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Keith7 last won the day on March 14 2011

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  1. I wish they would update the music in the Super Pit. They've played the same 5-10 songs for the last 15 years. I know it has little to do with the attendance but this felt like a good place for my one complaint.
  2. It will be interesting to see what happens to it in 10 years when we have the voucher system put in place and their school district is on the brink of bankruptcy.
  3. Mattress Mack is garbage, he can keep his money.
  4. This is a weird fit but there is an app for IOS called Press Play that some of my friends have been working on. It's basically a free lottery app. You pick some emojis and there are daily drawings to see if you selected the correct emojis. Prizes are around $260 at this point and it's totally free to play. Anyways here is a link: pressplay.app.link/rXS4rum2e4 ... If you do decide to try it out, use my referral code theddc0528
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  5. The NT Daily wasn't created to be a mouthpiece or a UNT fan publication. It's meant to give North Texas students experience in the media world to be better prepared for their next chapter after graduation. Are they perfect? No. Are they students learning on the fly? Yes. Maybe give them a little break.
  6. But everything he said about Shanbour was true. I thought he illustrated the importance of a good backup perfectly.
  7. I'm sure it's all those players kneeling for the anthem.. Isn't that what conservatives victoriously say the NFL's drop is due to?
  8. The students would add the "F-bomb" to it and argue it's tradition
  9. These announcers are horrible. The old guy doesn't know what he's talking about 98 percent of the time and keeps calling FAU "we". Is he on the team?
  10. We are back in the wilderness. He recruited for his system well here and found some real gems in the process. He might not be the flashy name that people on here are looking for, but he is more than capable for the job. I would rather take a known quantity in a great coach like JJ than sign up for five more years of some top program's assistant. I attended more games than I can count pre-Benford. Yes the schedule was weak but we were also going deep into the conference tournaments (and twice winning it.) What difference does the non-conference slate mean anyways? We're not getting any at large bids anytime soon. On top of that. As our teams got better under JJ, we started getting better home-and-homes (OK State, Tech). I imagine if he stayed longer and continued to grow the program he had flourishing, more and more teams would be willing to play in The Pit.
  11. Please, please, please bring Johnny Jones back. He proved he could recruit here. He proved he could win here. Bring back Johnny Jones at all costs.
  12. Does she think tailgating will go away if Hank is gone?
  13. Seemed like every game last year was a body bag game. We must have made a fortune.
  14. I can message them to you if you'd like. I didn't want to call them out on a public forum for using their dads and buddies to get jobs. Go to the athletic website and read some of the sids bios though. See how many went to UNT. Yes I'm in the media. They are very hard to work with. Especially football. Only Division 1 football program I've ever had take 3 weeks to do a phone interview.
  15. I think who ever comes in should find a whole new Sports Information Department. They do a horrible job of promoting events, they aren't involved in helping UNT students with internships (instead they hire sons and daughters of friends from TCU and other institutions) and they are nearly impossible to work with from a media stand point. It's time for them to be held accountable, too.
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