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Everything posted by Cr1028

  1. I'd love to but I've got my son's birthday party Saturday so I can't swing it this go around.
  2. I like the old school white helmet with the interlocking NT. I also like the new black and carbon fiber looking helmets with the SOW.
  3. He only signed with UT over FSU because he wanted a chance at qb. UT has their qb and Locksley is probably ticked off that he never got a shot at qb.
  4. Texas v Iowa State will be on my docket because it will dramatically impact the quality of my sports radio content here in Austin for the next week.
  5. I agree with @PlummMeanGreen. I think the the HOD bowl game attendance had less to do with it being in Dallas and more to do with it being a bowl game. I drove up from Austin and it was the only game I attended that year. If it had been held in Denton, I would've attended just the same. Bowl games are different. I can't imagine SMU would bring squat to the Cotton Bowl, they barely show when we play them at Ford. They brought a decent amount to Apogee this year but I doubt many more would go to a Cotton Bowl game. That stadium is past its time. OU and UT are going to get out of there and head to Jerry World (just like the Cotton Bowl Classic) as soon as they can get the right people to let them. If we are going to do a neutral game, that is the only stadium to consider. There is a reason no big-time P5s want to play at the Cotton Bowl, they all want to go to Jerry World because it is modern. I'm ok with the Cotton Bowl for a bowl game because frankly, I'd watch us play a bowl game in a Safeway parking lot. Other than that, Let's please stay out of that crumbling old stadium.
  6. You guys may think I'm crazy but I firmly believe our students/recent alumni getting into the Marshall players' heads was huge contributor to the victory. Our folks were jawing at them until they jawed back and I think they couldn't focus on the game because they were so focused on the stands. Two Marshall players almost fought each other. We had grad assistants or inured players (not sure) making obscene gestures, we had players tellin the fans to come find them after the semester. I loved it. Huge home field advantage. I know, some will say to stay classy and not engage the players, I say if it helps us win a game like we did this Saturday, I'm all for it.
  7. I said it could be, not that it is. Buying and selling a house is a PITA. If he believed this was a short-term gig til he gets back to P5, then he could give the appearance that he is selling his house in Georgia while not really wanting to sell it. That gives him cover for people who say he isn't committed to this program while also not actually tying himself to Denton. Again, I'm not saying this is what is happening, just that it is possible.
  8. He can take solace in the fact that little ol' North Texas held the by-God Florida Gators' quarterbacks to a lower QBR than Litton.
  9. Said they are waiting on their house to sell in Georgia before buying here but that could just be a line.
  10. I don't quite get how losing is all of a sudden not acceptable because some dude got thrown out for yelling at kids. I remember folks yelling at the OC (Flanagan-getting outcoached! leads to physical confrontation), the qb (pick any but I think Meager got it the worst), head coach(Dickey-throw the ball Dickey!, Dodge-shotgun isn't a goal line formation!). RV got David Banner'd by @UNT90 and he damn well deserved it looking back. I'm not sure losing has ever been acceptable here, the fans have been pissed off about it forever but we just haven't found the recipe(save a few years) for success. I think all these under-30s within our program is the change we needed. They look at us as a stepping stone and I'm ok with that. Nobody should have the job security RV had. He and Mac, a guy who is in the twilight of his career, saw our program as stable with low expectations and they could just get by. They've learned that the new prez disagrees. Our new staff is young and hungry. I got a feeling the sky is beginning to clear for us. Go Mean Green. Beat Marshall.
  11. It's crazy to think I stood in that spot 10 years ago not knowing what the future held. 3 short years later I'd be parking each day for work in the garage directly behind where we were standing. The area where that picture was taken is now Dell Medical School.
  12. I might try to swing by Saturday to say hi, sign the guestbook, and possibly taste Tony's balls. You guys are right at the bottom of the hill by the southeast parking lot, correct?
  13. Is there anything on the lockers whatsoever that shows it is a NT locker? It looks very nondescript as if they could've come from any program.
  14. @GreenMachine You could page him using @Harry or private message him.
  15. I'm not so sure. Harold Etheridge had some humdingers while he was here in the mid-2000s.
  16. I'd say this is largely because our ticket office didn't match the season tickets for those seats with the actual seats. There may be a boatload of those folks standing with the students, just like I had to do the first game because my seats were wrong.
  17. What has Morris shown in the couple games he played that he is worth putting in there over the next 7 games? Because after that, he's gone. If you want a change of pace put O'Hara, Shanbour, or Cason in since they'll be here for more than just the next 7 games. My opinion though? Let Fine take his lumps and then he and Pearson can fight it out in fall camp next year.
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