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Everything posted by chrisfisher

  1. What a bunch of horse manure.
  2. Thanks... Fixed!
  3. I agree. Cajun Nation you shouldn't forget the recent Mean Green NCAA 2007 tourny appearance when coming to the Mean Green forum. Kindly re-edit your post
  4. Nothing wrong with a quality transfer. The article states that she was one of the best players in the state. Looks like a very nice pick up if she plays as good as she during high school.
  5. Congrads Brett and DRC for these nice awards!
  6. I'm telling you that we go AT LEAST 6-6. If we had any semblance of a defense last season we could have easily had that record. And that was with a run based offense that Dodge acquired - not to mentioned a true freshman QB. This season Dodge will have recruits specifically brought in for his spread offense, an excellent D.C. in Deloach, a sophomore QB (or a freshman QB that know the system inside and out). I think we will be pleasantly surprised with our play and record this season.
  7. The college landscape is so biased toward the Major conferences that I'm glad that they are getting hit with these million dollar payouts. I hope it continues to escalate into the 2 million dollar and beyond range, and then maybe they will start playing at other teams' fields.
  8. At this point in the b-ball season, I'll take any news regardless of its relevancy.
  9. 1. LSU 2. Kansas State 3. Troy 4. Florida Atlantic 5. Tulsa 6. UL-Monroe 7. Middle Tennessee 8. Arkansas State 9. UL-Lafayette 10. Rice 11. Florida International 12. Western Kentucky (Arrogant Bastards)
  10. Don't me wrong. I'm not saying the recruiting season is over. Not by a long shot. Only that I do not expect to have as good of one as last season.
  11. We probably won't have a great recruiting season this year due to several factors that includes our terrible season last year, but also because we don't have nearly as many ships. No doubt that had we had any semblance of a defense under Mendoza, we would have gone at least 6-6; nonetheless Dodge brought in Mendoza and bears the ultimate responsibility for his performance. Dodge severely misevaluated Mendoza's ability to coach at the D1 level.
  12. Great write up Quoner. I love it! The Spurs seem to be a team people love to hate. I can understand it. They are not flashy. They are methodical and out execute you to death. I love the post-game interview with Ginobili last night. His attitude sums up the Spurs. The TV interviewer asks him if he loved that he is a starter for the past few games. Ginobili says, "No. I love winning, not starting. I could care less when I play. If Popivich needs me to go back to the bench to give us the best chance to win for the LA series than I am happy to do so." The unselfishness on this team is incredible..... Go SPURS!
  13. New Orleans looks like a bunch of little scared byotches........
  14. Spur monkey #1 ready for abuse. I didn't see this thread before today.... now how do y'all say about the Spurs and their total beat down of the Hornets last night?
  15. He did say that. However, I don't think that he'd say anything else otherwise at this point.
  16. Well, this whole loss of a BB ship was a real downer. I had been checking this board constantly in eager anticipation of our next signing. Hopefully we took care of all our roster needs for this upcoming year. I am very excited about 2008-2009 basketball season... now the long wait sets in.....
  17. Bad news for us... thanks Flemmings....
  18. One of the best hockey games, and possibly sporting events, I've watched.... great game! I had to go to bed at the start of the 4thOT. I had an morning patient... I wish I could have see the end of the game... just glad the Stars won though.
  19. This was actually so funny.... I got myself so worked up over Vouyoukas thinking that we'd hear the announcement of his signing any day.... even checking this board repeatedly since this story developed.... turns out the coaching staff didn't even call him....
  20. I'm very surprised that the coaching staff didn't at least contact Vouyoukas.
  21. Hopefully b/c the Mean Green coaches told him that our last scholarship has already gone to Alex Voyoukas.
  22. All the better when we whip their arse, they will not have any excuses.........
  23. ya, I hear ya. These people seem to come out the woodwork from time-to-time. I should have said, some idiot poster named Wil.......
  24. Some poster named Wil on that news story says that Jamario did NOT have a good work ethic.... and that's the main reason why, not the hamstring, he didn't do as well after his freshman season...
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