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Everything posted by houstonmeangreen

  1. Please don't play too conservative--play to win, not to lose..ditto and again and again ditto
  2. If someone doesn't have tickets for Oktoberfest, can they still get in, hang on the patio or something,..I know an alumni, former T&F at UNT that might be interested, so I'm checking for him...thanks
  3. We score 4 TD/EP + FG for 31, they score 3 TD/2 FG 27 UNT 31, Ohio 27 we win. If they score on first possesion and we don't - we have lost the game. We go ahead by 10-14 pts and Mac gets too conservative, we have lost the game also.
  4. I watched all of these vids and have to say...UNT's was the best, Utahs was good as well.
  5. that guy is a total asshole !!
  6. He is a natural, quick release , accurate and quick decision on his part...big thumbs up on this player.
  7. Indeed....last year many said DT didn't have the arm strength to throw the long ball...did anyone notice his long pass to chancellor was more than 50 yrds in the air...DT was outstanding and I hope he knows this is the new level of expectations we have for him.!!!!! Go DT !!
  8. He taught me that there is more to football than winning winning feels good, too....Winning was not a term I was use to using when he was coach, and I almost forgot about how winning feels because he was here way too long....that said, I'm sure he is a guy of excellent character and a good man.
  9. Well, UNT made enough mistakes and left at least a couple of TD's on the field, that if they were playing a strong team, we easily could have lost...it was a wonderful game, a lot of fun, DT, Chancellor, et al played great, but the errors UNT made and, at times, the appearance of being totally unprepared would have costs us the game against a tough team. Just like good teams don't turn the ball over, good teams don't make the mistakes UNT made in that game. They played much better than they have in recent times, but they will have to correct these problems to get where we all want them to be..GMG
  10. To become a UNT rival...they will have to earn that; that is the only way that happens. If they do, then San Antonio will be a great place to go for games. I 'm thinking they will become a great rival in a few years and we will draw very large crowds for that game...in Denton. I wouldn't underestimate what they can potentially add the the conference. I suspect you have already put some mental plans in your head to go to the UNT game against them in SA next year...right?
  11. you forgot Dejon Williams
  12. It didn't take long with McNulty in to start screaming for DT....he did a great job and deserves the credit.....and Williams looked great...this kid has it !!
  13. It 15 till 8 in denton and it is ....96
  14. Don't know were your at, but in Arlington it is still usually low 90'S, maybe upper 80's near sunset....just HOT
  15. Outstanding presentation....I really like it and the whole idea behind it.
  16. That is because whoever paid Manziel is now being paid by TAM !
  17. Will they also show this on the MG premium or the CUSA network site...I don't have Fox sports...Harry ????
  18. Yes, I see that conf play begins Nov 5th at Tulane...NTDaily...you can do better than that...surely. !
  19. I think we all get a new 32" samsung TV for free * *just 299.99 shipping and handling charge
  20. Well, now you've gone and done it....you are now going to be a member of the meangreen family...forever !!! Welcome aboard my fellow alumnus.. getting that degree for UNT is not easy, so you and DT and Boutwell should be proud, we are all very proud of ya"ll (Texan talk)...hope you hang around for years, kinda like Mean Joe Greene, and of course, like many of us on the board. GMG and have a great game this Saturday !!
  21. Yes, but will these be on the CUSA network for $15 month ???? Well, I don't see an answer yet!!!
  22. agree with this....so under for me too
  23. I talked with RV a week ago, I have been assured that all MG conf games will be on the CUSA network, but, like you, I don't even find UNT represented, or which games in the future will be shown...this is indeed aggravating and seems to be par for the media aspects of MG. The previous MG premium sucked, and did for years, but no one seemed to care....I guess no one from UNT has even looked at the conf USA site to see we are not represented...sad !
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