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Everything posted by chrisfisher

  1. I'm sorry but we didn't go from 5 to 25 points by magic. Our offense put them up. I admit our offense sucks right now, so you are kinda pointing out the obvious. Keep in mind that FIU had the same difficulty putting up points b/c this was a big time defensive battle. You underestimate how good FIU is because of their record. They have played very good teams to close games. Also, you are mistaken about the size FIU. They are a bigger school than we are at 37,000 students.
  2. I know why I didn't get it. I was on the field after the game talking to the players, and the Mean Green were very excited about this win. Someone else posted the same thing about the locker room after the win. You may not believe this but I think this game did alot for their confidence. And why not? Our defensive play was inspiring. Our offense looked bad through 3 quarters, but came back from a 13-5 deficit in the 4Q, and had it's moments in OT.
  3. Hehe...I take it you disagree with my analysis.... why wouldn't they improve from this game? I still don't get it.
  4. You bring up a good point here that I was talking about after the game, but hadn't seen posted yet. That 7 overtime game may have been just what the doctor ordered for our team, especially for offense. Offense needs more playing time like they got in that game to get in sync. They got more practice probably than the last 2 games combined. Our defense also got a ton of practice on red zone defense, especially goal line stances (I think we stopped them on 1 yard line with a fresh set up downs at least twice, maybe three times!). You mentioned the conditioning factors and I think that game did alot in that area too. Even more important, our defense learned to play a FULL GAME (and a half) at an extremely intense level. They were hitting as hard or harder at the end of 4.5 hours than when the game started. Top this off with a two week break, and I think our team will return ready to throw down with anyone. I am not saying the FIU game is a cure all, but it may have been the kick start we needed.
  5. One thing I've noticed about DD when I arrived last year at UNT, is that he rarely speaks in public in ways such as, "we are going to come our ready to play and give that team all they can handle. We are going to win this thing." He never seems that fired up about game, only stating we want to give ourselves a CHANCE to win. Maybe he is different with the team privately, but I can't help thinking not. The biggest example of this attitude was when he got up on national TV and said that our boys don't have the talent to beat UT, and that even if Mean Green players did play above their talent level, UT would have to also have a bad day for us to have a chance to win.... Geeez.... That was the day I really lost respect for him and questioned his ability to coach a team.
  6. I wish I could know who would replace him before I answered this question. But, with all the ugly loses, I'd have to say gone no matter what. However, I am very scared as to what we'll get for his replacement.
  7. Unfortunately, Wilson has seemed to get worse, not better with additional practice. I am not sure how to interpret this. I can't help but speculate that Wilson is over-thinking plays now due to coaches demands that he not make mistakes (emphasizing mistakes, rather than scoring). However, I have to say that Wilson's throwing has been ugly - under pressure or not. He throws needless interceptions and sometimes misses wide open receivers. He seems to be very out of sync with receivers. Then again, he is essentially a freshman QB. This is what freshman QB's do in their first games. So I don't think it can fall entirely on the coaches on this one.
  8. I wasn't trying to go after anyone, nor do I intend too. I don't like personal swipes either, and I hope you didn't construe that. It turned out my observation was true however. In all fairness, I knew had to be, b/c if you were at the game you would have understood why we did it... that's all. But do consider that when you or others say that "pathetic" or "low expectation" fans rushed the field, you in effect make negative personal statements about the fans. BTW, a 1-4 record (now 2-4) makes us look like amateurs, not Mean Green crazed fans.
  9. I don't even think you read my post. I never said we are on the right track or even implied that. You only saw: supporting team = keep the status quo. NEWS FLASH: We are currently in the SBC division and can ONLY (realistically) attend the New Orleans Bowl. That's it. Nothing else. Should we hope our team loses so we don't squander the chance to move forward? That’s twisted thinking. If we don’t go to games, stop donations, etc., do you really think this would motivate the admin to increase the football budget? Do you think our positive posts that we enjoyed the game will change RV’s mind about a need for change? What is your specific solution? I interested to hear how we should “properly” support the team.
  10. I was wondering about SBC OOC play this season so I am pleased to see this post. My impression from this board was that SBC teams seldom win OOC games. I noticed a fair amount where being won this season.. and numerous OOC games with big programs were very good games though they were loses (e.g. Florida State, Georgia Tech, Maryland, South Florida, etc). I hope we can add Louisiana Tech to this list too. So, correct me if I am wrong, but the SBC is much more competitive this year?
