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UNTflyer last won the day on September 1 2021

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About UNTflyer

  • Birthday 02/02/1972

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    Denton, TX

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  1. For them, yeah a bad loss. For us, a great win. This is how rivalries get built. Loved every moment!
  2. SMU fans can deny there is a rivalry all they want, but the fact is these games are going to have more meaning and will now be played later in the season when titles are on the line. They're going to knock us out of division races, we're going to do the same to them. Time to step it up and make a trophy for this RIVALRY.
  3. Sounds like the same plan for getting the last 5 coaches.
  4. I think a move to AAC is more realistic for us.
  5. So people may be wondering... what happened to UNTFlyer? Did he pull a J.D. Salinger? Did he go Howard Hughes crazy? I heard he died. Did he ever really exist? Well, I'm still here in Denton. I can see the stadium lights and the wind turbines from my office window. If you watch WFAA weather cam from Apogee, you might see my house on the horizon. I was on Denton's Parks & Rec Board for a couple years. I ran for city council (and got my ass kicked). My career has been going well. And with great power comes great responsibility - such as 14 hour days, 25% travel schedule, and very little downtime. I've spent less time here on GMG.com than I did when I was a student and new graduate. It's just something that sort of happened, like losing touch with a good friend. It wasn't a choice. It was just life. I still go to football games. Basketball games. Even a soccer game once in a while. Last year was the only season I didn't have season tickets. I'm in the crowd, with the alumni. I love UNT and I always will. And while life means I've missed some games, you will find me this Saturday in section 207, the same seats I've had since the stadium opened. The same seats I will have until the day I die. Go Mean Green!
  6. Brett reached out to me last week to get my take on the 10th anniversary of the opening of Apogee Stadium. While I will not go into a lot of the details of the story he is publishing, I will echo some of my thoughts here. If you want to read the whole story, sign up for Brett's newsletter. I spoke about the student vote, and how the credit for the students voting in favor of the new athletic fee should go to several people. While I had a role in drafting the bill in the Student Senate, others such as Jeff Kline and Blake Windham deserve just as much credit, if not more. They were the younger guys, they had more facetime with students, and they did a lot of work. I spoke to some student groups, I wrote opinion pieces for the NT Daily, I created the Facebook group Students for a New Stadium that had over 2,000 members, and I purchased campaign signs and planted them around the campus perimeter. But the real credit goes to the students who showed up to vote. They made an informed decision in the face of stiff opposition from some very vocal student groups. I also talked about how far we've come. While the product on the field over the last 10 years has been hit or miss, the progress has met our expectations. We got out of the Sun Belt, attendance improved, recruiting is better, donations increased, and we got some bowl games. We also have a new soccer stadium/track facility, and a great football practice facility. There's more in Brett's newsletter. But I just wanted to drop in and say that I'm proud of what we did. I don't know what is going to happen in college football over the next 5 years, but we put ourselves in a much better position. Go Mean Green!
  7. Read the comments section for a bit of clarity from his fellow students.
  8. http://sportspolls.usatoday.com/ncaa/basketball-men/polls/coaches-poll/ North Texas now with 7 votes, up from 2 votes last week
  9. I ended up at the Sheraton Uptown, since I had an unused Marriott certificate worth 25k points. The question is, what casino are we going to?
  10. Courtyard ABQ Airport was $84/night It's 1.2 miles from stadium.
  11. I'll think about that. Thanks!
  12. Me too. ABQ is only 30 minutes farther to drive than New Orleans. ABQ also has casinos and skiing. Hotels are cheaper than NOLA. It will make for a nice weekend trip.
  13. I'm happy about this. A quality opponent, and a nice destination. ABQ has casinos and ski resorts, though it may be early to ski unless you drive up to Santa Fe. The timing sucks, but it is at least an afternoon Saturday game. Dallas Bowl is on Wednesday, the day after Christmas and nobody will be watching it.
  14. CBS just changed their projection. New Mexico Bowl North Texas vs. Boise State
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