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Everything posted by Greendylan

  1. We almost certainly have the worst defense of any bowl team.
  2. The phantom pass interference call effectively ended the game for us.
  3. I want to believe . . .
  4. This is shaping up to be one of the biggest embarrassments in our football history.
  5. I'm starting to understand. If Benford's unwavering guidance had been prematurely yanked from our players' lives, then that two-bit prostitution ring would have blossomed into a full-blown Victorian era red light district with gaggles of syphilitic women aimlessly wandering about the square like zombies. We dodged a bullet, gentlemen.
  6. Concluding an evaluation period before March?! Blasphemy! It simply isn't done!
  7. SMU is stealth recruiting him.
  8. We are not making them look like a top 25 team. We are making them look like one of the greatest teams of all time, which they decidedly are not.
  9. You are probably right.
  10. Strong write-up as always!
  11. We would need a sellout, or damn near close to it, to fill up the wing zone.
  12. Free throws attempted: 33-6 in favor of Nebraska
  13. Well, here's the bright side (if you can call it that): After essentially the worst 8 minutes of basketball that a team can have to open a game (score of 2-25), the next roughly 12 minutes were fairly even (28-27). We obviously won't win tonight, but it will be interesting to see if we can continue to improve in the second half.
  14. Those New Orleans Bowls in the early 2000s made lifelong fans out of a lot of us. There was something absolutely electric about wandering the streets of the French Quarter among droves of Mean Green fans--and seeing the local venues with banners out to welcome North Texas. After 2004 I actually made it back to the New Orleans Bowl a few more times to watch other teams--purely out of nostalgia, I suppose. I'll say this: if we have the opportunity to play ULL there, we should give it some serious thought. Those Ragin' Cajuns are absolutely wild and can legitimately take over that city.
  15. Predictions: 1. He will be denied a medical redshirt. 2. North Texas won't receive the above decision until after the season.
  16. We have no chance of winning if the conference has determined that interceptions don't count for the other team.
  17. I think it's pretty clear that CUSA has no interest in a FAU-UNT rematch.
  18. Maybe Old Dominion too?
  19. Well, the way things are shaping up, I suspect we will (assuming we reach bowl eligibility) end up in Frisco or the HOD, as each will have 1-2 at large spots. I just can't imagine anyone thinking a North Texas-Army part IV is a good idea. But, if we pack Apogee in November and play a competitive game, the Armed Forces Bowl and CUSA may actually lobby hard for it. Of course, if we somehow end up winning the conference championship, then we might choose to leave the DFW area. The next month should prove to be very interesting. . .
  20. I don't think we're in the midst of an attendance crisis. When you compare the announced attendance average from last year (19,838) to this year (20,419 through 4 games), we seem to be improving. Also, we had some unusual circumstances this year that limited the numbers for our home opener, and we still have the upcoming Army game, which could end up being our best attended of the season. I don't know where some of you are getting the impression that we only had 7,000-10,000 or so there. At kickoff--maybe. The student side filled out quite a bit by the second quarter--and then subsequently deflated throughout a chilly second half. That's not a great look, of course, but the peak attendance was probably close to the announced 18,872.
  21. If we play like this, we won't beat even the worst conference opponents.
  22. This has been the worst 1st quarter that I have ever seen from the Mean Green.
  23. According to ESPN, it's our hardest--by far.
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