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Everything posted by chrisfisher

  1. As a psychologist in training at UNT, I love your analogy!
  2. I'd love to move up into a bigger conference like CUSA, but how do y'all think we'd fare based on the Tulsa game? Maybe Akron will answer this question.
  3. Positive: This is a change from what he has been saying so hopefully we'll see more (1) and (3). But....Darrell "KEEP 8 IN THE BOX" Dickey takes one step forward (1), two steps back (2), one step forward (3), and two steps back (4). I can't count the number of times that I complained about (3) being one reason why our offensive is out of sync. Our starter should have been doing this in Aug practice, not 4 games into the season! You know, as wacky as we get on this board, D-K8ITB-D confirms many posts I've read recently. Finally, I hope that Ramon "I KEEP ALL THE OFFENSIVE PLAYS ON MY 10 DIGITS" Flannigan ignores (2) and (4) and does more (1). Lastly, I like that “up the middle has been the staple of his offensive during his tenure” comment.
  4. damn - that stinks; I didn't realize it was so bad. Hopefully we'll ad Akron this Saturday.
  5. Dude - that headline is funny.. thanks for a late night laugh.
  6. These continuous DD "watering it down" comments are the one's that really scare me. How much more watered down can you get? I am so tired of posting this, but why is it that our boys have problems remembering assignments while the rest of D1A football can run dynamic play books? Makes no sense! will someone PLEASE ask DD in a news conference??? I'd love to hear the answer.
  7. Maybe DD is a good coach. I don't know much about recruiting, but from what I've read here we don't exactly have players beating down the door to get into our program. It seems he doesn't have much to work with. Nonetheless, DD has done a great job in finding/developing under-rated or unsigned players (Wilson, Cobbs, Quinn, Thomas, our whole freakin defensive crew this season, etc.). Obviously, offense isn't DD's thing. He needs to come to grips with this and find the right offensive coordinator that can fill in for him. If DD could get our offense on track, I'd find him much easier to support.
  8. I appreciate what you are trying to do. I like positive thinkers. Glass is half full, right? I think the increased negativity you detect is due to a 2-9 season last year, and fear of a repeat. Would that be progress? Everyone was downright giddy after the SMU win, but returned to gloom & doom after the horrible 2nd Half against Tulsa.... we stand ready to cheer but just need DD to throw us a bone (thought I'd continue the homo-erotic theme for you) every once in while. A win in Akron will work.
  9. I was thinking more about my post above. I may be off a bit. My experiences in my doctoral program may not (and probably aren't) representative of the entire UNT student body, especially the younger folks. I should have considered that before saying students don't care about SBC wins....perhaps the SBC victories are appreciated more than I know. Also, I made an error in my original post and said D2A when I meant D1AA...sorry. i edited the original post too.
  10. From a current student's perspective: I actively try to recurrent fans in my doctoral program at UNT and UNTHSC. You'd be surprised at how many people think the Sunbelt, and hence us, are D1AA. My brother is at UNTHSC and an Aggie fan. He thought I didn't know what hell I was talking about and had to verify at ESPN that we were D1A. Moreover, when I try to rally other UNT students, same stuff: we are D1AA... when I point out we are D1A, the next question is always, "Who else is in the Sunbelt?" After I list the teams they always say, "Middle Tennessee who? Florida what?" They could give a rats ass that we consistently (excluding 2005) beat up on Sun Belt teams. For them, they see 56-7 losses against UT or even 27-3 losses against "unknown" Tulsa. Every game counts, but in my view, if we want to rally the students (and community), we cannot keep getting our buts kicked around in OOC games. We don't even have to win - just be competitive against known teams. Bottom Line: No one cares that we win in the Sun Belt (except some of the UNT sports junkies, like myself, in this forum).
  11. 17.5 points? that's it! Hell, I thought it would be more than that.. were are #100 and something ranked offense... and after last week's miserable offensive output, I'd thought the spread would be more!
  12. Ya, me too. Anyone know what the average OOC win/loss record against non-BCS teams is for D1A teams?
  13. I think that is a great relevant historical observation. I have pointed out on more than one occasion that DD seems to believe that "scaling down" the offensive plan is the key to success b/c our players are unable to understand his play book (you can substitute your own speculative reason as to why he would say this: they are not capable, not prepared enough, not ready, too young, too stupid, don't study enough, etc.). It is really strange if you ask me. Why is it that our team has problems recalling & executing plays in game time situations? I strongly believe our boys can execute any well practiced game plan! He needs to have confidence in our boys... what is the worst that can happen? We score zero instead of 3 points?
