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Everything posted by GreenBlooded1

  1. Ok, get ready... I know that I am letting the cat out of the bag early but I MUST NOT keep this bottled up any longer. It was all I could do to wait till this morning to post this. For those of you that don't like the lighter green --- to bad. It does, look much lighter on the white jersey than the green, but both still look sharp. Let the debate begin!!! Green Jersey I didn't get a shot of the back of this one, but the Head of SOW is centered at the neck between the contrasting stripes above the players name also! White Jersey White Jersey Closeup: White Jersey - back: This one didn't have the Eagle head on it because I think it was a temporary (mock-up?) Jersey. Otherwise it would have had a players name on it not just UA Here is how the stripe on the side of the pants: We also got inside info that mini's of the new white helmets will be on sale at the BBQ on Saturday evening. There were around 150 ladies in attendance, 20 players or so, most of the coaches, many players Moms and alot of ladies like me that just love Mean Green Football. Now a brief word about the 101 Clinic: My favorite part of the evening was when TD was asked how he was going to prepare for OU and -- don't quote me on this, but it was something like the following: "I don't know what it is like to be on or to coach an Underdog team. This is not a $$ game. This is an opportunity for us as a team and a University. I will never approach ANY game as though we are underdogs, we have just as much chance to win as the other team and that is our mindset going into every game." Man I about fell out of my chair and the ladies erupted in cheers and applause.
  2. Contrasting colors are logical... I am just saying, why could we not have had green accents on the White and Black shits... oh sorry, shirts.
  3. Wow Greek.... Tell us how you really feel.
  4. Don't you mean Whiz wall?
  5. Freaked me out at first... Then I noticed the track was missing and there had been seats added closer to the field. Makes Fouts almost look presentable.
  6. Cool!! Great for him. He just need more opportunity to show his stuff. Go get 'em PC!!! The Mean Green Nation is behind you 100%.
  7. WTF!!!! BLACK??? Uuuuuugggghhhhhh. We are the Mean GREEN for Gods sake! The coaches won't have on any Green at all except the hat. How moronic is that?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?! Also, I would guess that the had doesn't have SOW on it so it will match our helmets that have just the text on them.
  8. Great press and nice series. I hope this leads us to a big announcement -- Hey wouldn't the Kick-off BBQ be a great place for it... Unveil the unis and stadium plans?? Hey, I can dream, can't I? Leave me with my little slice of fantasy!
  9. white jersey coming soon!
  10. I didn't say green pants... white is fine... I am interested to see our green jersey, surely we will have one.
  11. Man... I REALLY hope that the black hip stripe doesn't go all the way across and connect to the other side. That would be LAME!
  12. I wanna see a green jersey.... shouldn't the major stripe on the pants have been Green and the minor piping been black??? I will save judgement till we see the whole look together.
  13. That's what I was going to say... We were green and white before Southlake as a city even extisted!!
  14. Especially with our Ad Campaign.... It's Wide Open!
  15. Johnny as a Jag... ahhhh the possibilities. Jimmy Smith is gone, and we have yet to have someone really step up yet. New O-Cord who has revamped the offense this year to be more "Wide Open" I am a die-hard Jags fan and would love to see Quinn there! Go to Jacksonville JQ the weather is GREAT!!! Much better than NY or Chicago!
  16. That is awesome... they need to go to the malls in Denton and Lewisville and do the same thing... Posters and autographs and stuff for the businesses and the public!! Get folks pumped for this upcoming season.
  17. Someone had posted about a school that recently initiated a tailgaing period which ends just before kickoff. This would make it against the rules to congregate in the parking lot during the game. It would either get those folks butts into the stadium to support the team, or it would keep them away completely and leave them to party at home/dorm/frat house or where ever. Perhaps this wouldn't be a bad idea for us to consider. Any thoughts?!?!?
  18. The tallon is the best option of the three. It would alleviate the need for two stickers. Like the buckeye and Georgia's bone, it would look right from either side of the helmet. SOW or the head by itself would face forward when on one side of the helmet and face backwards on the other side. Of course that would be unless they print two stickers -- one facing each direction... so when they are put on the helmet they would always be facing forward. --- Uhhhhh, Brain cramp!!
  19. Personally I like it... You can tell that the image is washed out because the cage looks charcoal not black... so in reality the green should be a bit darker than this image makes it appear. I can't wait to see the unis!!
  20. FAU colors are red and navy.... I believe that he means the marks on our helmets from our laying the lumber to their players!!
  21. FWIW... I like it. Needs the correct green but it gives the idea of how they could look.
  22. Ok... so I'm busted. Hey we all have our vices, don't we?
  23. Let's get the general public used to even thinking of UNT as a football power. If having NORTH TEXAS helps people to more easily recognize us when we have a play make an ESPN highlight or something so be it... IMHO -- AFTER we are more well known nationally -- then we can switch to SOW on the helmet with unis that folks are used to seeing and no one, I say NO ONE will mistake who we are, where we come from or what we bring to the show!!
  24. Man... I wish I had that much free time!! Three words -- Get A Life!
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