The question is how do we, the true fanbase, help Dodge make the Mean Green into Denton's team? The community is large enough to fill the stadium to capacity for every game without anyone from the rest of the metroplex even driving in for a game. The school has to do something that they are not doing/have not been doing to make this happen. What that is exactly, I am not sure. But if someone could figure it out and somehow connect with the general public, attendance and area pride could sky rocket. I spoke with a co-worker just yesterday who is not even a college graduate. She is always wearing UT stuff and has a new UT trinket on her desk. I asked her about it and she said.... "well I'm from Texas so I support UT." This seems to be the case with many people. They grasp onto and throw their allegiance behind a "local" team -- in her case, local = within the state. We need to get the folks in Denton and the surrounding areas throwing their support behind UNT. It's not just about UNT. It is also about Denton. It is a great place to live and take pride in. It is and has been growing like crazy. I've been in Denton since moving here in '72 and have seen many changes. I am not only a pround NTSU/UNT alum but am also proud to say that I'm from Denton. There has got to be something that the University can do to connect with the average citizen. Any ideas??