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Everything posted by GreenBlooded1

  1. That is brutal...Should toughen them up though. Either they will be VERY ready by the time they play us, or they will be a bloody fraction of themselves after that schedule. Think of the money games there though, I guess it will help them pay for their new stadium.
  2. Done!! Good luck to him.
  3. Great to have you here coach!! The slate is clean and who could fault you anyway, especially after coaching two National Rushing Champs... nuf said!! Hope you are doing something you like and your tallents are being used elsewhere. I am personally greatful (not that it means much) that you stepped up to join the board and let your Mean Green shine, Thank you!!! We look forward to your input on this board. I DO have an NFL related RB related question -- I am a Jacksonville Jaguars fan. I see the success of Maurice Jones-Drew who is 5'7" and weighs 212 and I think boy.... Patrick Cobbs could have made that cut or split those defenders or made that block.... For the Dolphins with their RB troubles I believe that he should be Active, not on the practice squad. Maybe he can show them more this year since he will be with them the entire training camp and pre-season, instead of bouncing between teams. You coached Pat.... what are your thoughts???
  4. AWESOME it is refreshing that the excitement has spread like wildfires..... Anyone going to the scrimmage today? Give those of us who have to work an update or report. I am sooo excited for this season and it is nice that the players seem to be also!! GO MEAN GREEN!!!
  5. Done! -- Come on ya'll, there is only 4% so far!!! Get all of your friends, family and other Mean Green folks to sign up!!
  6. Memphis is a great team... It will take the edge off knowing we lost to the best. I hope you roll to the finals!! Now for you guys, as JJ sais.... FINISH!!
  7. AWESOME --- It was a great run there for a while. I am soooooo proud!!!
  8. Nice to see some respect... I do believe that we earned it!!
  9. I don't think I have ever been more proud to sport my Green all over town!! Thanks for the ride guys. You gave it a hell of a shot and represented us well. Very memorable season and props for all of your accomplishments. For you Seniors.... what a way to go out, you rock!!!! You've given future teams and our young guys just a taste. SEE YOU AT THE SUPER PIT in '08!! Win or Loose we love you!!! GO GREEN!!!!!!
  10. SWEET!!!!
  11. Please tell me we will score more than the 50 that the simulation has us scoring!!!! Keep it Green Guys ------ FINISH!!!!!
  12. Sweet... great to see that Mean Green Spirit!! --- NO PLAY IN... We deserve an automatic in!!! Go Green!!!
  13. "the long, lean North Texas Mean Green" Gotta love it!!!
  14. So at this point we are the 5th seed?? SB record right, not overall??
  15. "The team will resume practice the next week, and spring ball will culminate Sunday, April 22, with the annual Green-White game taking place at 3 p.m. in Fouts Field." A weekend day that will allow for a larger turnout and TAILGATING!!!! Whoooo Hoooooo! Let's pack the house!!!
  16. I don't think so.... I believe that it was a customized font designed specifically for UNT.
  17. Sorry I meant the first TWO were DEFENSE.... and a great O-line prospect to protect whoever ends up being our QB.
  18. Love it... notice that even though TD is reputed to be such the offensive genious.... the first three to commit are DEFENSE!!!!! Go Mean Green!!!
  19. This is UNBE-FREAKEN-LIEVEABLE. Way to go Dodge!!!
  20. This just keeps getting better and better!!! Props to TD and the rest of the coaches!!! Can you feel the September winds yet.... I can!
  21. Hey.... Romo was progressing and Parcells has a history of being able to cultivate QB tallent. How 'bout he keeps his toes in coaching by "consulting" with his newest favorite college coach ------ Dodge!!!
  22. "Share the Load" --- I love it.... let's get shirts made!!!
  23. Wooooo Hoooooo!!!!!! Now let's get a QB to spread that ball around --- Hummmmmm wait, in 2008, Riley will be a Freshman, somewhere.... Makes me salavate just thinking of the possibility.
  24. ANYTHING will be better than the Script that was on the helmet and last years huge change to the new font. I like the black alternate jersey however all black is not an option!! Green pants, Black Shirt, Green Helmet with Black cage looks MEAN!!! Add this logo and it'd be AWESOME.
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