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MG 2000

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Everything posted by MG 2000

  1. Why not keep Parcells one more year, and then make a run at Cowher for 2008? You know that he wants to coach again. He will probably sit out for a year and wait for the right job t come open, and he wants to get paid. The Cowboys make perfect sense for Cowher. High profile team. Owner with deep pockets who will not only pay a coach, put will pay to stock the team. A new stadium coming in 2009. I think it makes perfect sense. Plus, if the Cowboys don't get him, do you want little Danny Snyder and the Redskins to hire him? I for one don't. If you let Parcells go, who do we bring in? Jim Mora, Jr? Some coordinator from someplace. I think it is worth it to bring Parcells back for a year and make a serious run at Cowher.
  2. The thing with the media in Dallas is that they so desperately want SMU to be good again. Alot of folks in the media here are closet SMU homers, even if they went to other schools. Better football has been played in Denton, and certainly Ft Worth, but SMU will get the headlines from the media based in Dallas. I would not expect to have a chance to play them again though. It's too bad, but it probably won't happen again. I was talking with my dad about it Sunday (he is a SMU grad) and he was saying that he dreams of the day that SMU, TCU, Baylor, and North Texas played in a conference together. Now, that will never happen, but wouldn't it be great for everyone to rotate home and homes. For example, we could play SMU here and there in '06 and '07, play TCU in "08 and '09, Baylor in '10 and '11, and back to SMU in '12 and '13. The other schools could do the same. I think that everyone would enjoy this.
  3. Um, have you not been watching the past few tournaments? We are behind the curve now. They have caught up and past us. And you can say that we should send our NBA champions to play in these tourneys, but there aren't many good NBA teams anymore that don't have a key player from a foreign country.
  4. It's not the band wagon crash that hurts the true fans of a team, it is the fact that the team is losing that hurts. Honestly, if you are a fan of a team, does it really bother you more when people jump off the wagon, or the fact that your favorite team is losing? In the case of the Cowboys, I know I could care less about other fans, whether they be bandwagon or not. I am pissed if the team is losing. I am happy if they are winning. We live in a disposable society. Teams, be they college or pro, are just brands for people to consume. Right now, the Longhorn brand is on top. They are winning, and people like to affiliate themselves in any way with a winning image. If they fall, some other team will be there to pick things up. Watch our for Notre Dame in a year or two. Imagine how many Shamrocks and Irish t-shirts and caps you'll see if they win a title. It was fun to follow the Longhorns last year. It was a great story and Vince was incredible to watch. I follow all the local college teams. I want the Longhorns, Aggies, Sooners, Frogs and everyone else to do well. It makes things more interesting. There are also teams I want to see fail. The Raiders, Mustangs, Bears, and Cougars. I wish failure on all of them. I'd love to see our beloved Mean Green improve their program and move into a better conference. If this ever happened, I wouldn't be upset if more people attended games or wore T-shirts. It would be fun.
  5. The only thing that I can take as a positive is that Shaq got another title, and Kobe gets to watch. I hate Kobe. And while I hate to see the Mavs lose, I draw a small ounce of comfort knowing that Shaq has one more than Kobe.
  6. You could have just witnessed the birth of the next Jordan. You never know. Everyone thinks it would be LeBron, but Wade has got a ring now. Remember all the calls that Jordan got. Even as great of a player that he was, he got a call every now and then. That is the NBA though. It is about TV contracts and jersey sales. Star players sell jerseys and get people to watch on TV. Star players can become Superstars by getting calls, hitting shots, and winning titles. It gives me tired head. I need to get to bed. World Cup starts in a few hours.
