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Everything posted by Keith7

  1. No there won't be any jumping off bridges, and I don't care if everyone gives me a big "told you so" cuz I will prolly have deserved it, but I won't give up on this team 'til they are totally out of it
  2. see we have another good game and all that can be brought up is how bad we were in the past? Can we not look forward to what is going on now? we have a team that is 15-7, that has won some good road wins and is 10-1 at home, but all we can bring up is how we are going to lose in the first round.. come on now
  3. and let me guess tonight wasn't a blow out either?
  4. hopefully we can bring out the "warm up the bus" chant by the end of the night
  5. I agree, it seems like if you post anything good about the basketball team on here you get mauled by 3 or 4 posters telling you that your opinions are just wrong, and not valid because you havn't been to school here long enough..
  6. I was joking
  7. its good to know someone still believes in this team besides just me
  8. even if we hired Avery Johnson as our head coach, the super pit wouldn't fill up (remember when the mavs scrimaged there).. Half the students at UNT don't even seem to know we have a basketball team, but can you blame them? What advertising do you see for the basketball team? I have seen a few 20 second commercials that looked like they came straight out of the '80s.. There has to be a better way to get the word out about the team.. I don't know how many times i've told a fellow UNT student that I was going to a men's basketball game, and them say "are they actually good this year".. If we have a winning record and some good road wins, the word should get out and students should know.. Is that really J.J.'s job?
  9. uh oh now J.J. can't coach the marketing deparment? what next? J.J. caused Katrina?
  10. this season isn't over.. why are u giving up on this team now?
  11. no jamario thomas?
  12. I wonder what they plan to do with the fouts when/if a new stadium is built?
  13. you don't have to take me down the corridor of years, i've already given up on the basketball team like you guys want me to! I understand believing in your coach and the players on your team is a sin at UNT, esp. after a 1 point overtime loss to the top team in our conference..
  14. man I love the support the basketball team gets.. screw it, why show up at anymore games? they are just going to lose in the first round of the conference tournament.. you guys talked me into not likeing the team anymore congrats
  15. I just find it funny how when the team is doing well hardly anybody posts on here, but as soon as they lose a game they have all these "fans" get on here just to tell the rest of us who still believe in this team that we are wrong for doing so.. ya what good fans you guys are..
  16. dude this is my first year at UNT, I have been to every home game plus have payed nearly 50 dollars to see them play away on a 3X3 inch screen.. how does this being my first year that make me any less of a fan??
  17. ha good try but i only voted for confidence in J.J.
  18. UNT 22 S. Alabama 13 w/ 9:35 left in the first half
  19. the mean green are playing an aggressive defense today, looks like S. Alabama is going to start to take advantage of it and take it to the basket to get easy fouls
  20. looks like we are back to forcing up LONG threes with people in our face.. I love that offense
  21. i'm enjoying the Southern alabama dancers, and the announcer talking to various people during the breaks
  22. is this just the video they put on their "jumbotron"
  23. sweet thanks for the info, I just hope I bought it to see a big win
  24. i'll be watching it.. i just bought a Mean green sports premium package.. do they not start footage until the game actually starts?
  25. what are some links to other SBC schools message boards?? I have searched them on google but can't find any site regularly posted on by fans of other SBC schools
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