  11. The sad, pathetic positive thinkers are always getting in the way of this forum. We need to have a better screening process to weed them out. That way we can revel in our misery uninterrupted.
  12. Where you at the game? Your dry analysis suggests not. And no, a web cast or radio broadcast doesn't count. Try showing up to a game before you pass judgment on how those that invest the support, time, and money celebrate.
  13. CaribbeanGreen... you nailed it! I was going to post something similar and couldn't say it better.
  14. I noticed that the QBs always roll out to the right. This play has cost a ton, and rarely delivers anything. Our QB's get nailed for loses nearly every time. Even Meager tried the right roll out and ended up 15 yards in the back field b/c a defensive player was in his face as soon as he turned around. Why do we have to roll right every time?
  15. It's tough business trying to keep it positive! But I'll do my best. To tell the truth, I am trying to find balance in my life where I can enjoy the games, while at the same time maintain the high expectations I have for our program. I strongly believe these two goals are compatible. Folks around here want you to feel guilty for enjoying a win... weird. I will keep my head high and green no matter what.
  16. You say this so boldly from a forum board. I think you'd be speaking a totally different story had you been on the field with the Mean Green Players after the game. The players would have probably opened a fresh can of whoop ass on you in front of god and everyone if you told them that was a crappy win, how bad they played, and how our standards are so low. They played their hearts out and the fans saw that and were overcome with excitement after the win. I will give you this, though I still reject your "fans standards are so low" argument... UNT fans are akin to a starving dog... throw the dog a bone and it tastes like steak. I want improvements just as bad as you do... but I don't think bashing fans for supporting the team and getting a little silly after a game is a way to go about this.
  17. Speaking of offense, I find it interesting that everyone is very quiet about the our pick for quarterback, President Woody Wilson. He didn't play very good, AGAIN. Just when we start getting momentum on offense, he throws an interception (ugly ones too), misses wide open receivers, or engages in some other debacle or poorly executed play. I think Woody will become a great QB for us over the next season. Truth is, though, he was a large part of why our offense struggled so much last night. This really sucks too b/c I thought we found our QB. Now I don't know if he should start next game. Moreover, I fear continued QB rotations.
  18. Does this mean that RV is looking for a new job? Isn't he our Athletics Director? I sure hope he isn't. He seems to be one of the good guys.
  19. Rudy, you took the words out of my (and my daughter's mouth)... we cheered and cursed every player, coach, team, and play call.....we are exhausted, both emotionally and physically... in fact, I'm going to bed... I hope everyone perks up when I check the board again tomorrow morning. The negativity was deflating when I came home expecting to see this board excited about the win.
  20. I don't mean any disrespect to the veteran supporters, and are demanding many of the same changes you are (read my previous posts).... but tonight was a good win as well as a really fun night. I am thrilled we won, and did so against a team that most everyone on this board (including myself) thought we'd get blown out by. Enjoy it.
  21. You wouldn't get it because you were not there. BTW, I hope there is like a video record of one of the most exciting endings to a football game I have ever witnessed.. This negativity is really getting boring for me now. There is NOTHING that can happen this season, short of DD getting fired, that will make you happy. Sad. I will support my team, while at the same time demand improvements.
  22. We didn't have the benefit of announcers in the stand, but the initial call on the field was a touch down.
  23. I was there. We did storm the field. You had to be there to understand. Read my previous post as to our experience on the field with the Mean Green Players. This school is just ready to explode to a winning team. I hope RV and Co. realize this and keep up their efforts to take us to the next level.
  24. In OT, there was alot running plays b/c neither team wanted to make a mistake. It turned into a big defensive battle. Best I can recall, many times teams ended up where they started (on the 25 yard line) or behind it. As a result, many field goal attempts were from decent distances... best I can remember. This was such an emotionally charged game at the field, it all seems like a blur now. There was one play call I didn't understand from DD in overtime. We were down on the 20 or 25. It was 2 and 8. DD sent out the kicking team. I couldn't believe it. I know he wanted to put the game away, but at least run 1 more running play to see if you can get a few more yards or even in the end zone... our kicker missed. Bit of mystery to me why he chose that. I guess if the kicker made it, we'd say "brilliant call."
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