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Everything posted by houstonmeangreen

  1. will be driving up for the game...from Houston of course (houstonmeangreen)...will the pep rally be happening at the hill on the friday prior to the game...if so, what time? Anyone? ...and I use to go to the "texas pickup" to eat...so now I should go to_____________________? (note:hell is not an option for this quizzzzzzz)
  2. everytime I think of Todd Dodge I want to punch somebody....he nearly killed off this program...a total disgrace.
  3. perhaps the same engineers as for MG Premium...which is far from premium....more like just above crap package.
  4. Are we leaving a conference that is developing a reputation for being tough, for a not so tough conference?...ULM, UNT, TROY, Ark State....well?
  5. I am driving up from Houston...I know someone else from Houston driving up...this will be a tough game, but I am betting on a great attendance.
  6. Agree...my two main concerns....better work on the secondary..watched La Monroe and they are the real deal...they will be tough....especially if there is no pressure on the QB...he is good and they have some really good receivers.
  7. I agree, I think we played it a little too conservative, would have liked to pass on 1 and 2 a little more...short and intermediate passes, occasional long pass...I think the game changed late when we had a 4th and 1 and punted...already down by 14 pts or so...it killed our drive and turned it over to K State, and we knew our secondary couldn't cover the receivers...our secondary and special teams killed us...that said..I have to say I was proud of how we played tonight against the 14th ranked K state. The change in EVERYTHING concerning UNT football is dramatic...facilities, coaching, money, tailgating, fun...Our future is very bright...way to go team !!
  8. This O-line is spectacular....big thumbs up to you guys tonight....we all know what a fine job yall do.
  9. DT did a great job tonight....I wish we would have thrown the ball a little more tonight...DT has shown he doen't throw interceptions often and is pretty accurate on the short and intermediate plays. Overall, he makes good decisions. Way to go DT !!
  10. Eugene and I will be watching game in Houston at Texadelphia. On Westheimer.
  11. Eugene and I will be watching the game at Texadelphia on Westheimer if anyone in Houston wishes to join us...plan to meet at 10-15 till 6. PM me or show up and join us.
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  12. UNT 27 KU 24 we know what we are up against..depends on DT's performance to keep us ahead...or could be 52-10 KU if QB runs wild.
  13. Exactly !!!!
  14. I feel your pain!!!!
  15. any agreement for UNT/LSU watching location/meeting...again Texadelphia on westheimer or SRO off west loop are good for me?
  16. I would be in also....located in Galleria area...Texasadelphia is usually the place for me...on westheimer..SRO is good if it is still open and we can get a spot.
  17. You are correct...UNT grad rate in 6 yrs is 400% higher....and really...this is TSU...not exactly quality.
  18. get your education at TSU and be proud....show it to your friends in the slammer, use your diploma as ID to vote, etc http://money.msn.com/college-savings/11-worst-public-university-grad-rates
  19. don't kid yourself....he would if he could....he is the worse president in my lifetime...jimmy carter a distant second.
  20. thats pretty much the way I see it....there is such a thing as a bad cop.
  21. I think there was some talk...but no significant amount of money, if I recall. That stadium they have is poorly designed and now is ready for the junk pile...also has a track around it. Would like to see it, but I don't think it will happen in the next 10 yrs, if ever.
  22. do they even read?
  23. chances UTA adds football I think are slim to none...but , the SBC is a really good move for them...they have pretty good BB program and a new facility...I would like to see them add football...Im an X, but don't think it will happen.
  24. These are all great ideas....hope RV sees this....we need to bring more visability of UNT to Houston...BTW...I often see billboards for UNT in the Houston area...maybe a few the month prior to the game in Houston , with a phone no for alumni to call to start meeting up with Houston alumni for game watching., UNt could put up a billboard or two...might be worth the cost long term. would definitely like to see more GREEN in Houston
  25. During the "bowl" days we would have game watching parties...even though small...still maybe 20 people would show up...even people like Kelly Fry (coach Fry's son) and it was fun...with more effort maybe the turnout could have been much greater...after the bowl years, you would be lucky to get more than 2-4 people...really bad. We should be cultivating Houston, San Antonio, maybe Austin...wherever we have alot of NT x's.
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