And we wonder why the ushers were rude on the student side!? I didn't run in to any problems, had a great time (other than the outcome), liked seeing ushers assist people and insure people were sitting in the seats they paid for. Look, I used to show up, buy my $8.00 endzone seat and sit any place I saw fit. Prior to last year I decided to stop robbing the system, realizing I was hurting the department I was trying to support by skating by and bought season tickets. These are growing pains that we will have to work through because there has been a total lack of attention in the past. Our athletic department is just trying to run the show like any other D1 school and will learn from their mistakes. If the same problems arise for the MUTS game, then we've got a problem, but I have faith that RV will correct these problems. I have worked in customer service for over 10 years and would advise RV to address these concerns, but how do you reach all of the people that attended without their addresses? First, you shoot out either a letter or email to the season ticket holders, then you run an ad in the NT Daily apologizing and addressing the changes with the faculty, staff and students of UNT, run a brief article on the website and have Vito run an article in the DRC. Acknowledge the problem, apologize, fix the problems. Those three steps, if done correctly, will created more loyal fans/customers to the program. Ignore them, and you will lose some forever. If you choose to write RV a letter, don't be biligerent. Point out the positives you saw, then point out the problems you encountered and be tactful. See you all on October 2nd when we welcome the MUTS to SPCA day.