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Everything posted by chrisfisher

  1. I'll go out on a limb here and predict a win. We are coming out of an hard fought game where our boys were pushed to the limit, both physically and emotionally, and won. Moreover, we've had 2 weeks to get all the bumps and bruises healed up, plus work on our "offense." I think they will come out fresh, inspired, and will surprise ArkState. Score: 24 - 17 UNT
  2. I think he is referring to the fairly constant max users and/or database error/connection problems. They have made reading GMG very tedious.
  3. Full story here I'm proud of FIU for these additional suspensions and releases from the team... 18 in all. They send a statement that behavior will not be tolerated even if it means a quarter of the team is suspended.
  4. Hey Folks - in case you are wondering about the details of this. Harry & I are working them out right now. We will post very soon on what you can do to help out with GMG's get well wishes to Coach Dickey.
  5. Great! A couple of things... (1) does anyone know where I can purchase one of these big cards locally? (2) Harry, is this something you might want to "pin" to the board so everyone sees it? (3) Harry - I set up a special email account today that we can use. When we post this announcement, we can include this email address plus I include to post some basic instructions to GMG members on how/what to email to facilitate faster copy and pasting as well as keeping well wishes within reason b/c this could easily escalate to hundreds or possibly thousands of GMG responses.
  6. No, I was not giving lip service. I was very surprised that DD was doing all of these activities 3 days after surgery. He should really be in bed doing nothing. Moreover, watching film at his house is stressful on his heart (believe me, I intensely study the role of cognition and its effect on the autonomic nervous system). I always known he wanted to win, but sometimes it is hard not to suspect otherwise from the stuff I read regarding our ugly loses in OOC play, recruiting, wanting to move to a bigger program, etc. There is zero doubt in my mind now that he is 120% committed to our team, even at the risk of his own health.
  7. DD makes practice plans, addresses his coaches/players on Sunday AT SCHOOL, and has daily practice film delivered to his home (all this only 3 days after surgery). I'll never question his desire to win, regardless of our record. There is not doubt in my mind now that he genuinely puts his heart (literally) and soul into this. I really respect this, I just hope he isn't doing too much too soon.
  8. One other idea on the big card thing, and then I'll drop it. Everyone could email their well wishes to me, and I will take all of the emails and cut/paste them into Word and then print them and paste them onto the card. If not, I'm sure we can think of something else. If we do decide to do it, I'd have to do it next week as I leave for town Thurs and won't be back until Monday. Besides, that would give everyone a week's notice to get in their email. This only one idea though. I am sure there are other things we could do if folks don't like this idea.
  9. I just checked and if we can't get the online feed from ASU or you are not in the ESPN Regional viewing area, the game can be purchased from ESPN PPV for $21.95. You can order it for online OR television viewing (it costs the same). I'd go the TV route.
  10. Has there been any official word on who will start? I want to know, but I guess it is best to wait until game time so that ASU has to prepare for two different styles of QB.
  11. I don't think I read one post, including my own, that predicted an UNT win over FIU. In fact, most predicted a blow out. I really hope we can prove everyone wrong again this weekend against Arkansas State. BTW, this is going to be very interesting game with Kenny Evans at the helm. Hopefully, he is up for this formidable task, and will lead the team to victory.
  12. What about one of those enormous cards. I could keep it at school so that GMG members could swing by to sign it... after a week or so, I could take it over to the athletics department. If this isn't a good idea, I will help out any other way I can.
  13. I want to express my deepest regards to Coach Dickey and his family. Get better soon!!!
  14. But we have to start someone. Who would you put in?
  15. I think the score next week against Arkansas State will be a better determinant of who is in the gutter. Let's hope like hell we beat a strong ArkState team. DD and Co. better be practicing their arses off this week on offense. I think our defense will "give us a chance to win." Our "offense" better step up.
  16. I can't help but wonder how much Meager's poor play was b/c of coaching... look at how Wilson's performance has degraded over time, though admittedly, he has made some very poor throwing decisions all on his own too.
  17. Congrads on the big win stAte!!!! Our turn to deliver the knock out to LouisianaTech! Some nice OOC wins this year for Sunbelt Teams!
  18. I don't know anything about Tune, but I certainly wouldn't put in a QB that hasn't taken a snap. IMHO, our "offense" is already out of sync enough without a new, freshman QB. I'd choose Meager over Tune, at least for right now.
  19. Who should start and how soon (if at all) should we pull the starter if things don't go well on scoring? I have been going back and forth between Woody and Meager as to who should get the start against ArkState. I think Phillips is too immobile for our poor offensive line play. We need somebody back there that can move. Both Meager and Woody can run, though I think Woody gets the edge in this department. Yesterday, I leaned towards Meager starting, and today woke up thinking Woody should get the start and get pulled if he starts throwing interceptions or looks inconsistent. With many reservations, I pick Woody at this point. My prediction: DD will have Meager start.
  20. stAte is ahead 14-6. I hope you guys can beat Memphis and we take care of LouisianaTech. The SBC will be looking alot more competitive this season in OOC games with a variety of wins this season. Hopefully, this is the sign of things to come in future seasons.
  21. If we can't be Arkansas State, I seriously doubt we will have our way with Tech.
  22. I know this pains you to think like this but the FACT is that we were down 13-5 in the 4Q and ended up WINNING the game with 25 points. These points didn't appear by magic, accident, a score board operator error, or because FIU's defense decided to sit out a few downs during the game. We scored them despite our numerous flaws. I would have LOVED (and expected) to score more, and are NOT happy with our offense (read my previous posts). There is alot to be upset about. However, I can't let my frustration with our coaches lead me to the over generalized and faulty conclusions that "All our players sucked. All our coaches sucked. All our plays sucked. All our play calls sucked. Our scoring sucked. Our fans sucked with their embarrassing rush of the field." This is all I've heard for a week since we WON. We could go out and beat Arkansas State by 20 points next game and we'd still be reading the same drivel. Too many people on this board seem to believe that if they say anything remotely good about the team that it might somehow influence RV to keep DD. If you believe this, you have a highly inflated opinion of just how much weight your comments carry.
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