, please understand that debts and deficits are not the same thing. Texas cannot constitutionally run a deficit, they have to do a supplemental appropriations bill when they come back every other year to fill any shortfalls. This is why they had to pull $3 billion out of the Economic Stabilization "Rainy Day" Fund. The reason Texas' debt grew from 2001 to 2009 is that our revenues also grew from 2001 to 2009 by 57%. The debt goes up because we can afford to service it. Also, that shiny new $78 million dollar gem we are all excited about? $49 million of that is principal adding to that state debt that some of you get fired up about. Another $46 million will be spent on interest for that bond. Also, for you anti-sports types, $35 million of that principal debt is the new business building. The state needs debt just like you need a mortgage. Such is life.
  2. My only complaint on Meager is I have seen pictures of him post-UNT in Texas Aggie gear. You won't catch JQ in any college gear except for UNT gear. As for Woody, last I saw he was playing football at Northeastern State for Kenny Evans.
  3. He also threw a TD pass against Texas. Can anyone recall the last time we threw a TD pass against UTexas before then?
  4. I saw he signed with the Hartford Colonials of the UFL.
  5. People please, think about what you're saying. One thing has been missing more than any other from this program over the last four years and that is DEFENSE! DEFENSE has never been Mike leach's strong suit. I am absolutely thrilled we have a coach with a mind for defense. Giving up 40-50 pts/gm is BS!!
  6. I'm in Austin. I wished I knew about this thing but I haven't been on the board much lately and I was at a funeral this weekend anyway. I wish I could've represented though.
  7. What is the story on the Denton High qb? He was a senior in 2006 so wouldn't that make him a redshirt senior this year?
  8. Or how ESPN has monopolized the bowl season.
  9. Maybe I haven't been around long enough to know better but I'm shocked that Dickey said something positive about our university instead of this....
  10. Ask Joe Montana Rudy didn't even make a solo tackle and the guy whiffed blocking him twice.
  11. I'm just glad we may finally get a replica jersey worth a flip.
  12. Thanks guys. Sorry about not knowing this had already been posted.
  13. I don't know if you've ever watched a bobsled race but it is a little more involved than that. They have to sprint almost 50 meters pushing the sled before hopping in. It is not as simple as sitting in a rollercoaster and letting gravity do its thing. Most of the guys are very athletic and some are former collegiate athletes.
  14. It looks like the feds shut her down so the cable companies can once again force people to pay for 140 channels when they only want 3 of them.
  15. The hypocrisy is astounding. Here is an analogy for you: Boise State is to Ohio State as Texas State is to North Texas.
  16. I know I will be flamed for this opinion but it is my own and you can love it or hate it. I love college football and would not be opposed to the original poster's nightmare. If the BCS conferences broke off and dropped the rest of us down to FBS-lite it might be really good for college football. First off, the BCS schools would actually have to play each other and not Chattanooga. Second, the Big 10 could no longer duck a playoff. Third, the current non-AQ schools could have a playoff and an actual national champion. Fourth, Matt Simon could challenge the BCS champ to play our non-AQ champ in a Safeway parking lot. I think it would be a dream come true.
  17. For clarity it is actually closer to 100 years. Our first season was 1913 and we've played every season since except for a 3 season stretch during WW2.
  18. I'm sure glad SMU and UTexas don't have that mindset.........Oh wait....
  19. Because he coached in the current Sun Belt, not in the one lacking Troy and FAU who DD never beat.
  20. People keep talking about DD's assistants leaving in droves. Since I was not around during the "good old days", could somebody tell me who left for a BCS school besides Deloach? And who left for another FBS school besides Leftwich and Deloach?
  21. Darrell Dickey had a winning percentage of .396. Only four coaches in the history of our university have done worse. Two, Lloyd Russell and Bob Tyler, only had one season. The other two were Todd Dodge and Dennis Parker, coaches straight out of high school. If Darrell Dickey had not hit the Sun Belt lottery, he would have been fired in 2001 after his 4th losing season. The man never won more than 3 games in the Big West. He was a poor coach with the good fortune to be dropped in an equally poor conference. He is not the coaching legend some of you make him out to be, he was about the luckiest guy on the planet that the Big West quit playing football. Odus Mitchell and Hayden Fry were truly great coaches, Dickey, not so much.
  22. Boise State would disagree. They have won more that 26 consectuive before and were 2 missed field goals away from showing they could outdo 26 again next year.
  23. The guy was a classless jerk and RV should have had him escorted out of the stadium by UNT police for that uniform shadiness he pulled. I also don't remember enjoying much about watching Dickeyball either(although I was only around for the 99,05, and 06 seasons). I do remember the 3rd and long draw, "THROW THE DAMN BALL DICKEY!", and "YOU'RE BEING OUTCOACHED!" Also, the 2000-2004 Sun Belt was not at the level it is now by any stretch of the imagination. The Sun Belt back then was full of Western Kentuckys. Which Sun Belt team has never beaten us? Oh yea, Western Kentucky. I would put money in Vegas that we could beat WKU 26 straight times if we only played them 6 times per year and could recruit in between based on our "conference success".
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