My father was a coach, so I know this is part of the profession, but I wish Coach Dickey the best and thank him for the conference championships and the trips to New Orleans. He has enough coaching connections that I am sure he will end up on someone's staff and do a great job. Regarding the program, this had to happen to prove that the university is committed to moving this program forward. The Green Team, while a neat distraction, was an embarrassment. Don't expect a sudden announcement as to who will be replacing DD. North Texas probably won't be able to talk to anyone until the seasons are wrapped up, unless a university gives NT permission. I don't see this happening as it would be disruptive to the other teams. My hope is that RV is given the freedom to perform and extensive search for the best candidate. What I'd like to see: * Connection to the high school coaches in TX and OK to improve recruiting. * An innovative offensive system. * A contagious, upbeat personality that sells the program to the students, faculty and staff, alumni and Denton community. * A proven winner. * A coach that holds his players accountable. What I'd really like to witness: PMG performing his total revision to the KSU/BOR manifesto.