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Everything posted by UNTLifer

  1. I thought I read that somewhere today, maybe off meangreensports.com. Was there any mention tonight of who they may be targeting or what position?
  2. Also noticed DaWaylan Cook in the first photo. I wondered if that was Hawthorne to Mathis' right in the picture and they gave him an old dark green hat.
  3. Love reading this and never thought I'd see the day that I would.
  4. I heard he preferred wild women over smoking pot.
  5. Because he is a crazy MoFo and a team cancer.
  6. Hollivay is now signed. That leaves Franklin, Hill and Horton.
  7. Holivay is signed, sealed and delivered! Now we just need Franklin, Hill and Horton.
  8. Darien Williams has signed. That leaves: Franklin Horton Holivay Hill
  9. He's obviously just a smart young man.
  10. I just think he has a huge upside. Don't know why, because I've never seen him play, but I just have a hunch.
  11. Anyone else nervous about Franklin and Hill?
  12. Tevinn Cantly will be our biggest surprise once all is said and done.
  13. Rangers to name Nolan Ryan president February 6, 2008 DALLAS (TICKER) -- The Texas Rangers will name Nolan Ryan team president, the Dallas Morning News reported on its web site Wednesday. The Rangers have a news conference scheduled for 3 p.m. local time to make a "major" announcement.
  14. Thank goodness I've got the PD following me around this morning. Thanks for the catch Emmitt.
  15. Yes, and Stockstill appears to be a much better coach than that pajama wearing Andy Mac.
  16. No, TFLF stated: That sounds to me like he doesn't think Riley would get on the field if Todd wasn't the coach. I know he was comparing UT's situation to our's, but it still sounds like he didn't think Riley would see the field much if it wasn't for his dad.
  17. No to Kidd and definitely no to Artest.
  18. Glad to see one of the big fellas from Mississippi is now officially signed!
  19. I'd heard that also, but I thought teams were limited to signing 25 per year. I know other teams have signed more in the past, but am not clear on this. Can anyone shed some light on this?
  20. Don't sell Riley short. Sure, he'll see the field much sooner at NT than UT, but it won't be because of his father.
  21. Do we even have a scholarship still available for him?
  22. Like seeing Leppo's weight is up to 285lbs. and Barrett won the 200 meters last year at 6'4" and 190lbs.!
  23. In a classic Chris Farley voice.
  24. Very nice. I thought that as I typed my post above but thought it would be lost on most.
  25. All the BcS schools with auto tie-ins to the big bowls should shut up and just pocket their cash or give everyone equal access.
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