i don't know if it's a moot point. i read the ruling as, if it hit the board then the clock stops immediately after it hit it...possibly taking 2-2.5 seconds off, so it could be used in running down the clock (not very much clock though). also, if the punter hits the board 2 or 3 times the cover team will be spent, while the returner will be fresh, leading to longer returns. one of my biggest sport pet peeves is having the stadium stucture come into play, but it's usually in baseball. this knock my opinion of the stadium down a few notches. side note...i took a tour of the stadium the saturday after the first game in the new stadium and there was a big crane in the stadium on the field doing something to the big screen and the guide informed us that we wouldn't be able to get on the field, because they were "raising the big screen". who do i believe?