We know DD won't get fired, but..............Last night I was so angry at DD and our offensive "plan" I was about to pull my hair out and renounce football altogether. My poor heart can take this - it must have been around 180bpm. While I cursed DD and wished him fired (among other things), I had the thought, "with our limited budget, would we end up with someone better? Would we start COMPLETELY over with a 1-12, 2-9, 3-9 record for the next 5 years while we rebuild?" ... scary stuff, but I may be ready for it. I can't take these OOC blowouts. Oh, the game finale for me: I baked Lasagna during the 4th Q as a distraction/anger reduction technique, and just as the game ended, I pulled the Lasagna out of the oven only the burn my hands and drop my entire dinner on the floor... the irony.