  14. Actually, if you read the posts a little closer, our complaints are that we have TALENT that is not being utilized properly. Our defense rocks. OL needs some work. But we have some serious offensive talent in the QB, WR, and RB positions that can adapt and overcome this adversity. Our coaches need to give our boys a chance to win with a game plan other than: up the middle (left), up the middle (right), up the middle (center), punt.
  15. Funny you posted this. I was about to post something similar. I have to say I respect the veterans on this board. They have put up with games like Tulsa for years. I've only been at UNT for 1 year. I don't know how they do it. Sunday I was angry and sarcastic (just read my posts), and today I feel like I lost a best friend. Man, this sucks. I guess I haven't learned from DD's previous OOC track record (in my naivety I think we can win OOC games), though I am quickly become more educated from this board. Also, I can't wait to go to Stats class tomorrow. I was talking up the team pretty heavy after SMU. I can't even get my doctoral student peers to cheer for our team. Why would they? They come from schools with athletically rich backgrounds like LSU, UT, Michigan, etc. I don’t blame them either as I don’t know if I could renounce my old bachelor’s college with the crap I saw against Tulsa in the 2nd half. Who wants to join a losing team? Oh well, I know I’ll still be glued to radio come Saturday again.
  16. Weird. You come to an opinion forum to tell people to shut up... hmmn...anyway, I posted earlier today (for comic relief) that a monkey could randomly choose plays from our offensive play book with the same or better score than we did against Tulsa last night. The more I thought about it, the less far fetched it became. Hell, even if the monkey's chosen plays didn't result in points, it would only be 3 less than our "offensive plan" could generate. I think the random play calling alone would confuse Tulsa so much that we'd score at least 7 points. Flanigan gave us the shaft last night. I feel for Woody, Meager, Thomas, Quinn, & the rest of our offensive crew. They deserve better. Up the middle, up the middle, up the middle, punt
  17. Yes, defense was really good...they are small, but very fast. They were on the field for most of the game, so got tired in the end.. nevertheless they played their hearts out and never gave up... if the offensive could only hold up their part of the bargin...
  18. It seems our defense looks great, but the offensive is where we are really hurting. Maybe DD needs to get rid of Flanigan, after all he makes the offensive schemes. It appears that DD made a good decision bringing in the new defensive coordinator, so I have to give him props on that. If DD could find the right offensive coordinator, maybe he could salvage this seemingly talented team he put together.. I seriously doubt Flanigan will go though... UNT seems to have a high tolerance for pain.
  19. Guaranteed best seller, though I'm sure we'll lose quite few sales due to the numerous copies already floating around in the UNT atletics department... I sure hope DD doesn't force our defensive coach to read this, b/c I think good things are happening on defense.
  20. You speak the truth. There is no reason for that silliness last night. Our coaches didn't even put up a fight in the second half once Tulsa made their adjustments. I have zero coaching experience, but I think I could have selected better plays from their play book. That doesn't say much, b/c I think I a monkey could have randomly selected plays, and had better results. At the very least, Tulsa wouldn't know what to expect.
  21. I think this is loser talk....not that you are a loser, but rather have become accustomed to losing. Last night, I recall the Tulsa announcers discussing Tulsa's horrendous win/loss record over a 20 year period... that is until the new, current coach came in and turned the program around in 4 years, including several bowl games (Liberty Bowl Champ last year). And they did this is in a more competitive CUSA division. If they can do it in Tulsa, why can't we do it in Denton? To expect anything less of our program is a disservice to the university, coaches, players, and fans. Sorry, I refuse to "see our place" as you envision it.
  22. damn, that is twisted way to make this season "feel good." I wonder if this is how DD thinks? I don't think we could have scored against a decent high school team with that game plan last night. Time for some coach firings - won't happen though from what I've read in this forum.
  23. This theory seems far fetched, and I really doubt it. But one can't stop these kind of speculations because of mind boggling differences in play calling between the SMU and the Tulsa game. There is no logical reason for it. Hence, enter the conspiracy theories. Funny, but sad, that DD states that much of our scoring happens by accident prior to this game. I say to DD, let's screw up more plays and make more poor reads.... I want to score touchdowns again! One more thing: Please don't Darrell Dickey-ize Woody. Last night, Woody looked immobile and unsure of himself. Having Woody do constant hand-offs to the RB is like asking Barry Bonds to bunt each hit. Your ruining Matt's and Daniel's career already... leave Woody’s alone!
  24. Has any sent a letter with signatures from those in the community to the UNT president stating that we want accountability in our sports, especially from our football coaching staff? This may be a pie in the sky idea, but you never know, it might facilitate change.
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