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Everything posted by UNTLifer

  1. I bitch and moan about a FB coach that doesn't prepare his team, his words, not mine, runs and antiquated offense that continually ranks at the bottom of D1, is not competitive against teams we should be competitive against, Akron, Tulsa, La Tech, etc..., has bad mouthed the fans in the past, doesn't hold his coaches or players accountable for their actions and has garnered contract extensions while beating up on the sisters of the poor. Facilities have improved, but I expect more from the 3rd/4th largest university in Texas.
  2. He spent all off-season prepping for SMUt and the last two games prepping for SBC play. He just can't gameplan week to week. This is beyond embarrassing.
  3. Not that I believe it, but we would go 8-4. Don't forget, we get La. Tech in Denton later in the year, and you know how well DD prepares for OOC games. The sad thing is that after the SMU win in front of a decent crowd, DD had the opportunity to build support. Now everyone is pissed and many won't return. Thanks DD.
  4. It's not that our coaches want to lose a game, they just are afraid to try and win one. DD must go!
  5. I turned on the game, we were down by 20+ and I immediately turned it off. The above quotes are why DD should be gone. He never has the team ready to play, and this has been going on for 9 years. One great recruiting class resulted in a few good years. DD can't get it done.
  6. From the DRC Chat: And this from Vito in the same chat:
  7. Please do. We all love a good train wreck.
  8. Thank you. I seem to recall Troy having some good OOC showings a couple of years ago, they rolled into Denton and got shut out.
  9. Not a problem, an opportunity. They will be investing in the future, a future that will include a new stadium that they can enjoy for years and take pride in knowing they help build it.
  10. Fouts can't be lowered due to the water table, or something of that nature. Plus, with the proposed expansion of I35 in the near future, renovating Fouts is not the answer. Mumme was at Kentucky and ran afoul of the NCAA due to recruiting violations. He ended up at SE Louisiana prior to NMSU, plus his system has never been an established success. My replacement would be someone with strong ties to the Texas HS football coaches, someone that runs an exciting system and someone that is high energy that would sell the program.
  11. You seem to have some inside information, Joey selling drugs, etc..., that others don't. What your connection?
  12. That DD is the best coach in America?
  13. You are relatively new to the board and seem to have a bias against WW, or some insight into the program. Are you a player or a parent?
  14. That's just wrong, funny, but wrong
  15. Here's the Akron roster. Akron Website
  16. Truer words were never spoken. e-bone, this sums up my feelings exactly, and I'm sure many others feel the same way. I thought DD had finally grown a set against SMUt, so the Tulsa mess just made me sick.
  17. Because it is at 2:00pm in the middle of the week. Why don't they do this in the evening?
  18. DD has done nothing to improve the gameday experience. 35,000 for the SMUt game? Not even close.
  19. I don't care who you, that right there is funny.
  20. Thanks, but the zone read is not our problem. DD has threatened to open up the playbook for the last two years, and then we get into the season and he has to "water down" the gameplan because nothing is working. Sorry, but this isn't a new system problem, this is a teacher problem. FFR's thread says it all. DD is too hard-headed for his own good. Let SMUt have him. This 9 year experiment is failing.
  21. I read it all the time, and have given up on your posts. PMG, I love your passion, but man you foot has got to hurt from kicking the dead horse.
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