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cwb last won the day on April 7 2012

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  1. i heart 6
  2. I changed shirts at halftime. You're welcome
  3. Should we do a wellness check on KingDL1?
  4. ******* Benny Hill chase scene out there
  6. The NIT championship is being held up for a ****ing dunk contest??????
  7. I remember there being a wind sock in the 80's for helicopter landings out back. I think. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
  8. So did she just skip Miss World and Miss Solar System pageants?
  9. the only two FBS teams playing to defend their conference title are the No. 2-ranked Michigan Wolverines, the No. 11 Utah Utes, and the Roadrunners of UTSA.
  10. Read it with a British dialect.
  11. Littrell has said that he'll never pass on the chance to add a talented quarterback. They're just too hard to fine. Freud is smiling.
  12. When I was in middle school, corporal punishment was allowed (70's). We had 4 or 5 guys who would compete to see who could get the most "licks" in the school year. Don't really remember if there was a trophy or anything. Anyway, are you folks having a competition to see who can get the most threads locked down? Is a prize awarded? Will there be a fantasy draft for those not competing to choose their favorite?
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