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Everything posted by chrisfisher

  1. Yep... the last two were nail bitters too.... Last season, I hoped to beat WKU more than anyone....got my wish.... This season I want to beat UNO more than anyone.
  2. And nearly beat a Top 10 team in Tennessee... went down the wire.... and WKU probably got screwed by the refs... the number of trips to the free throw line discrepancy was despicable given how much each team drove to hoop that game...
  3. probably that we are in that much control... sign of a very well coached team..... however, we did get 1 coach technical not reflected in your stats.... Coach Jones got a technical at the UT game... he argued vehemently with an official and then through his sports coat to bench during their talks... which was enough for him to get t'd up.
  4. I was thinking the same exact thing as I read the article.
  5. I really hope they hire him.... SMU deserves ole' Ramon "I keep all the plays on my 10 digits" Flannigan.
  6. That begs the question, why did JJ offer so early? It doesn't sound like anyone will be beating down this kid's door. Why not wait and see what else come along??
  7. Good points CBL... this should make for a very interesting recruiting season...
  8. Keith will be the hardest to replace...but keep in mind that Odufuwa is 6'8" 240LB... only one inch shorter with an equivalent weight as Wooden.... Quincy is listed at 6'8" 215LB and Hogans is listed as 6'7" 195LB. If Hogans could put on a little weight, he could be a decent replacement for Quincy, but obviously not Wooden. Of course, this is all total speculation and I am only analyzing what is known and who we have right now... a few new quality recruits/transfers could change all of this in a hurry.
  9. Odufuwa is a highly regarded big man recruit... he is listed as 6'8" and I think JJ will count on him big time to take over the Wooden's post position next season.... Call me crazy but I think Hogans (6' 7") may have the talent to replace Q as our power forward. More than likely though, we will have a smaller starting line up in the post next season (1" shorter for center [vs. Wooden] and 1" shorter for power forward [vs. Quincy]), though we will have two 6'10" back ups (Howerten and Knox) plus Stewart at 6'8"... and of course, any other new recruits. I have a gut feeling that Stewart may start in Quincy's position instead of Hogans since Stewie is a senior....
  10. More and more it looks like Odufuwa with Hogans/Stewart, with relief from Howerton and Knox. Of course, we still will sign some recruits so this my change.
  11. I saw POW and thought Prisoner of War, and was anticipating something bad.....hehehe.... Congrads to Dennis!! He earned this acknowledgment with his fantastic play in recent games!
  12. I am certainly no one to count on for spotting recruits.... I did notice a group of guys sitting at the top of Pit Crew section.... they were huge and muscular, and looked like football players, but only dressed in regular street gear.... for all I know, they could have been existing Mean Green players... I don't know our players' faces very well... they did stay fairly close to the end from what I noticed.
  13. I've given up on the method above... what a pain... I'll retype them another way tomorrow....
  14. OK... I'll try it... Game Top 2 Scorers Top Rebounder(s) Top Assists Oklahoma State Pan Bell (15) / McCoy (14) Williams (10) Williams (4) Cameron Dennis (21) / Thompson (16) Bell, McCoy, Hoggins (6) Bell McCoy, Howerton (3) Oklahoma State Wooden, White (25) / Willingham (9) Wooden, Stewart (8) Bell (3) Indiana State Dennis (22) / Williams (14) Williams (19) Bell (4) Tx Arlington Wooden (17) / White (15) Wooden (14) Williingham (7) W. New Mexico White (17) / Wooden (12) Williams (9) Bell (3) New Mexico State Dennis (21) / White (15) Hogans (9) Bell (7) Texas White (28) / Wooden (17) Williams (9) Bell (4) Hartford White (24) / Bell (23) Williams (7) White (6) Southern Dennis (16) / Bell (12) Williams (6) Bell, McCoy (4) Centenary Willingham (14) / Wooden (12) Williams (9) Wooden, Bell (3) Denver Willingham (14) / Wooden (12) Hogans (5) Willingham (2) Texas A&M Int Williams (13) / Wooden (12) Wooden (9) Wooden, Willingham (3) Troy White (18) / Willingham, Williams (15) Wooden (12) Dennis (5) ULM White (20) / Willingham (19) Williams (10) Williams, White (5) Ark State Dennis (30) / White (12) Williams (13) White (4) Louisiana-Lafayette Williams (18) / Dennis (17) Williams (7) Bell (6)
  15. I reccall that he almost had a double double, but I'm not sure if he led the that game in boards or not...
  16. Nice addition! I'm glad too that you enjoy my posts.... Also, can you separate the assists/boards with periods or something similar I did to get the names to line up....HTML on this board does not recognize spaces or columns... so the assists/boards are now clumped together with the high scorers and it difficult to tell who is what, especially since there are more than one high scorer when they have the same amount points... I plan to update the section on points each week... feel free to update whatever you want too... assists or whatever...
  17. No one is reading this thread, but I'm having fun doing it... so I updated it with the ULL game. Here are the top 2 Mean Green scorers for each game: Oklahoma State Pan.........Bell (15) / McCoy (14) Cameron..........................Dennis (21) / Thompson (16) Oklahoma State...............Wooden (25), White (25) / Willingham (9) Indiana State...................Dennis (22) / Williams (14) Tx Arlington.....................Wooden (17) / White (15) W. New Mexico.................White (17) / Wooden (12) New Mexico State.............Dennis (21) / White (15) Texas:.............................White (28) / Wooden (17) Hartford...........................White (24) / Bell (23) Southern..........................Dennis (16) / Bell (12) Centenary........................Willingham (14) / Wooden (12) Denver............................Willingham (14) / Wooden (12) Texas A&M Int..................Williams (13) / Wooden (12) Troy................................White (18) / Willingham (15), Williams (15) ULM.................................White (20) / Willingham (19) Ark State.........................Dennis (30) / White (12) Louisiana-Lafayette...........Williams (18) / Dennis (17)
  18. Good turn out last night... around 3500. Great game too. Chalk up another home victory for the Mean Green. Thanks too everyone who made it out last night!!
  19. I'm impressed with his progress this season... obviously he still as a long ways to go, but he is starting too look more and more like he could play a limited, but important, role in his senior year....
  20. no... didn't hear it... believe me when I say that if we did hear them we would have joined right in!
  21. I hear ya.... getting adequate playing time right now is brutal for our guards.... Dez and Triston deserve time... as did Dennis, who has been given prime time.... White and Dennis, and to a lesser extint Bell, are setting an extremely high bar with shooting percentages..... this is a very good situation to have... hyper-competitiveness for guard playing time....
  22. 8 points in 7 minutes is definitely a spark....
  23. I talked with Mr. McCoy, Adam's father after the game. I told him how happy I was that we signed Adam. He immediately started saying don't worry, Adam will find his shot... I told him that I had every confidence that Adam would and that I noticed that he was starting to slow down a bit and hitting more shots... his Dad replied that Adam knows that he needs to relax more and that he is trying too hard... he also acknowledged that more recently Adam felt more comfortable and making more shots... I joked with him about where Adam got his height (he was about as tall as me.... 5'9")... he laughingly replied it wasn't from him or Adam's mother, but from his uncles......Mr. McCoy was a very nice man, and a VERY proud Pappa.... good to have his family as a part of our Mean Green family.
  24. I was just on ULL's board... I like to see the mood of the opponent after we beat them... they basically said that we are a good team (and that the SBC has the worst officiating), but have no chance against against S. Alabama and Western Kentucky..... we'll see about that very soon.....
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