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Everything posted by chrisfisher

  1. C'mon Ken. NT03 is right. I have been corrected for spelling nurmorous times on this board. It is very aggrivating. I come to this board b/c I need break from school, not to get an "F" on my post from the "word police." Some of you don't realize how lame it is to correct posters for spelling. This is one sure fire way to keep the younger generation of Mean Green students off the board.
  2. My bad.. I just logged on and read your email first... I just noticed the other stories...
  3. Cerebus, is this wishful thinking or a hoax? Or did you actually see the internal letter?
  4. Keith Wooden is a 6' 9" 245 transfer from Arizona State. He is huge but has very good b-ball skills. His presence was immediately known in the game. He is an exciting player to watch, and I expect he will make a huge impact on this season. He wore a leg brace throughout the game. I don't know if this is just for support or if he recently had an injury. All I know is that I want him to stay healthy!!
  5. I'll be there. I won't abandon our players b/c I don't like the coaching calls.
  6. Hey folks, I hate to be the barer of bad news, but Davis took a hard fall last night towards the end of the game. I am not sure what happened. The Mean Green were heading down to score and all of a sudden the referee stopped play and pointed to the other side of the court where K. Davis was laying on the ground in agony. Davis was pissed too and punched the floor. He was in obvious pain and hobbled off the court after the trainers took a quick look at him on the bench. I heard a trainer say to another "go ice him down." I suspect it is just a ankle sprain, but can anyone with contacts please check on him. I'd hate to start the season without him. This really sucks too, because K. Davis sat out almost the whole game (don't know why).
  7. sorry good catch.. I re-edited my original post.. should have said "increased competition for starters' playing time?" The only disagreement with your above statement is that you believe we are complacent. I'll be damn if I can't go a day without reading we need a new coach. I am actually getting bored with it. Just b/c I predict he will be around, doesn't mean I necessarily agree with it. My opinion on replacing DD depends on the new coach. For all we know, DD could be gold compared to who they bring in. With all the contract buy out stuff, I suspect he'll still be around albeit with a new OC and/or OL coach. Do I know this? Of course not. Pure speculation. But then again, that why they call it an opinion board.
  8. I didn't mean to post this as a reason for him to stay (or go). I was simply reporting an observation I had last night while watching the post-game interview. My prediction that he will be here is not necessarily my own person desires; rather a prediction based on what I have read here, statements made by the coaches, and observation of behavior by the coaches, staff, UNT, etc.
  9. I watched the post-LA Tech game interview with DD. He stated that he intends to increase competition for starters' playing time, and will try out more players from the so-called green team. He then stated very clearly, I am trying out other players to win our remaining games, not as a way to get ready for next season. Apparently, DD believes (or knows) he will be here, or they simply haven't told him he's gone. My prediction: DD stays one more year with a big time coaching shake up. Brewster's play calling that generated more touchdowns in any of our games (except maybe the SMU game) using "second string" players finally showed what a boob RF is.
  10. I don't know jack about recruiting, but from what I read I'll have to go with blaming the UNT coaches, not the Sun Belt conference. We are D1A football. What about all those good players that sign to D1AA teams? I know several D1AA teams are ahead of us in the current national rankings, but that only demonstrates the available talent. I find it hard to believe that we could not tap into these players or quality JUCO players, in addition to the regular recruits we get from Texas and OK. Our coaches are going to have to be creative in their recruiting and stop limiting their selection to 2 of 50 states. I recall watching a football game involving a west (or mid-west) coast college football coach (can't recall the team) that makes a living finding diamonds in the rough...players that are overlooked, unsigned, disgruntled, misfits, rejects.... all of them. Even if 1 player from DFW goes to MT or ASU, we have problems. Bottom Line: we suck at recruiting.
  11. Evan Robertson looked very strong this game. I hate to say it, but he seems to run much better than Jamario right now. Even when he'd get caught in the backfield he'd seem to slip and slide his way out of there to, at least, get back to the line of scrimmage.
