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MG 2000

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Everything posted by MG 2000

  1. Keep it. Who cares if some early 20-something thinks it is outdated. What do you think? Besides, all things are cyclical. If it does go out, it will come back. Things always do. And when it does, you'll be ahead of the curve. And with a chin like mine, I am given few options in that area. I have to keep it.
  2. The school knows we are out there. I'm sure they email a good number of us. Why does no one ever contact me about getting involved. I am now in a position where I want to be and can be involved, with financial support, time, and my butt in a seat. But how many out there are lost and don't know that they are ready to come home? I can't help but think of the girl scout cookies that end up in my pantry every year. I don't go looking for them, but they find me somehow. I will call they school. I will buy my season tickets. I'll use my NT Exes Mastercard to actually join the namesake organization, unless that credit card puts me in automatically. Who knows. I'll join the MG club. It just would have been nice if the cookies showed up at my door.
  3. You've got that right about needing to get the butts in gear with a new President coming in. That is just basic workplace rules. New boss coming in should equal the lining up of ducks into little rows. Let's hope it does. I graduated 5 1/2 years ago, and I think that I have been petitioned by the University once. And it was shortly after I graduated so I had none at the time. (Still don't have much) I made my one game a year, and felt ok about it. Now I want to be more involved, but I don't know what way to get involved. That is why I joined this board. I think I'll get more from you all than I will from the Dept. I just wish that we had the kind of passion in the Athletics Dept that we have on this board.
  4. Some people think the same thing about us. We have got to beat these guys, in front of a full and passionate Fouts, and build on the momentum from this game to carry us through the season. That will make 2-9 go away and get us back to winning Sun Belt crowns. Nobody expects us to do a thing against Texas. I just hope for a respectable game myself. I was there last time and it was not that at all. But we need to heal the bumps and bruises quickly and beat the hell outta SMU! I just hope the players and current students realize how big this game can be for us as much as us alums do.
  5. I think it is a good move on their part. Notre Dame wants to cement its place on the map of college football. I mean, they have always been Notre Dame, but they used to be a travelling club. They would play in stadiums across the country, winning fans in every town and state. Some people have come to see them as another Big Ten (Eleven) team, but it is obvious they want to truly remain an independent. I'd go see them if they came to Dallas to play a name opponent. I'd crap my pants if we could ever get a game with they at the future Jerry World in Arlington. Could you just imagine the possibilities that would be in store for us in a game like that.
  6. Speaking of the game, what will the makeup of the crowd be like? How many fans do you think they will bring? How many in Green and White? Will Fouts hit capacity?
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