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Everything posted by GreenBlooded1

  1. I don't know what Meager might have that would make DD want to start him..... Woody has prooven that he is fleet of foot if/when the line breaks down and he can throw accurately on the run. He also seemed to exude more confidence than Phillips who seemed flustered when he was in the game. WOODY -- WOODY -- WOODY!!!
  2. Bright spots were there, you just had to be educated about the history of UNT ball and you could see them shine. Granted the line and numbers looked sad, but the D played strong all day (rather than one half) Obviously DD did make adjustments at half or we wouldn't have come out and immediately driven 80 earned yards with no yards gained on penalties, for a touchdown against one of the best defences in the country. I kept wondering why DD with his "run first" mentality didn't try to get Jamario (I like to call him "Jammer") going earlier in the game. Dispite our pleas for more passing -- we passed the most in 4 years last year and it got us to 2 wins... We are a running team and the run opens up the pass - and specifically the play action pass. In the past he would have JUST run. Now we need to see the run established to open up the pass. We have proof based on this game that Flannigan will call passes, so we can see some stretching of the defences this year. D line - better than last year O line - not bad but still needs more time to gel into a unit Corners -both are young. They hung with the UT speedsters and will get better QB - I don't know what DM has, but DD needs stick with WW. He is more mobile if/when the line breaks down and as we saw yesterday, he can throw accurately on the run. RB - Jammer can flat out fly and is best starting to the inside and bouncing outside. He needs to be backed up by Mitchell. WR - Quinn was obviously hampered by the cast thing.... Brandon did a great job on the opposite side. We are solid here. Overall we are pretty solid and IMHO I believe that we have a decent season to look forward to. We need to build up and support the players on this squad... and ripping their coaching staff is not a morale builder.
  3. Agreed... good post. BUT I must ask... If you have this in hand, who might you go recruiting to be our next coach??
  4. They'll use the logo when they change the color of the unis... did any of you catch the Marshall WVU game... I am going to hate when our green is that color. Stick to the dark green it's much more classy and agressive looking.
  5. I wonder what number he will be wearing.... 43 is Troy Palomalu. 41 is open though.
  6. WAY TO GO PATRICK!!!!! I guess I have to follow the Steelers now. I am SOOOOOO proud of him for all of his hard work! Keep it up Pat, you will be playing more than you think!!
  7. WAY TO GO PATRICK!!!!! I guess I have to follow the Steelers now. I am SOOOOOO proud of him for all of his hard work! Keep it up Pat, you will be playing more than you think!!
  8. To go with my Green, I also have Teal in my blood! Jacksonville recently lost Greg Jones for the year with a blown ACL.... We could use another RB - especially one with soft hands like PC. Everytime Pat touches the ball I just keep thinking that dispite people saying that he is too small and too slow....there was another RB in the NFL that did pretty well for himself that Cobbs is almost an exact duplicate of physically. That 5'9" 210lb player --- Emmit Smith!! If not on the Pats... he has proven his worth and most assuredly he will be picked up by someone. In my Mean Green little heart -- I hope it's the Jags!
  9. All white with colored lettering is what Pee-Wee kids wear because it is easy for Mom & Dad to get at Academy Sports! Waaaayyyy to cheasy if there is no true accent colors. (NOT JUST THE NUMBERS) Think NFL Colts home unis.... The blue stripes swapped out for MEAN Green ones. Green helmets with the white logo and white cages. White socks with green tops with either black or white shoes. This would be SLICK!! For home ----- All green. Maybe if they wanted to get fancy, an exact opposite of what is described above. All green with white lettering and stripes. (except for the helmets, socks and shoes.)
  10. Yea.. treat him like LT. He's a natural and knows how to run to daylight. I'm glad that they don't risk him till it's actually game time.
  11. The mobile choice may or may not be a good idea. Scrambling to by time to make a pass downfield is a good trait if used in moderation, when needed. However, when scrambling occurs due to poor reads of the defense or instead of read progression then it is not good. Understandibly, our O line needs time to develop and gel into a cohesive unit.... Give Rose credit for doing as well as he did as a freshman. We can be confident that this year it WILL be better. DM might be injured/sick or whatever but when you have no protection it is REALLY hard to have a successful team if your QB is always on his backside! Meager has strengths that the others don't and visa versa. If he struggles due to his own shortcomings, hopefully DD will pull him. If he struggles and the fault is with the O Line or coverages he will probably be left in. If (and I am sure we all hope) Jamario has a good year and the running game (DD's bread and butter) is working... this will open up the passing game and hopefully whoever is in there at QB can take advantage. Personally, if the running game is working, I would like to see more play action passing, rather than turning to the huge downfield plays. The bombs are fun... but when they don't work - well I don't like 3rd and long... That's we have problems. Let me know what you guys think.
  12. Run Pat Run!!!! U make us proud!!! It is awesome having UNT represented in the NFL. Not only by Cobbs, but the others out there busting their hump and getting paid to do what they love!
  13. We can always hope... without hope, we have nothing. That big upset will come.... someday, I hope.
  14. 37 happily going on 18!! Hubby - 42 going on 3
  15. My .02.... He is a good quarterback, but does our desire to win outweigh our character, and the upstanding reputation of our athletics department? Slam me if you want... Most definitely I want out teams to WIN... but at what cost??
  16. AMEN brother... that catch that T. Glenn made Monday night has nothing on some of the JQ catches I've seen! He could probably catch with his elbows if he wanted.
  17. Keep 'em coming..... who is playing and where??? Have any guys found success in football outside of the NFL - ie Arena, Europe, Canada???
  18. I DID forgot him... My bad. And thanks for the welcome!
  19. Before anyone calls me on it.... yes, I know that Adrian Awasom is at NY Giants camp. But it is impossible to get any news on him.
  20. Hey... Since Cody Spencer is hurt, it is just nice to see a former UNT player in the NFL. Even if he does end up on the practice squad -- he will be getting a paycheck for playing professional football... which is more than most can say.
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