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Everything posted by UNTLifer

  1. I didn't miss the point, I don't understand it, and you missed my point. How can you say someone isn't durable when they run the ball 285 times for 1,872 yards and 17 TD's? If he wasn't durable he wouldn't have carried the ball 285 times in essentially 8 or 9 games. The young man pulled a hamstring last year and some of you are labeling him as not being durable. Was there a need to rush him back to the field last year? No, not with PC healthy and in his senior year. I firmly believe that J-Mo's problems were a result of added weight, not being injury prone. Again, please tell me how you are not durable when you run the ball 285 times in a season?
  2. Hasn't proven he can be durable? Please explain, All Mighty Big Dawg, J-Mo's results as a true freshman in 2004.
  3. Proven to be durable? Led the nation in rushing in 2004 as a true freshman filling in for an injured Cobbs. Why can I count on him? Filled in nicely for Cobbs in 04 running all over Colorado in his first start. Potential is for people that haven't produced. J-Mo has and will for the next two years. Mark my words.
  4. I guess my shot at humor went the way of Quoner's shot at sarcasm.
  5. Man, the season can't get here soon enough. SE's tempers gotten short. Would it take the edge off if we sent RF over for you to yell at?
  6. This one made me laugh.
  7. The UNT System news release: UNT regents name Dr. Scott Ransom as finalist for presidency of UNT Health Science Center DENTON (UNTS), Texas - The University of North Texas System Board of Regents voted today to name Dr. Scott Ransom, D.O., as the sole finalist for the position of president of the UNT Health Science Center. The selection of Dr. Ransom completes a nationwide search following Dr. Ronald Blanck's October 2005 announcement that he would step down once a successor is approved. Dr. Ransom is currently the director of the program for healthcare improvement and leadership development and professor of obstetrics, gynecology, health management and policy at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Mich. He also serves as the director of women's health and gynecology at the Ann Arbor VA Medical Center. Dr. Ransom's research and consulting include areas related to improving the health care delivery system, women's health, leadership development, health disparities, and performance improvement. Prior to joining the University of Michigan, Dr. Ransom was Vice President for Medical Affairs and then Senior Vice President at a large seven hospital health system. He is past President of the American College of Physician Executives, which includes a national membership of over 11,000 physician leaders. "Dr. Scott Ransom is an energetic and experienced health care leader with the ability to accelerate the development of the Health Science Center," UNT System Chancellor Lee Jackson said. "The Board of Regents and Chancellor Jackson received strong candidate recommendations from an 18-person advisory committee made up of students, faculty, and staff of the UNT System," Board Chairman Bobby Ray said. "And we believe Dr. Ransom understands our mission and will be an effective leader on and off campus for our growing Health Science Center." Dr. Ransom says, "The University of North Texas Health Science Center has a long and distinguished record of developing outstanding physicians, scientists and other health professionals to better improve our nation's health. I look forward to working with faculty, staff, students and the community to create additional innovative educational programs, community initiatives, and investigative efforts to support our goal of becoming the nation's best in creating knowledge and developing researchers and effective primary care providers." Dr. Ransom received a doctorate in osteopathic medicine from the University of Health Sciences in Kansas City; his master of public health from Harvard University; and a master of business administration from the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor. He completed his residency in obstetrics and gynecology at Oakwood Hospital in Dearborn, Michigan. Dr. Ransom also is a graduate of the U.S. Marine Corps Officer Candidate School. Today's announcement begins a minimum 21-day interim period required by law before the Board votes to officially appoint Dr. Ransom to the position. **UNTS** SPREAD THE WORD about UNTupdates@unt.edu! UNTupdates@unt.edu is an occasional e-mail update sent from the University of North Texas about news and information of importance to our UNT community. It is brought to you by the Division of University Relations, Communications and Marketing at the University of North Texas. If you enjoy reading this e-mail update and know a fellow alum or any UNT loyalist who you believe also might benefit from it, please forward it on. Anyone can sign up for the free, privacy-protected subscription by e- mailing UNTupdates@unt.edu and writing subscribe in the subject line. If you no longer wish to receive these e-mails, simply reply to this e-mail (UNTupdates@unt.edu ) and write unsubscribe in the subject line. You also may write to UNTupdates@unt.edu , University of North Texas, P.O. Box 311070, Denton 76203-1070, or drop by the Hurley Administration Building, 1501 Chestnut St. in Denton. To begin receiving these updates at a new e-mail address, please send us an e-mail with your old e-mail address and the new e-mail address you want to subscribe at UNTupdates@unt.edu. E-mail messages sent to UNTupdates@unt.edu will be answered by that account holder or forwarded to another individual at UNT to be answered. E-mail messages sent to the e-mail contact for this address may be kept and reviewed to help ensure the relevance of information presented by UNTupdates@unt.edu and the usefulness of the replies from the e-mail contact. Copyright 2006 University of North Texas "University of North Texas," "UNT," "Discover the power of ideas" and their associated identity marks, as well as the eagle and talon graphic marks, are official trademarks of the University of North Texas; their use by others is legally restricted. If you have questions about using any of these marks, please contact the UNT Division of University Relations, Communications and Marketing at (940) 565-2108 or e-mail branding@unt.edu.
