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Everything posted by chrisfisher

  1. Thanks.. We appreciate that RaiderInTheZone. I noticed that MTSU has very tall/big basketball team when we played a week or two ago. I think that was the first game we have played in while, in or out conference, where a team matched up with us in the height/size department. Congrads on getting such good sized recruits... See y'all again in the SBC tournament...
  2. I went to the board last night, and they were calling for their coach to be fired...
  3. WOW! Great present... thanks Denver!
  4. I don't see what the big deal is about a bow... nevertheless....I don't if anyone has considered this, but the WKU fans might have been talking shit to him, and he took the high road and did a bow to them. Recall that Watson was the one that put them away at WKU with all his 3 point shots... I'm sure the WKU fans aren't too fond of him. Even if they didn't talk trash, a bow is pretty harmless either way.
  5. Ebone, I agree with you that we have done a poor job of protecting the lead the past two games. We seem to go into offensive hibernation mode. It cost us the USA game, which we mostly dominated the entire game, and nearly last night's game. With the exception of free throws, for the most part JJ has done a good job of fixing or at least reducing previous problems (especially our defense, allowing a high percentage 3's, etc). I hope that the coaches will seriously review the teams' performance against WKU and USA and make the appropriate adjustments for future games. If they don't, it could come back to bite us in the arse. On a side note, JJ seemed to manage his time outs better last night, and they seemed to be strategically called for at critical moments.. hopefully this area of the game is improving.
  6. 3500 attendance. I also noticed that we stopped aggressively attacking the basket in the second half. News flash to the Mean Green coaches and players: You outsize your opponents in the vast majority of games. We are a BIG team. Commentators from WKU, USA, ARLR, ASU, etc. have all commented that our size makes for difficult match ups and that we just need to take more advantage of that. We should be driving to hoop all night! There is little they can do except foul in most cases. If Wooden keeps playing like he did last night, this could be a fun ride.
  7. I am pretty sure he went 1/2 on the set before that. But our point is a good one. WKU tried to ice him before his last set of free throws by calling a time out. But it appeared to back fire b/c Rich returned to the line appearing MORE relaxed and confident and nailed both shots. Rich really pulled it out for us during a time that we really needed him. That was a fun game, but my heart can't take too many of those. A personal funny moment lat night: I strained or tore a calf muscle last week. When KD made this clutch 2 point shot, I was out of my seat standing on the stairs and jumped up in celebration.... bad idea, my calf gave out and I almost fell down the stairs... I was holding my calf agonizing in pain. but quickly forgot about it and returned to cheering the Mean Green on.
  8. Pretty crazy that we'd even consider Howerton in the way you suggest. I have been a harsh critic of Howerton, but I must say that he has come a long way this season, and may well turn out to be a good player over the coming seasons.
  9. If the refs called the first half like they did in the second half when they really tightened up the calls, the game would not have been that close b/c we'd have been on the free throw line constantly (even if we only hit 1/2). The refs really let them push our guys around in the first half. I know this didn't change the refs mind, but our section was really letting them have it throughout the first half, and especially after Keith got hit in the face with no foul. Also, I noticed that JJ feeds off of our group booing and yelling after bad/non calls and often goes over and talks with the refs.
  10. Keith Wooden was having a great night. I've never seen him play with so much confidence and emotion. He dunked a shot with authority, pumped up the crowd, and bumped chests with other players... he was really fired up... unfortunately, he got smacked in the nose while shooting (and of course, those sorry refs didn't even call a foul) and broke his nose. I spoke with him briefly, and he said he was "alright." As we were leaving, I heard that he was going to hospital to have his nose reset. I really hope Keith is OK, and hope he is back for our Thursday game. As bad as our free throws were tonight, ironically, it was Rich Young's two big time clutch free throws with 2 seconds left that sealed the game. Harold Edwards was really supporting his teammates. He was on his feet slapping the players hands on the bench, all around very vocal with his teammates, and even came out on the floor once in a while to talk with them time outs. I'm glad to see that as I know he must be frustrated with his lack of playing time. I have noticed that over the last several games Sturns is playing with much greater control, has better shot selection, and is making all around better decisions including reducing the wild 3 pointers. I haven't seen the stats het, but it appears that he played many more minutes tonight, as he should have. KD hit a clutch 2-point shot tonight with little time left on the clock! KD really thrives under pressure. Lastly, our defense is 10x improved over earlier this season. In fact, our defense won the game at the end when they challenged and blocked/partially blocked WKU's shot to take the lead.
