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Everything posted by Greenblood94

  1. Good news: Awasome just made a QB sack! Bad news: It was negated by a personal foul penalty BTW, if anyone else is watching the game on Versus, is it me, or do the officials (dressed in long black pants and red polo shirts) look more like golf course marshals than football officials?
  2. My sister-in-law teaches at USA...she told me the BOT was going to vote on it, but didn't know how it would go. She says between all the SEC allegiances and the Alabama/Auburn rivalry, it's hard to find any football support for even a school like Alabama-Birmingham outside the campus. I admire the students' and the alumni's attempt to back the team, but ten thousand bucks a year for five years doesn't sound like a whole lot of "startup" money for a D-I program. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out...
  3. I still remember the referee going nose-to-nose (literally) with a UNT police officer about the posters at that UTA game, trying to get the posters either confiscated or, at least, not held up by Rick and the rest...and the UNT officer never budged...some of the funniest stuff I have ever seen at a basketball game!
  4. I'm guessing all this "first game" stuff will be rehashed next winter when the Cowboys finally turn out the lights on the place...
  5. I agree with all of your points, save one...SMU. At the risk of turning this into a bash-SMU thread, even for one post, I am sick and tired of people bringing up the death penalty as the reason for SMU's woes. THAT WAS 20 YEARS AGO. In just the last 10 years, universities have started football programs from scratch that have enjoyed more success than SMU over the same period. I don't doubt that it put a major crimp in SMU's immediate future, post-Death Penalty, but to cite that as SMU's reason for mediocrity (or worse) in the last decade is excusing the bad choices they have made during that time. The only positive I have seen out of that program was that they finally built a nice on-campus football facility. Part of SMU's problem in the last decade is that enough people in positions of authority over there simply do not care for football...and some of the ones who can make a difference have made poor choices. I'm not saying we're so much better than they are, but give us the resources SMU has had in the last 20 years, and let's see where we would be...I would like to think we would be in a much better situation.
  6. Staubach, probably. Isn't Hayden Fry supposed to show up at one of the games, or was that for Homecoming?
  7. Well, BOTH teams are lighting up the scoreboard. It's 35-28 Allen with 1:18 left...in the first half.
  8. Isn't that a name from the Department of Redundancy Dept.??? I was not aware there was a "non-diet" version of Tab...
  9. Agreed. She leaves me a bit, um, flat...
  10. It's only a rivalry when both sides have skins on the wall against each other. We got nothing on FAU right now. When you can quickly remember bad games AND good games against an opponent, THAT is a rivalry. For my money, MTSU is our most hated rival, now that NMSU is no longer in the SBC. Even though the "rivalry" only began last year by the above definition, there's been contentiousness ever since we shared the first SBC title in 2001. It's always been nice to get out of Murfreesboro with a "W".
  11. By my count, there are five current or former Sun Belt teams in the Bottom 10.
  12. If the Rockies can continue their "Lights Out" play after a week of inactivity, the Red Sox are in trouble. Hopefully, it will be more entertaining than the last couple of World Series', even the one my Astros were in was a dog.
  13. Stephen A. Smith is actually on for three hours on the NYC ESPN affiliate, ESPN just puts the last hour of his show on nationwide. Very strange decision, but Stephen A. seems to be the rising star of the network, even though his TV show didn't work out. I'd almost prefer they move Galloway to 2-6 to cover that mistake in judgement. I don't think Newy wants to put that much time into a radio show...I think that was one of the reasons "The Big Show" with Coop and Newy got busted up. The local guys are running out of established talent, though, so it will be interesting to see what they come up with.
  14. This ought to increase PC's chances to get the football this year... Torn ACL sidelines Dolphins' Brown for rest of season By SARAH LARIMER, Associated Press Writer October 22, 2007 DAVIE, Fla. (AP) -- Things go from bad to worse for the Miami Dolphins, who lost running back Ronnie Brown for the rest of the season because of a knee injury. Brown will need surgery to repair a torn ACL, coach Cam Cameron said Monday. He twisted his right knee in the third quarter of the Dolphins' 49-28 loss to the New England Patriots on Sunday. "His spirits are up," Cameron said. "He's already talking about getting the surgery and getting ready to get back and get it rehabbed and be ready for spring." Brown has been one of the few bright spots in Miami's bleak season. Coming into Sunday's game, he led the NFL in yards from scrimmage and had reached the 100-yard rushing mark for four consecutive games. "He was having a Pro Bowl season," Cameron said. "There's no doubt about it. ... There's a lot of resolve in this guy. He's committed to getting this taken care of and coming back, coming back even stronger. He is an impressive, impressive young man." Brown had 76 yards rushing against the Patriots on 17 carries, and had five receptions for 33 yards. "He was on his way to another big game," Cameron said. The Dolphins are off to an 0-7 start for the first time in their 42 seasons. They travel to London this week to face the New York Giants in the first regular-season NFL game outside North America. "These are times when you're tested," Cameron said. "And the bottom line is, you take it day to day. You take it one game at a time." Miami will now turn to running backs Jesse Chatman, Patrick Cobbs and Lorenzo Booker to take Brown's place. "You don't replace a Ronnie Brown," Cameron said. "But you say, 'These are the guys we have. How do we maximize the guys we have? Who are our best 11?"' After Sunday's game, Brown said he could walk and put pressure on the knee. He injured himself chasing Randall Gay on an interception and was able to walk off the field. "I was coming down and running across the field and the guy was running at me and he actually cut behind me," Brown said. "I tried to plant and it twisted up a little bit." Brown's injury puts renewed focus on suspended running back Ricky Williams, who applied for NFL reinstatement Oct. 1. Williams remains under contract with Miami, where he won the NFL rushing title in 2002, but Cameron has not indicated whether he wants Williams to stay with the Dolphins. "As soon as he's reinstated, I will comment," Cameron said Monday. "If in fact, he is." Williams has played in only 12 NFL games since the start of the 2004 season, but rushed for 3,225 yards in 2002-03. His current suspension began in April 2006 after he violated the league's drug policy for the fourth time. He tested positive for marijuana this April, again delaying his return. On Sunday, the Dolphins also lost safety Renaldo Hill for the rest of the season because of a torn ACL, Cameron said, further depleting a position plagued by injuries. "I think we're on our fifth safety, maybe sixth now," middle linebacker Zach Thomas said. "Hopefully somebody steps in and steps up, because teams are going to start to throw on us a lot." Cameron said he expected surgeries for Hill and Brown would take place within the next week to 10 days. Miami's season has been rife with injuries. Quarterback Trent Green suffered a severe concussion and was placed on injured reserve Saturday. Safety Yeremiah Bell injured his Achilles' tendon in the season opener. A concussion sidelined Zach Thomas for two consecutive games and defensive tackle Vonnie Holliday is nursing an ankle injury.