  12. This board is really starting to bore me. Same drivel now - day in, day out. I want to win as bad as the rest of you, but geezzz...
  13. I always noticed that numerous forum members are sticklers for proper spelling. However, I believe that this season's poor football play has sent some of you spiraling into the dark world of "proper spelling OCD"... there are treatments out there for this. Please get help soon. These things only get worse.
  14. Wilson is obviously a better QB. However, the telling stat is the 8 INT. He just made poor decisions. If he could get the INTs under control we might have something in him.
  15. I meant Woody Wilson. I thought Meager was done for the season due to another concussion.
  16. Oddly enough, I have a funny feeling (maybe just indigestion?) about this game too. We are 2 - 1 at home this season, and think we may just pull this one out. I think Woody Wilson might have a break out game. I do fear that attendance will be loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow!
  17. I give Daniel Meager my very best wishes. 3 concussions is alot. I hope that the doctors help him make the right decision about footbal (I don't know what that decision should be). BTW, I can't imagine how frustrated he is. He appeared to be on his way to a comeback return to the starting QB role after a summer of very hard work. What a strange season this has been.
  18. It says your a smart man with a keen sense of self-expression
  19. I'm there... rain, shine, snow, sleet, win, lose, tie, or even 7 OTs. One's character is defined during the bad times, not the good.
  20. The BIG underlying assumption of the argument to let DD go is that we will get a better HC. Based on what I've read at GMG, I am skeptical that UNT would go after a name HC, OC, or DC. The combination of DD with a new offensive coordinator and offensive line coach may be our best (or most realistic) option. Fred Bleil is probably a keeper b/c our defense (despite their low national ranking) is performing good to great given the sorry circumstances the offense puts them in week after week. And no, I am not a huge DD fan. I came to UNT with the dream of attending a D1A football school that was exciting and competitive. I enrolled in 2005... enough said about my "exciting and competitive" experience. So, I rely on hanging out with my 9 year old daughter at the football games to keep it fun.
  21. Because we have 5 plays. A QB sneak would make 6 plays (I stole this line from a previous poster). BTW, I want to change the RF analogy. In hindsight, I think it was really more of a compliment. The updated nickname now reads: Ramon "I keep all the plays on my five digits" Flannigan.
  22. With ASU's loss to FAU, and Troy only scoring 14 points on us, I'd have to say that Middle Tennessee will take the SBC conference title this year. Amazing with a new coach can do for a previously so-so MTSU team.
  23. I did see it and you are right.. we did do this! We'll, we won that game... maybe the FIU game is proof of this crazy idea. Someone needs to email this strategy to DD. At least we'll put up more points on the scoreboard than we usually do....
  24. I noticed that when our "offense" gets into the red zone, certain "things" inevitably happen: false starts, QB tripping over the center, QB/Center exchange problem, QB and RB running into each another, delay of game penalties, excessive time outs, missed assignments, QB sacks for unbelievable loses, dropped passes, runs that get negative yards, interceptions, etc., etc., etc. We figuratively and literally run backwards inside the red zone. Apparently, as DD and Kenny Evans often explain this, we are getting out coached. Anyhow, my dad said to me, "Why don't y'all just kick a field goal as soon as you get inside the red zone?" I initially laughed, but then thought about it more. Damn, we could actually win some games doing this. My brother expanded with: "When you get inside the 20, just ram it up the middle again and again so your kicker doesn't have to deal with angles, and you never know you might gain some yardage too thus cutting down the length of the field goal." Farging brilliant. Conservative football at its extreme. It ain't sexy but it could win some games. The sad thing is that this plan sounds seriously crazy, but could work due to our miserable ability to score touchdowns. Today we lost by 8 points, if we implemented this strategy and made 3 additional field goals in the red zone, we would have won. Hopovac is the key to our success for 2006!!
  25. "maybe we need to cut back on what we are asking from our players....." Huh?
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