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Everything posted by UNTLifer

  1. True, but that also served as the "whipping boy" for two of the Cowboys' Super Bowl wins. They are the Minnesota Vikings of the AFC.
  2. I prefer green helmets, but I do like the new white ones. The only thing that would make them better would be putting SOW on the side and not NORTH TEXAS. I also agree that kelly green helmets probably wouldn't look that good.
  3. The coach was Mike Coolbaugh that played his college ball at UT. Very sad.
  4. How does this theory play out when your opponent is wearing a white helmet?
  5. So you don't think Coach Dodge is a man of character? Your comments say no. I think he is and will play the best player he has. Vizza and Tune aren't going anywhere.
  6. Please explain Darfur. That's just plain ignorant. Sorry, but their goals and mean of achieving them are a reflection of their religious views.
  7. Now that's a good one. But Quoner's reply was better.
  8. Maybe he was in the wrong place at the wrong time, but quite a few Sooners used that excuse in the past.
  9. What jimmyjames_99 and UNTFlyer said.
  10. GEO is correct and I apologize with the "wrinkled $100 remark."
  11. Looks like she was cheering to the normal SMU crowd.
  12. I remember doing the same, but I don't agree with the assessment that the current student crowds are poor. I think there is more support now than ever before.
  13. I predict thread lock down shortly, but I had to respond. 1. How is the death penalty being overused? If you don't agree with the death penalty say so, but don't criticize using it. People are put on death row for a reason. I rather use it than pay for some of these folks to sit there forever on the state's dime. 2. TXU: absolutely. Can't figure out why he hasn't been called on the carpet for these issues. 3. His pastor stated this and he agreed. I don't think he hid the fact that he was a Christian when he ran, did he? The Jewish, Muslim, agnostic, etc... constiuency knew this when he was elected.
  14. If they would do it like the UT hat with our green where the burnt orange is, black in the same spot and the interlocked NT. The gray is bad.
  15. Now you are coming around. Bring back the candy apple green of the flying worm days.
  16. Wrinkled $100 meet Mr. Adler. Rude? Not sure if that is the right word. It takes effort on both sides, organizers and attendees, to make these events happen. It's kind of like 3:00pm kickoffs, just plan ahead.
  17. Who was Terry Don Parks?
  18. Wish it was all green or all white with just the starred NT on it, and just SOW on the back of the hat near the bottom.
  19. I believe he took a position of Presbytarian Hospital-Denton.
  20. I hope Barrett sticks, because Barrett and Brigham have the potential to be unbelievable. Then again, this may protect us in the event Barrett decides to go elsewhere.
  21. Ahhh, North Main BBQ. Nothing better than all-you-can-eat on a Friday night. Just remember to bring your own adult beverages. Care to share that steak recipe?
  22. I'll buy this thought with night games, but when Hawaii leads the NCAA in passing yardage the green helmet against green grass arguement loses traction.
  23. Putting pressure on RV isn't going to solve the problem. Putting money in the athelic department, however, will speed up the process.
  24. Did you ever play? These are given for both individual and team acheivements.
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