  15. Not really. She never really did anything for me, either...Chuck Cooperstein has been a larger part of that show the past couple of months. I just don't think Engel has the personality to be the main focus of a radio show. The fact that she fell on her own sword only underlines that. I am disappointed that ESPN hasn't been able to, in my opinion, field a viable alternative to The Ticket...Mike and Mike in the Morning are pretty good, but the new Noon to 3 PM slot makes me yearn for Dan Patrick...Mike Tirico isn't bad (though kind of vanilla) so far, but Stephen A. Smith reminds me of a cross between a blustery Howard Cosell and Skip Bayless (God help us all), and how the parent organization thought 2 hours of Tirico and an hour of Smith was a good mix is beyond me. I can only take so much of Randy Galloway before I dive for the tuning button or an airsick bag, whichever is closer. I will be interested to see what changes 103.3 rolls out in light of all the defections, but I'm not holding my breath. I do hope Cooperstein gets his own show. I know I'm probably in the minority, but of all the non-Ticket personalities in this market, I enjoy Coop the most...even better than most of the folks on The Ticket's roster.
  16. I think you are confusing Franklin's fate with Steve Little. Franklin lives in San Antonio and is a finance director for an auto dealership, according to a "where are they now" article on the Philadelphia Eagles website. Steve Little played for 2 1/2 years with the St. Louis Cardinals. On the day he was released from the Cards in 1980, six games into the season, Little was involved in an automobile accident that left him paralyzed. He passed away in 1999. In the era that Erxleben, Franklin and Little played in, not only were they allowed to kick from a 2" tee, but they were also allowed to substitute in an old, "blown up to the max" football that aided in gaining distance. Also, missed field goals were brought back to the 20-yard line, no matter where they were attempted from, so it didn't hurt the team trying the long FG if the kicker missed. The NCAA changed all three rules in 1978, right after those three graduated, to dissuade teams from similar attempts. It doesn't take away from their accomplishments, but it did give them a bit of an edge.
  17. I guess Mama was right...nothing good happens after 2:00 a.m.
  18. In the interest of fairness, whoever edited the highlights should get the blame for the screwup. They are the ones who write out a "shot sheet" that tells the anchor who is doing what on each of the shots, which is how the talent relays that info on the air. Unless the talent was specifically looking at the video and recognized the mistake (doubtful, since they were probably looking at the shot sheet, and/or preparing for their next story), they probably didn't even know a mistake had been made. It's doesn't excuse the stupidity of the mistake, just shifts the blame on who probably made it.
  19. With regard to JJ, to paraphrase the Bible, let those of you who wear NT green 24/7 cast the first stone. Otherwise, please, "lighten up, Francis."
  20. Are you kidding? The Rangers blew a gasket when Grand Prairie wanted to build a stadium for a MINOR LEAGUE team. If what you say about Cuban's intentions is true, Hicks would have a meltdown on the spot...which might not be a bad idea, come to think of it...
  21. Okay, I have all the sympathy in the world for the families of Ron Goldman and Nicole Simpson, but OJ isn't the only idiot in this situation. If the memorabilia is stolen (which is what Simpson is being accused of), that means it didn't belong to OJ in the first place, so what right does Goldman have to it? By this intelligent line of thinking, if OJ robbed a bank, then Goldman is entitled to the money that Simpson stole, instead of whatever bank he heisted. Again, I understand Mr. Goldman's frustrations, but he should stay out of this until due process runs its course. Of course, if OJ is convicted, Goldman's chances of getting ANY money from OJ, which are slim to begin with, go straight into the toilet.
  22. Claiming ignorance to the gun laws of another state is one thing; saying flat out that you don't have to obey the laws of the state in which you work is, to quote The Tasty Greek, "one of the most moronic statements I have ever heard." Jerry Jones is up to his old tricks...the only upside to this signing from a Cowboys fan's standpoint is that Jones did not give Johnson a signing bonus, or tie up any significant future money in this transaction. If he turns out to be the second coming of Charles Haley, I'll be the first to admit I was wrong, but it looks more to me like he could be the second coming of Demetrius Underwood. Meanwhile, Johnson has six more weeks to kill before he can practice with his new teammates...forgive me for expressing concern for the after-hours crowds in the Dallas area between now and then...
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