  7. I just pulled out the tape of game 3. (Yes, I know...time to get a Tivo and get away from VHS) If you have it recorded, go back and watch the beginning of the end. Start watching with about 8 or 9 minutes to go in the 4th. Watch closely, every possesion. If you can truly tell me that the game is not called differently when the Mavs have the ball and when the Heat have the ball, then I may watch more NBA next year. Don't just watch the ball. Watch the players off the ball. The Heat are able to have good ball movement all throughout the games because if the Mavs touch them, the whistle blows. When the Mavs have the ball, it is like a football line of scrimmage yet the whistle does not blow. I've watched this team all year long, and really I've gotten back into Mavs ball since Cuban bought the team. I thought we might see something truly special with this group. It is great to make the Finals, but something truly special would be to win the title. However, starting with Game 3, the Heat (with whatever help the could get) were able to make the Mavs look like the playoff failures from the last few years. I didn't think the Heat could do that, but they the Mavs off their rhythm and they never could truly get it back.
  8. Um, yeah. Well, that sucked. Cowboys training camp is in July, right. What about the NCAA? Season start in August? Um, yeah. Let's go football. I guess the World Cup will have to hold me over until then. Yeah. "No funeral" (Gun cocks and fires)
  9. When I was in college, I had an internship at Reunion Arena working with the tv broadcast. I actually got to meet several of the announcers for the Mavericks, and other teams throughout the league. I liked basketball ok, but I have always been a football guy. I remember having a conversation with Jim Durham, who was a Mavericks broadcaster at the time and is now working ESPN radio. We got into a conversation about the star system in the league. He basically told me that the stars are the ones who got calls, spares did not, and teams that some teams had more "respect" from the officials than others. We all know this. But I led the conversation into the point that this is the exact reason that so many people stay away from the game. I am not saying that football is officiated any better, but I hear less talk after a big game about how the NFL is rigged than I do with the NBA. I know many people who won't watch because of this. You would think that the league would make more of an effort to do something about it. Basketball is truly a great game, but they do everything that they can to keep it behind football in terms of popularity, IMHO.
  10. Here is a nice shot of Terry being fouled by Wade at the end of regulation. So how is it that Wade gets a call but the Mavs don't? Wade fouls Terry at end of regulation
  11. Keep a couple things in mind with the foul calls. 1) The Mavs were playing "hack a Shaq" through most of the second half. If you use up most of your fouls doing this, than any time you touch a Heat player after you get 5 team fouls, it is free throws. 2) NBA refs will reward aggressive, drive to the hoop type play. The Heat are always going to the basket. How many times did you see the Mavs pull up and shoot a jumper instead of taking it to the hoop? The Terry shot at the end of regulation is a perfect example. If that is Wade, he takes it to the hole. But the Mavs shoot a jumper instead. It is like the Mavs are afraid to go inside, but can you blame them? However, that is what they will have to do to get it done. I think that Dirk drove to the basket several times early in Game 4 and got Shaq in fould trouble, but the team stopped after that. Look for the calls to go Dallas' way in Game 6. We won't lose 4 straight, but after that, Game 7 is a coin flip. I hope that they can get it done. You never know when you might get back.
  12. She certainly is hot. How about another hot teacher out there that found herself in hot water. Not for messing around with the boys, but just for being hot and taking some truly hot photos. another hot teacher Luckily, this town's school board had some sense about it, but I think that she quit anyway to try to become a professional model.
  13. I actually have some kids that go to Hebron that work for me and I asked them what happened. Basically, he was living that dream and bragging to his friends about it. The kid is not the one who told the authorities about it. Someone else ratted them out. Put that up for debate at the man law roundtable. Do you rat on a man that gets to live your dream? Heck no!!!
  14. Got it bad, so bad. I'm hot for teacher. H.S. teacher gets busted Will they ever stop? Lay off the high school kids ladies!
  15. Genius.
  16. I thought it was Lay. Delay is the congressman, right?
  17. # 6 makes me giggle. And #'s 2 and 3 are widely regarded as being the best two ever. This list's #1 is a joke.
