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Everything posted by chrisfisher

  1. Today's game can be viewed on Mean Green Premium (paid only) at meengreensports.com or on ESPN360.com. ESPN360 is free if your internet provider partners with them. I am torn as to which service I will use to watch the game. I really want to have our announcers with ESPN360 video feed b/c the EPSN360 video is superior to any online video I have watched, including Mean Green Premium. I know the next suggest is to use the audio from the radio and only watch ESPN360 video... can't usually do that b/c of the internet delay in the feed. Oh well, I am certainly not going to complain... having multiple viewing options is a good dilemma.
  2. He says several times he is committed to Northwestern, but keeps following up his committment with, "but.... North Texas...." We may still have a shot at him.. Is he a good recruit??
  3. I've only been around UNT sports since 2005. I wonder how many, if any, guards we signed averaged 24 points per game for their 4 year varsity career (25.3 for his senior year)? I doubt few...but could be wrong... Any UNT sport's veteran out there have any idea?
  4. We also added a new assistant coach with a lot of experience in Tic Price. I wonder what effect, if any, that could have on our performance....
  5. Wow. Our good news has been reduced to excitement over our opponents' injuries.... I wish the injured ULL young men the best... I never hope to win because the competition is hobbled...
  6. Thanks CBL. I'll look forward to it... And that is real shame about your company making you work when on the job.... don't they know that you have important basketball analyzes that need to be tended too??
  7. I hear you.. I am still going to all the home football games and support the team, but because of the terrible whippings we've taken, I have lost the excitement I've had since December of last year when Dodge got hired on...
  8. I submitted a question about Josh White to Vito. He said he wanted to publish it so I waited until the answer hit his blog to post here. I asked Vito if Josh was still injured, if he will play this season, and if his b-bal abilities were "as advertised." Vito told me in an email that he watched Josh practice, and that JJ denied the rumors that Josh is still injured. In addition, Vito says that Josh is very, very good in his new blog.
  9. Hey Censored By Laurie and Cooley - The new season is fast approaching. We've already had roster changes since your excellent analyzes throughout this thread. I sampled CBL above. Care to re-analyze given the changes (Mangrum) and newly signed players (Hogans, Willingham). How about Stewart? He had some great post-season games... finally breaks out as a consistent contributor this season?
  10. A Mean Green Dentist... Nice!....I'll definitely check him out too... and his business is near my home. Thanks!!
  11. thanks for these recommendations. I'll definitely look into each dentist... I invite anyone else that happens to read this thread to add any others.... thanks!
  12. Remember that vote thing for our record this season? I think I voted 8-4....couldn't have been more off...
  13. The difference is that Meager scrambles with weird backward or wide out runs, which makes blocking impossible for the OL b/c they have no idea where Meager is. With Vizza he stays in the pocket or runs forward when under pressure.... BINGO.... our OL suddenly looks better with Vizza.....
  14. hey - get this... MTSU up 47-0 over FIU at the end of the 2Q... what?!?!
  15. They have the right to run it up as high as they want when they face a defense that is not up to D1A standards.... if you can't bark with the big dogs.......
  16. Basketball season can't start soon enough....
  17. I hate to criticize Dodge so early in the season, but he did say that our "defense will be the strength of this team." My-Oh-My did he mis-analyze this aspect of our game.
  18. off topic - MTSU over FIU 21-0 at the end of the 1Q.
  19. ya'll really need to try the above link b/c it is commerical radio station... I suspect the KNTU is on a UNT server that has limited connections....
  20. try this one: http://www.thewordfm.com
  21. only a few passes from Meager, but I keep hearing, "his pass is a little off the mark." And then a Meager sack....Just put in Vizza and let's be done with this....
  22. this game is getting ugly very quickly.... I hope this doesn't end up in an OU style blowout....
  23. Meager has the stomach flu... we may see more Vizza today than expected... I know this will please many on this board....
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