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Everything posted by UNTLifer

  1. Sounds painful!
  2. Does this mean our soccer chicks are "sexier" than MTSU's? Way to go Ladie Eagles!! Win the SBC!!
  3. Relax BHud, Shane has been trying to teach us the ins and outs of journalism for quite a while now. We are just too slow to catch on!
  4. Everyone should take Silver's cue and attend them all, rain or shine.
  5. Not to get into the for and against arguement here, but my Fraternity has taken this stance from the beginning. We just completed construction of our house this fall, and have followed this from the start. In reference to your post SilverEagle, Sigma Chi has always supported UNT football and entered the stadium and cheered together. So hopefully we will see you there. Better bring your binoculars if you are on the pressbox side, you know how far apart the stands are!! I agree and hope all the Fraternities follow suit, but from my observation at all the games at Fouts this year, the Fraternities has a large contingent in the stands. Let's all support UNT and UNT athletics. Afterall, it is the University that prepared us for the real world. Go Mean Green Eagles.
  6. No they shouldn't be a PR rag for UNT, but they should post both sides to the story. This is misleading, and most of us feel, aimed to get the students to oppose the POSSIBLE purchase of the law school. These reactions are just the culmination of many years of frustration over this type of article.
  7. Here's the linkUNT golfballs
  8. I would fathom a guess that the area in the SW corner between Bonnie Brae and I35W could also be used for intramurals, thus opening up all the space around Fouts for expansion of the Athletic Center, Fouts Field, and the practice facilities. Again, this is just a guess.
  9. Sounds like a Nate Newton starter kit
  10. Chico Esquella.
  11. I emailed RV asking this question for my nephew, who is a senior on the Grapevine High School team. RV's reply was that UNT currently had a Club team. He didn't say much more which leads me to believe that this is not in his immediate plans. I must agree. There are bigger fish to fry at this time.
  12. Well let's see here. 1. SMU's football team was being trashed and the location of their campus, not their academic programs. 2. "For Christ's sake". This coming from a man that doesn't believe in any god. 3. "Holy Crap Man". See #2. Not only are you an idiot, but you can't seem to make up your mind about what you believe. <_<
  13. I agree!!!! The Eagles has been our mascot forever. Now I do like the Mean Green nickname, but I hate to see us go away from the eagle. The eagle is our tradition.
  14. How about burning this to a CD and playing it during the tailgating festivities?
  15. I, for one, would like to see this from time to time. This would set UNT apart, make our cheerleaders unique, draw attention,.......Oh, who am I kidding, The 21 year olds in skirts is the real reason. Of course my wife would beat me senseless. Seriously though, I believe our fans, dance team, and cheerleaders all do a great job. I have never watched them solely throughout the game, but when I do, they seem to be doing a great job.
  16. The key word here is "verbal". If he can change to NMSU, then he can change back. Stay after him JJ!!!
  17. What happened to the t-shirt shooting french fries from the NSU game? Now that is wheels off.
  18. Once again, this is the final chapter of the Helwig administration. He pimped us out in FB and BB to fund the department, which in turn has led to dismal crowds at home games. Thank goodness he's gone.
  19. My Webpage Here is the link, but it doesn't show any merchandise yet. You may try calling the UNT athletic office. I tried
  20. Go to www.unt.edu, click on athletics, and there should be a link to buy merchandise. I don't recall if it says North Texas or UNT, but they had everything from caps to shirts, to jackets and warm-ups.My Webpage
  21. Hey Mean Green Nation, here's a thought. Next time we play, sit in the sun in 80 to 90 degree heat, wear wool pants, a tee shirt, a wool jacket, and a band hat. On top of that get up and down numerous times and see how you feel. I have never played in a band, but I certainly understand taking their jackets off in the first half. I was sitting near them, thank God not in the middle of them like some of you, wearing shirts and a t-shirt and was sweating. "Walk a mile in their shoes before casting your stones" BTW, great performance Green Brigade. Trust me, you bring much credit to our university.
  22. I'mn sure I'll take a beating on this, but here goes.... Do the flags really add that much to the half time show? Every flag group I've have watched have been out of sync, off beat, etc.... I am not trying to criticize the students that volunteer their time to be on this squad, but wouldn't their energy be better used in some other capacity?
  23. SERENITY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amen, Rick Costanza!!! Will we be celebrating Festivus at one of the tailgating events?
  24. MeanGreenHoops....thank you so much for explaining this to me! I was at the Nichols game with my nephew, and at half time we kept hearing what we thought was a band, but didn't see anything. Well, we did see a bunch of instuments on the field moving around, but no one playing them! I guess it was because they blended into the field, being green and all.
  25. Nothing logical here. This post is starting to make my eyes hurt!! Give'm hell RV
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