  11. Just to be clear after re-reading my post, I did not mean the school Texas State the college, but the state of Texas. We were a Texas "gold team" as they called them that played all over the place. They referred to us as the Texas State Gold Team.
  12. Sorry for the slow reply, just saw this... funny post, really quite comedic.... keep 'em coming......BTW, 2nd year Mean Green fan just to be accurate....Moreover, I am not a 1rst year sports fan. I think my 10-12 years of playing sports (mainly soccer, including playing for the Texas State Gold Team) as well as 30+ years of watching various non-college sports may generalize to the college level. Admittedly, I am not an expert in any sport, professional or college, b/c I have always approached them as a casual observer... But I can say that I have never been so involved in sports as I have since arriving at UNT.
  13. Hey Gmoney... good point.. I hadn't thought about that...Why are they on our "inconsequential board?" Perhaps they are checking us out because they are a bit nervous about losing to another mid major team that is "beneath them." I think that board would shut down for a year this time if we pulled off a win or a close game.
  14. sorry the sub-heading was cut off and should have read, "don't read if you have anger problems."
  15. Here is but a sample of the comedic, yet harsh comments regarding the SBC, UNT, the Sunbelt, and others. You'd think after getting bitch-slapped by little ole' Boise State, they have some humility....not. I hope we whip their arse, or at the very least, embarrass the hell out of them on their own home field with a close game. Example post: North Texas fans are crazy as road lizards! They are going nutso over this high school coach they just hired. If you go to their sad message board, they are lauding their commitments like they're the second coming of Billy Sims and Adrian Peterson. It's really sad......but, it's also funny. One guy decommitted yesterday so he could play baseball and football at...Texas State, a I-AA school. UNT doesn't have a baseball program. So, this kid had two offers - Texas State and UNT. Ace recruiting this high school coach is providing, I tell ya. Personally, I'd have picked Texas State even without baseball due to the hot babe factor down in San Marcos. I mean, what's the difference, you get whipped at UNT or you get whipped at Texas State. Hell, 10 years ago they were both in the same crappy I-AA conference anyway. Aside from Troy State, the Sun Belt ain't much of a step up from the Southland Conference or whatever it is Texas State plays in. The link to the thread can be found here.
  16. sorry not sure why this double posted.
  17. We did not run up the score on them. Not by a long shot. Our bench players started to rotate in the game with 7 - 10 minutes left and by 4 or 5 minutes we had the entire 2nd and 3rd string on the floor. Our back ups took it to Troy, continued scoring 2's and 3's, drove the ball to the basket (Jackson had nice drive or two), and out rebounded them. You cannot blame your bench for continuing to score. Great game guys!
  18. I've noticed that our offensive attack has changed since our road losses to the Arkansas teams. Tonight I watched a Troy team that reminded me very much of our "old" offense from earlier this season. They would jack up three's left and right, try to make individual moves to the basket, take selfish jump shots, etc. Can't make crazy jump shots that night and you lose the game b/c you are one dimensional. JJ said after our ugly Arkansas loss that we didn't work as a team and played very selfishly. Since then, we have cut down on the ill-advised 3's and overall selfish plays, distribute the ball much better including getting our big men very involved, and play a team oriented attack. We have moved from a perimeter jump shot team to one that goes to the post as well as can jack up threes and nice jump shots. The proof is in the pudding... take a look at the stats... the more recent games show numerous players in double figures, rebounds, etc. In addition, while I haven't looked turn over stats in a while, casual observation says that we have significantly cut down on turnovers. In my eyes, the type of offensive our team is getting accustomed too is very different from the first half of the season. I really hope that we can perfect this offense in these remaining season games so that we can advance past the SBC tourny. A few other side notes: Keith Wooden has a beautiful spin move that he only uses about 1 or 2 times a game. I wish he'd use it more. Jonathon Jackson is back with a knee brace on. I hope he can contribute. Justin Howerton is really growing. I vote him for most improved player this season. He seems to have adjusted to the speed of the game and is much more aggressive towards the basket.
  19. I was sitting in Medical Pharmacology class at UNTHSC cursing my computer. I am a true addict and couldn't get my fix yesterday during classes and when I got home from school.
  20. Are you saying that Flemings could return?
  21. I don't know anything about scholarship available. I don't know if we need a another big man for next year. We'll have Williams, Wooden, Howerton, Stewart, and Jackson.
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