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Everything posted by UNTLifer

  1. Other than having "people tell me when they experimented with steriods...." what are your references or your educational background to support your views?
  2. Well, I guess Barry Sanders was overrated also. Who knew?
  3. Well, I guess Barry Sanders was overrated also. Who knew?
  4. If last year is any indication of opening up the playbook, then we need to either close it or go to the library and check out another copy.
  5. Would they consider having Carlson add some weight and moving him to Tackle?
  6. That video has been out for two years.
  7. I just asked because, like FFR, I find it interesting that Landis had elevated testosterone levels, whether real or synthetic, in his system one day and then didn't the next. That doesn't add up. All Landis said was that he would prove he is innocent. Guess we ought to give him that chance. Bonds is a sad individual.
  8. The best move would be to get rid of Showalter. As stated earlier in this thread, he plays his favorites, Barajas, over more deserving players, Laird and has never develop young players very well.
  9. Leave it to this board to criticize someone for leaving somebody off of their list.
  10. Not allowing sign in. Either the league # or password is wrong.
  11. FFR, you can't list Major League and not have Bull Durham on your list. And, yes, Used Cars is a classic.
  12. Denton Co Hamburger TC's Catfish Luigi's Ranchman's in Ponder
  13. Any thoughts of trying Stickler at TE?
  14. Hotshots Christmas Vacation Fletch Honorable Mention: Blazing Saddles, Vacation, Young Frankenstein, Naked Gun movies, Airplane One with great dialogue is "Nobody's Fool" with Paul Newman.
  15. Well, the thread regarding the Kickoff Cookout has taken a turn towards beer talk, so I though I would start a thread regarding everyone's favorite beer since this tends to be the tailgating beverage of choice. What are your favorite beers? Light Beers? *Disclaimer* This thread in no way is intended to promote underage drinking. I can't guarantee that emmitt won't show up and arrest those under the age of 21 that respond to this poll, so post you choice carefully. Then again, it appears that emmitt has his hands full trying to figure out the nuances of dishwashing and how it relates to married life. My favorites: Shiner Black and Tans Free and Cold
  16. Yes, but is it legal in the eyes of the NCAA or does this equate to giving free benefits?
  17. I never said he should play for free, but in the era of the salary cap they, the NFL, should institute a cap for rookies. All I am saying is that these players should have to prove themselves prior to making un-Godly amounts of money. My college degree didn't get me a job that pays at the top of the pay scale in my chosen profession and neither should their's in my opinion.
  18. I never earned a promotion or a pay raise based off of what I did in college. I earned a degree in college that allowed me to take an entry level position with entry level pay. My work since then, in my professional life, has allowed me to earn promotions and pay raises. The same should be true for professional athletes. They are all over paid coming out of college without ever proving themselves professionally. Remember Tony Mandarich, Rod Hill or Billy Cannon Jr.? All 1st round busts that got paid based off of their success in college that never translated to the pro game.
  19. Please tell me how he has "earned every cent they are going to pay him" when he has yet to take a snap in a pro game?
  20. I also just heard on ESPN News that his levels of epitestosterone were abnormally low and his testosterone levels were normal. Coach, Bonds is a totally different story. Compare apples to apples.
  21. Why do I keep reading that Jamario is injury prone? He leads the nation in rushing, 275 for 1872 yards, as a freshman and then pulls a hamstring as a sophmore, never fully recovers, but how much was he really going to contribute with it being PC's senior year? One nagging hamstring injury does not make one injury prone.
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