  8. Would have been nice to sign the QB.
  9. Half of the football pictures are from 2004.
  10. Flopping is b.s. and a chickensh*t way to gain an advantage. The officiating was horrible. The call that resulted in Ghana's penalty kick was one of the worst calls I've seen, and it resulted in the U.S. losing. I wish the U.S. would have done better, but maybe we can get back to normal discussions. I too would eliminate flopping, the offsides call and would either enlarge the goal or require jockeys or midget wrestlers to be goalies. Soccer/Futball whatever. The only cool thing I've seen is the one commercial showing the pickup game. On a personal note, I've grown to love Spanish language television.
  11. I had to scroll through a few pages and ran across the Denver Bronco cheerleaders. Any chance the North Texas cheerleaders or dancers will go with the chaps this year?
  12. What's the T N stand for? Texas North?
  13. Well, let's see. UT hosts us in FB to 80,000 fans at $50 a pop equals $4,000,000. UT hosts us in basketball to 15,000 fans at $25 a pop equals $375,000. I would guess by this simplistic model that it is easier to pay us $500,000 to $600,000 a game in FB than BB.
  14. Nice comment from a current student.
  15. I didn't realize Muleshoe was a suburb of Miami.
  16. You are in our prayers. My oldest spent a minimal amount of time in the NICU at Baylor Grapevine. I can't imagine having to spend anymore that the week I did. Cooke's is a fabulous hospital.
  17. Can I get an Amen!!!! I would throw out more cliches like, "You hit the nail on the head," but I didn't want to waste everyone's time.
  18. That's why, beyond the Dallas Mavericks, I could care less about the NBA. A foul is a foul whether you are driving the lane, pulling up to shoot a jumper, dribbling the ball, etc..., a travel is a travel, carrying the ball is carrying the ball. It should matter who you are, who you play for or what part of the game this occurs during. What other league gives the star treatment to the extint the NBA does? None, and that is why I dislike the league.
  19. Ahh, the restrooms at Fouts!
  20. I believe Ginobli is Argentinian, so he probably learned that on the soccer field where the flop has been perfected for years.
  21. All good points Stan, but I would add one major reason that North Texas falls behind in the area of alumni giving. The university has never encouraged giving and has never made an impression on current students, until recently, to support North Texas. You think an A&M or UT student thinks twice about giving back once they graduate? Not a chance. Yet, North Texas has fostered an apathetic attitude with its students throughout the years, especially towards athletics.
  22. FFJ, I haven't been disappointed in my move to Houston!
  23. www.voertmans.com I just purchased this hat and am very pleased with it.
  24. Then how does the NCAA justify allowing Florida State to have a mascot throw a flaming spear at midfield, a tradition I personally love although not a big FSU fan, or allow the Fighting Irish keep their nicknames but goes after North Dakota? Could it be $$$$ FSU and ND generate on an annual basis for the NCAA give them a little advantage over the North Dakotas and Arkansas States of the world?
  25. And the NCAA is a hypocritical SOB with their choices of who can and can't have this type of mascot.
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