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Everything posted by UNTLifer

  1. Must have been in a hurry with my original post. Corrected it and made it read better.
  2. Shouldn't that read: Don't make us Baylor your A$$?
  3. Is this a trick question?
  4. The Avs are good, but not that much better than the Stars, at least on paper. What is the problem with Arnott?
  5. I don't think LoveMG intended that to come out the way it did. I think he is taking FFR's approach about win and they will come. I will give you my thoughts from when UNT Bball drew good crowds and was successful back in the 70's. 1. We were competitive. 2. Coach Blakely was usually animated and fun to watch. 3. Coach Blakely promoted the program. 4. As a kid, I was 10-12 years old at this time, my friends and I would never miss a game. We knew who all the players were and copied them in our neighborhood pickup games. 5. We played a fast paced exciting type of basketball. 7. They would host pee-wee league exhibitions at half time. These were usually 6th or 7th graders that played shorten games. It was our dream to get to play in the Super Pit. 8. They promoted to the kids. We would bug our parents to take us to all the games. One kid ='s one maybe two parents. 9. Create an exciting atmosphere for the fans. I think Stebo mentioned utilizing an area of the concourse for life sized cutouts of the players so the kids could see how they "measure up" to the Mean Green players. 10. Entertainment at half time. I remember the Budweiser dunk team, frisbee catching dogs, little kids drill teams and cheerleaders. 11 Why not take another page from the Mark Cuban school of Maverick's entertainment and have a concert following the game? Why not get the One O'Clock Lab Band to perform. 12. Host a Taste of Denton in the Men's gym prior to the game. Game ticket is required for entry. I believe this used to be an annual event. 13. Half time contests for students and kids. Free throw shooting, hot shot, 3 point contest and half court shot could all be incorporated. 14. Invite ESPN's big Monday crew.
  6. Also saw this in the DMN this morning. Marin Named To The NSCAA Central Region Team DENTON (1/8/04)- For the second straight season North Texas senior forward Marilyn Marin was named to the second-team All-Central Region soccer team by the National Soccer Coaches Association of America. Marin was the 2003 Sun Belt Conference Player of the Year for the second straight season and she is the only player in Sun Belt Conference history to be named to the first team four straight seasons and second player to named Player of the Year in back-to-back seasons. This season Marin led the team with 23 goals, 14 assists and 60 points. Marin ended her career with 214 career points, tied for 10th in NCAA history, 88 goals, eight in NCAA history, 2.70 points per game, tied for seventh in NCAA history, and 1.11 goals per game, tied for eight in NCAA history. Over her four-year career Marin was part of 57 wins, the 2001 Sun Belt Conference Championship, and two undefeated seasons at home.
  7. Years ago UNT sponsored a "Taste of Denton" prior to one of the games. This was held in the Men's Gym prior to a home game and was done for several years. This typically was a well attended event and game. Does anyone know if they still do this? If not, it is a great idea, draws fans and shows Denton how the University benefits its merchants.
  8. Nothing on Fox4 either, but of course Doocy has his head so far up Jerry Jone's arse, I wonder what they will carry when the Cowboys are done in a week or two.
  9. Now one of our own is calling us a commuter school. Look, we used to fill up the Super Pit back during the Blakely years, because we won and played a style that was fun to watch. Let JJ, if he is the man to do it, rebuild the program and the fans will return. You would be surprised how much Denton and the surrounding communities like basketball. They used to have youth league "mini-games" at halftime that showcased some of the better local teams. These games were between elementary aged kids and the fans loved it. They would bring in teams from Denton, Krum, Ponder, Lewisville, Gainesville, etc... Not only did you get 10-12 kids per team in the stands, but you also got their parents and friends from their community to come. True, they came to watch their kids play, but they were also exposed to some great North Texas teams and they became fans. I always went to games during this time when I was in Jr. High. It was the place to meet all of your friends, and due to the crowds, we always had to sit in the upper deck. I don't know how they recapture this atmosphere, but we never missed games, always met our friends up there, thought the North Texas players were the best ever, imitated them in our neighborhood games and always saw good basketball. This is where this program needs to go. Play good ball, win and the fans will return.
  10. What was the final score? Didn't get to listen to it and didn't see the score noted on the 10:00 news.
  11. Tommy Newman. Newman from Seinfeld would've been about as effective.
  12. I hope this catches on with the fans that are able to arrive at 4:30pm. BTW, you mentioned Dr. Pepper. Please remember that Coke is an official sponsor of UNT. Dr. Pepper sends their money to Baylor.
  13. It amazes me that this thread never dies, yet burger, BBQ, pizza or beer talk gets shut down.
  14. You know what hurt this program more than anything? Getting rid of Bill Blakely! It is amazing how the basketball program has mirrored the football program. In football we did very well with Coach Fry, the games were exciting and attendance was pretty good. After Coach Fry left we went through a number of questionable coaches, interest lagged, our teams didn't post very good records and we dropped to D1AA. DD & RV have brought back the excitement and rekindled interest in the program. In basketball with Coach Blakely we were very good, it was entertaining just to watch him on the sideline and the stands were usually pretty full. After he left, the style of play changed, questionable coaches were hired and interest began to lag. I hope JJ can turn around this program and increase interest also, but right now we aren't very good. I am now an alum that has to make a committment to come to the Bball games. With football it is easy. Most games are on a Saturday afternoon or night and traffic isn't a problem. With a basketball majority of the Bball games falling during the week and beginning at 7:00pm I have to take in to account traffic, childcare, etc... It is just much more difficult to attend. A 7:30pm start time would help immensely, and as my child gets a little older, bringing him to week night games won't be a problem. Just my $.02
  15. Considering the results of our first three games, this could be questioned. Unless you are talking about the Lady Eagles.
  16. Somebody help us out here! What's your favorite pizza, BBQ joint, beer, watering hole in New Orleans, etc...?
  17. At least Fouts is a real football stadium and playing football in it was its intended purpose. Playing basketball at Texas Hall would be like UNT playing Bball on the Auditorium Bldg. stage.
  18. Sorry, but this comment struck me wrong. Andrew was nothing but appreciated for the job he did last year after Hall got injured. Stating that is was not appreciated is wrong. I thought of many words stronger than "wrong" but didn't want my post to be deleted.
  19. I hope this is money well spent and not just an avenue for him to watch his beloved Hoosiers. I would take this to mean that there is a possibility that he will "invest" in UNT athletics.
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