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Everything posted by Greendylan

  1. On the surface they may look the same, but I don't think Benford's struggles are that similar to McCarney's.
  2. 1. Run first spread offense that is modified by the situation 2. 3-3-5 base defense
  3. Yeah, that's a good point about last year. If Brice is ready to contribute and earn significant minutes early in the season, then we might be better than some people think. If he and Fuller need time to develop, then that will put a lot of pressure on Combs to produce points, especially since it doesn't sound like Katenda will be much of an offensive threat.
  4. Very true. What concerns me even more than the inexperience, though, is an imbalanced roster with only four front court players.
  5. I can't wait until I inherit the family business and suddenly become smarter than all of you commoners. While we're at it, let's examine the latest Forbes list of billionaires and see who should be the Lords and Ladies of our world. Feudalism, baby!
  6. It's not the concept of hiring committees that's a problem. You just have to be competent enough when forming a committee to place informed representatives on it. But really, this is all a moot point. We have had a de facto committee for several years now, and it is comprised of 17 people (give or take). They've accomplished some really exceptional endeavors for this university. They have also proven themselves to be grossly unqualified regarding the hiring/firing/retaining of coaches.
  7. Why would the president's office/Athletic Department nominate faculty members who have no knowledge or interest in football? Similarly, why would a faculty member accept a nomination to serve on an athletic hiring committee if he or she had no interest in the outcome of the search? I've served on hiring committees at two different universities, and it is WAY more work than most people realize. You simply do not volunteer for such things unless you truly care about the results.
  8. Hiring committees are the norm in higher education for faculty and administrator positions.
  9. I'm just hoping for ordinary bad instead of historically bad.
  10. Considering the audience and circumstance, I thought it was a very well-articulated question, by the way.
  11. He gave a very generic, innocuous answer about viewing athletics as the "front porch" to the university and said all university presidents feel the same way. He also indicated that it is important for him to work with those outside of the walls of the athletic department (i.e. donors).
  12. Yes, I know of 17 people who would love to offer you a lifetime contract.
  13. Let's first find out who RV has identified as his selection, and then go out and get the complete opposite.
  14. Just 50? Oh, did you mean in the first quarter? Some people may tune in to ESPN purely for the circus spectacal that will be occurring.
  15. I think it's past time to clean house.
  16. Most embarrassing game that I have ever experienced at any level in any sport. No point in supporting a program that won't support itself.
  17. So, sucks about that Mike Thomas, eh?
  18. Wouldn't it be more fun to--oh, I don't know--root for the big upset? Then, if that fails, you'll all have plenty of opportunities to channel your Mean Green angst toward the possible silver linings that come with mounting losses.
  19. Right. I find it really disturbing that after 4+ years McCarney has NEVER won a non-conference road game for North Texas. And he won't this year.
  20. Technically, they were not a bowl team.
  21. I really, REALLY hope I'm wrong, but a part of me suspects that we are going to go the way of SMU last year--just spiral out of control toward the very bottom of FBS.
  22. I kinda sorta had a good feeling about our roster (or was at least intrigued by our spattering of new players) but then news broke about Aniefiok leaving. Hearing now that Mike Thomas won't be available until the semester break is just one more bit of attrition to overcome. I don't know--could still be .500 or so, which I suppose is better than what football is serving up these days, but that's not exactly going to pack the Pit either.
  23. UNT - 6 Rice - 41 I expect us to amass about 150 yards of total offense.
  24. But, in another thread you said this: "I am tired of hearing how broke we are. It is simply not true. If we need to buy people out, we can do it." Genuine question, and I'm honestly not trying to be snide: Are you suggesting that the school can produce any buyout that it deems necessary except for RV? He is untouchable because 100% of our several big donors support him personally and would not continue their support for Mean Green Athletics under any other AD?
  25. Yeah, I want to think this way. But it's hard to imagine that driving 45 minutes up I-35 and noticing a couple thousand more people donned in green shirts who are hollering at all the wrong times will really transform our whole whole play-calling philosophy. Rice held Texas to 277 total yards. Let that sink in for a minute and then think about the ungodly things they will do to our highly predictable offense.
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