  18. It is sad to see something like this. Nice ring though. Texas ring for sale ebay Texas ring
  19. real player
  20. Pretty cool stuff with the video. Cobbs does make a heck of a catch. If you play the video, let it roll all the way through. There is a pretty cool look at Doug Flutie over the years. He was a heck of a player.
  21. Found one for what I was looking for. (cfbdatawharehouse.com) It confirmed the pain that I always new existed, but had tried to supress (our record in my time at school 97-00). My first question after looking at these past seasons is what the heck happened with Boise St. We used to beat them regularly, and now I see them kicking other people's butts on ESPN all the time. They have played some good bowl games the past few years as well. Why could they get some things done in friggin' Boise but we haven't been able to reach the same type of success here?
  22. Does anyone know of any source on the net that would have past season records and results. I figure this type of stuff would be in a media guide, but I can't locate one on the www. Any clues?
  23. Any of the Super Mario games, Super Tecmo Bowl, and this submarine game that I think was called Silent Service. MT's Punchout was good. I liked Duck Hunt, and the Power Pad games. I think that there was some sort of track and field type games that you could do on that. Yeah, that was pretty cool. Oh, and the baseball games were good too, as was Blade's of Steel.
  24. Is it that DD needs to do a better job of selling itself to recruits or the University as a whole has to do a better job of selling itself through its athletics department. There is no doubt that things are improving, but there are still some eye sores that have to be addressed on campus. It has got to be incredibly difficult to recruit to Fouts Field. Many of the area high school kids probably play at nicer places on Friday nights than Fouts. There is also the lack of a winning tradition compared to the bigger schools. Sure, alot of it may be perceived winning, but some programs have bigger names than others. There can't be any doubt that TCU and SMU are still held in higher regard because they used to play Texas and A&M in the SWC. And look at TCU and SMU. TCU has had a recent streak of really nice success. And they continue to get better. SMU has a name that for whatever reason some people love, and they have a beautiful new stadium that I would dream for our school to have. I think that we should be happy with our success over the past few years, and really use it as a stepping stone to go to the next level. Dickey should get another year or two to right the ship after last year. But it will take more than a great coach or coaching job on Dickey's part. 1) We need a stadium. 2) We need some of the local state champion or champion caliber programs to be a pipeline of new blood into our program. 3) We need respectable out of conference play and to dominate our schedule. 4) We need T-Shirt fans to help increase our marketing image. Having a new logo is great. Can we stick with it for a while and get some merchandise that will sell to students, former students, and prospective students, and hell, just regular people who might want to indentify themselves with a major university in the area. As far as action on the field, the SMU game is a great place to start. Play Texas to a respectable outcome, and then come home and beat the tar out of SMU. Get another non-con win or two, and then dominate SB play. But the SMU games sets it all up.
  25. THere is an effort and committment that needs to be made on both sides. Sure, the bigs schools in state (Texas, A&M, Tech) have all the fan base, contributions, support and whatnot. But they have made a committment to produce athletic departments that not only the students and alumni can support, but also the local areas as well. Go to College Station. Is there any doubt that the whole place is maroon and white to the core? Austin is Austin, but they love their Longhorns. You don't get that in Denton. The University may as well be out in the middle of nowhere as far as the town is concerned. At some point, there has to be a breakthrough. I don't think that all of the alums in the area are just going to start showing up in Denton for football games and to drop off checks. A better job has to be done of hooking the students while they are there, reaching out to alums in the area, and interesting folks in the Metroplex. Oh, and when I say that I want someone to reach out to me, they don't have to cast a line out to me like someone fishing with a rod. Throw a net out there. Put big ads in the paper, advertise on radio, use the media. The only voice in town I hear doing that on a consistent basis is George Dunham on the Ticket. Hire a marketing firm. Or heck, work with some of the kids that study marketing at the school. Generate some buzz some how. I am choosing to come back on my own. There was a little voice that went off in my head that said "Get involved. Go support your school." I don't think that everyone hears that same voice in their head. Sometimes they need to actually have it shouted out to them.
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