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Everything posted by GreenBlooded1

  1. Hey with Underarmour on board...how about One side of the stadium yells: PROTECT Then the other side yells: THIS HOUSE
  2. Hummmmmm white on the front of the hat..... New white helmets....... might we be seeing a precurser to the new helmet design??? I'd much prefer the locked NT to the script.
  3. Man these are plain!! They need stripes or something. The all white looks like PJ's. However, I DO like the shade of green... isn't it similar to what our new lighter green should be?
  4. Ok, yea win... duh! What else?? The Cubbies have fans even when they don't win, the Packers have fans even when they don't win. I guess that in Texas we are all just fair weather fans? You can't pay someone to take Cowboys tickets when they $uck. I hate to think that all fans in the North Texas area are like that but I guess that the proof is in the pudding, eh?
  5. The question is how do we, the true fanbase, help Dodge make the Mean Green into Denton's team? The community is large enough to fill the stadium to capacity for every game without anyone from the rest of the metroplex even driving in for a game. The school has to do something that they are not doing/have not been doing to make this happen. What that is exactly, I am not sure. But if someone could figure it out and somehow connect with the general public, attendance and area pride could sky rocket. I spoke with a co-worker just yesterday who is not even a college graduate. She is always wearing UT stuff and has a new UT trinket on her desk. I asked her about it and she said.... "well I'm from Texas so I support UT." This seems to be the case with many people. They grasp onto and throw their allegiance behind a "local" team -- in her case, local = within the state. We need to get the folks in Denton and the surrounding areas throwing their support behind UNT. It's not just about UNT. It is also about Denton. It is a great place to live and take pride in. It is and has been growing like crazy. I've been in Denton since moving here in '72 and have seen many changes. I am not only a pround NTSU/UNT alum but am also proud to say that I'm from Denton. There has got to be something that the University can do to connect with the average citizen. Any ideas??
  6. Priceless.... Hey, but if Boise can do it, then so can we!!! Actually let's fake the Statue of Liberty and then pitch a late screen pass.
  7. # NAME POS Ht Wt Age Exp College #17 Brown, Aaron WR 6-3 210 21 R New Hampshire
  8. For 2008??
  9. OH the HUMANITY!!! How many times must we repeat this, just stop already.
  10. Can't wait to see one of our guys on the cover. Give Dodge a year or so & it'll happen!!!
  11. JQ has more size than Tasker did.... according to the web Tasker was only 5'9" and weighed only 185lbs. 3-4 inches and 20lbs is quite a difference but I like the comparison... best of luck, May JQ "make it" in buffalo or elsewhere!!! The Mean Green Nation is behind 'ya Johnny, make us proud!!! http://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/TaskSt00.htm
  12. Sure would be nice if that train that runs through there was part of the new DCTA rail system... talk about easy to get to a game from the metroplex in a few years. That would be awesome!!! We could have our own version of Victory Station!!!!
  13. Of course skill positions are last... they HAVE to keep us hang'n don't they?
  14. TAAAAALLLLLOOOONNNNSS OUT!!!!!! That would be awesome and unique to UNT. Gotta Love it! Who do we petition to make this happen??
  15. Did someone mention in the "traditions" topic that SOW combined with NT might be an option? I kinda like using the two tones of green for the "Mean Green", but the black makes more of an impact against the white.
  16. What a moron!!!! That IS against the rules... duh!!
  17. How bout we replace the battle ship with a..... wait for it..... wait for it..... ROW BOAT!!! That would be the ultimate insult to Navy!!!
  18. I only work a 4 day work week --- off weekends + every Monday. I'm in on a Monday.
  19. I like a green helmet better but here are some additional white helmet options that I've been playing with just for fun. or
  20. Some additional white helmet options that I've been playing with just for fun. or
  21. Why? What makes you say that?
  22. I agree with EagleChick... I can't play but would gladly make a donation to the fund for a shirt. The more representation the fund can get the better!!! You stated $18 for game fees and a shirt.... How 'bout $15 for the shirt only. That seems a fair deal to me. Anyone else??
  23. I checked the Colleyville website and they are going to be using what they are calling the "Crud Crusader", How 'bout something with Colleyville Crud Crusaders in a cool font or something? I can't draw but some superhero looking character with a big "C" on his chest could also be cool.
  24. Thanks for your input Coach. I always want to see more UNT guys "make it". Patrick seems like a heck of a guy. Talented and just an exceptional individual as a person. Like the Little Engine that Could...... I think he can, I think he can and I am sure the he thinks it too.
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