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Everything posted by UNTLifer

  1. I know what you are saying, but many that should be blamed are either no longer associated with NT or are no longer on this earth.
  2. I dont' get why everyone is bent out of shape at nautique. He's just posting what he knows and respecting the wishes of those that are providing him the "inside" early information.
  3. Politics; it's not the world's oldest profession, but the results are the same.
  4. I'd hate to see a hurricane get a hold of that.
  5. Does it really matter? They don't even provide a link to see who is leading. BTW, East Carolina's Pirate has to be gay, not that there is anything wrong with that.
  6. Here's the DRC article. Very nice win. DRC.com
  7. Thanks for the news, but what privacy are you protecting? His name will be in the paper in a few days anyway, if you are correct. He plays for a major D1 program. Having your injury reported and getting your name in the paper is part of the deal.
  8. Be more specific when asking your questions. Magic 8 Ball
  9. I saw this on the news in Houston. I'm just waiting for folks to complain that he shouldn't have shot the two low lifes. The only sad part to the story is when he explains that he shot his picture of John Wayne.
  10. Pick The Team That Doesn't Fit
  11. She's getting an assistant? And, yes, I think I would wear green daily, not only to events.
  12. I'm assuming Mandy either left or is being replaced. What would I do? Treat everyone that is in the Mean Green Club like royalty and get involved in the community of Denton. Those would be my first two steps. Then, I would create a student membership and start attracting future Mean Green Club members now. I would also work with the university's marketing and management departments to secure interns to assist throughout the year. Again, first and foremost, I would pick up the phone and call every member of the MGC and stress their importance to athletics and get them involved.
  13. UNT.edu Well, the link didn't work. Go to "Search Jobs" and enter Athletics in your search criteria. It should be the first job listed of two.
  14. Take the SOW off of the bill of the white hat, and you've got a good looking hat.
  15. I wonder the same. Information of Injuries
  16. I'll take the "bookends" please.
  17. I think emmitt meant that we don't play well away from the Pit. They may be on a nuetral court, but we have to travel down the road to get there and that's not good for this team.
  18. I don't think I called anyone names, plus you keep stating that you like college and high school baseball, but not professional. Aren't we talking about NT baseball? Also, I'm well aware that there is more to the soccer world than Beckham and the Spice Girl, and yes he might have had a good left foot, but I haven't seen it in a while. Seems to me his "ankle" is always injured allowing him to collect a check but not play.
  19. Agree with everything stated here, but this doesn't really surprise me. The Dolphins will be made with the Parcell's blueprint and "undersized" LB's aren't part of that plan.
  20. He needed a body to match is ego....over-inflated.
  21. The off-season is officially in full swing.
  22. I paid a lot of fees at NT that I never got to vote on.
  23. Nice work by Rivals since Deloach was gone for more than one year.
  24. Seems to me, that after all the name calling, etc... that nautique was right.
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