Great to have you here coach!! The slate is clean and who could fault you anyway, especially after coaching two National Rushing Champs... nuf said!! Hope you are doing something you like and your tallents are being used elsewhere. I am personally greatful (not that it means much) that you stepped up to join the board and let your Mean Green shine, Thank you!!! We look forward to your input on this board. I DO have an NFL related RB related question -- I am a Jacksonville Jaguars fan. I see the success of Maurice Jones-Drew who is 5'7" and weighs 212 and I think boy.... Patrick Cobbs could have made that cut or split those defenders or made that block.... For the Dolphins with their RB troubles I believe that he should be Active, not on the practice squad. Maybe he can show them more this year since he will be with them the entire training camp and pre-season, instead of bouncing between teams. You coached Pat.... what are your thoughts???